Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] More Weapons Types/Skins! *Updated

Why would it reduce the choices?
The example of the two-handed spears is limited to the cataphract class. It doesn’t change a thing.

The weapons proposed in this topic are mainly melee weapons, at 80% for swordie classes. The only difficulty will be to add different kind for every type of weapon.
Even for the 20 other percents, the battle priest with a mace is different than a support priest with a book… The same goes for battle wizards, monks, pallys, etc…

true word ever spoken but people never want to read you, i do hope people that suggest can give pros and cons and not just because its fun.

@Arukado suggesting those kind more weapon type wont bring more player ( the 100 different kind of same weapon). i never heard people will play the games bec those kind of weapon type exist. all i know is there people like gun/rifle/cannon/dual bow/twin sword or sabre. this kind of weapon type will bring players. i never heard people said OMG THERE NAGINATA IN THIS I LIKE IT. how i know? let say from past MMO games that i listen my guild members and friends keep saying

You see that pointed tip? Halberds are meant to stab as much as chop. I’m not gonna get into the specifics of weapon usage here, but just pointing that out.

You’re overlooking the myriad of different weapon types already present in various weapon categories. For example, just in the one-handed sword category:

  • Cinquedea
  • Sabre
  • Shamshir
  • Scimitar
  • Falchion
  • Gladius
  • Kris
  • Spatha

These weapons all have different origins and are used differently, but are categorized as the same in-game because they’re all one-handed swords. They all use the same animations and are otherwise functionally identical. Of course a nodachi isn’t used the same way a flamberge is, but the distinction isn’t made in the game or by the devs.

I don’t think spears should be a magical exception to this. A naginata or halberd could easily fit into the two-handed spear category without much a problem. Unless there’s a class that focuses on a very specific kind of weapon, I don’t think these should be unique weapon classes.

@thebloodyaugust also makes some good points regarding damage types, which I also expressed in my previous post.

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Some classes get access to additional damage types like cataphract and hopilite where others get things that strengthen there current type such as 2 handed specialization for highlander. Making various damage types in one weapon group like the example used before spears with pierce or slashing you create a bias towards classes that have damage increases as passives rather then weapon types as passives. This kinda change would force a re balance of all those classes. Hence its not viable.

I was talking about more weapon types (to bring more players), I meant books, machine guns… Weapon types which are not already in ToS (or not yet revealed). Not the different kinds (guandao, yari, naginata…).
I may have misspoken, sorry…

It’s getting a bit off-topic, but if you’re responding to me, you have a point there. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something widespread. Having a damage type altering effect on a weapon here and there wouldn’t break the game’s balance and would just serve to make the weapon choice interesting. Here are some examples of interesting weapons already in the game:

The game’s itemization already has so much potential. It’d be a waste to throw away the opportunity to create some truly interesting and quirky weapons.

@Arukado I see what you mean now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Edited my post.

True here and there isn’t bad but the idea of putting every damage type in every weapon class i am strongly opposed to.

And the viability of the topic is technically on topic.

The only reason I didnt made a Halberd yet its coz theres some ingame already. You can use Trident Spears, Two-handed maces and Halberds with the Cataphract class. But thanks, Ill see what Ill do :smiley:

After thinking a little about the skins stuff and seeing how the Cataphract class works, I think you were right. Some of them could be considered “skins” instead of being new “types” of weapons.

I was hope the Scythe blade would be much bigger and ticker.

:open_mouth: The legendary weapon of the greatest Mexican super hero!!!

We don’t need more weapons if we have this one


Well, it depends on the weapon I think. About that illustration, I just used some images I found on google as references. They exist in any size and shape. :smiley:

The two-hand sword “Hell and Heaven”…
I suggest to the Translation Team to swap the two words… #iloveblacksabbath :stuck_out_tongue:

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Getting even better. Thanks for the effords Kuja. Some of them are really looking good.
Imagine them after all the new textures and professional models. Looking towards this.

i agree with

Battle Axe


Fist Weapons and Battle Gauntlets/Combat Knuckles


but the other one can become visual weapon and use the same type as the old one


2H Sword


2h Spear





You want diversity, yet half of your proposals are japanese and/or anime based. Plenty of us like not seeing the same weapons on every single game. So yeah, I don’t like most of your proposals, especially anything “dual-wield” (except dual-wielding Shields, that would be so silly it would be instant “YES!” from me).
The european weapons are OK I guess, they are nothing new but at least they fit the game. Kukri and Kris are a definite yes from me though!.

Bottom line: I’d rather have originality over diversity.

You want originality? Schwarzer Reiters with dual tasers & blowguns for other archer classes :slight_smile:

I dont even watch anime. Im mostly using D&D and some games as reference. Dual wielding shields? Really? :joy:

Edit: And you seem to forget we are talking about a korean game after all.

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I agree with Kuja, sorry. I’m using a guide in pt-br called : “guia de armas medievais 3.5” which is for d20 system medieval weapons.
I think you are the one who watch a lot of japanese stuff.
Also, he has over 20 likes on the topic, so many are supporting this.

If you haven’t seen a Dark Souls double Shield run, I don’t know what to say to you. Dual Shield is love. Dual Shield is life.