Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] More Weapons Types/Skins! *Updated

Nope im not part of IMC. I was just thinking from a financial perspective in that last post seems hard to allocated a lot of resources without a return. Mind you if the game wasn’t this far developed it would be easier to satisfy people that want this stuff. Like a lot of people want knuckles for monk that would have been easier to address before monk was already functional in the game. ( this one might actually be the most viable suggestion as most monk skills don’t use the mace)

Part of the problem is more weapons would effect the core of the game which is supposed to be F2P so with more work they would have to expect a bigger return on there cash shop.

I am not opposed to adding new weapons entirely i don’t think IMC would be either but at the end of the day they are a business so it needs to make sense to do so. This is why i said the unreleased classes are still possibilities for new weapon support.

Long story short i feel like any suggestions like these have better chances of being adopted if a reasonable way to implement it is suggested where so far this forum has mostly been a wishlist rather then a suggestion.

That’s in your opinion my friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but I do see where your coming from but lets see what happens :smile:

… BTW why do you respond this to me?
I know this game isn’t finished, close to the end though.

And I’d like to see more types of weapons, like you. It has to be nicely done: adding skills specificaly made for these weapons (maybe coming with new classes), perhaps giving us a “new” gameplay style, offering a real value to the game, differents ranges…

The game is still in dev yep, so maybe things will be improved in this way :wink:

I forgot where imc mentioned “close to the end”.
If there was a Open Beta i would agree. But, theres none.
The way the game is right now, its just a generic mmohut game.

Back to the topic:
If none have weapon ideas why reply to the topic ?
Lets concentrate our efforts towards better weapons and variety.

Because if you want more weapon types application is important. :wink:

shield: giant shield is just a shield but big. and spike shield just a shield with built in reflect damage. if want to make it special then there will be tons of shield ( refer to shield hero manga/novel)

Swords: any one hand sword is just a 1 hand sword

2hand swords : giant sword is just 2 hand sword which certain swordman tree class use. big/small as long it 2 hand then it 2hand sword

spear: someone write about this
2 hand spear: someone write about this

Mace: heavy flail/flail is mace category

shuriken/kunai : just projectile weapon. let npc sell or craft it like Fletcher

the one that i like and may possible add as new class weapon are battle staff/pole and whip sword/blade

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I know those are just suggestions :smiley: , but I would like to use some of these weapons ingame!

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Maybe only some differences in damage type changing from pierce to slash (Naginata)

I was thinking of a hand scythe as a weapon for rouge/assassin/ninja .
They are cool and a real-life weapon.
(these are just random google images to ilustrate the suggestion)

(i know this is from the vampire book, but imagine you reaping enemies with a scythe, thats just exciting)

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New Weapon Skins gonna be nice…thats what i would vote for xD I wanna swing my big lollipop as a wizard - uhm ya…
if ya looking for tons of diff weapon/styles just google for dynasty warrior 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 tons of diff weapons there

As i said before, their use might be different in real life, but for game dev purposes they are the same kind of weapon.

Since ToS have this attack type modifier, you can set variants for different spears, but this don’t change the fact that Naginata is still a spear.

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It should feel awesome to get a new epic weapon. Adding a sick sprite to the character when he equips it is one of the things that lacked in RO and it’s one of the things WoW does great!

First off, that’s a nice amount of effort you’ve put into displaying your ideas. Props on that.

However, as other people in this thread have already said, some of these weapons are a little too similar to warrant being an entire weapon class on their own. For example, the guandao, yari, and naginata are all basically two-handed spears that can easily fit into the current library of two-handed spear weapons.

If you look at this, you’ll notice that some of these are actually polearms. There’s a lot of wiggle room for weapon diversity within a single class of weapons. The two-handed sword category shows even more diversity. Hell, there’s even a nodachi in there.

Personally, I also feel like some of these weapons are too gaudy to fit the style of Tree of Savior. The dual glaive is silly and the whip sword is too out there to fit in with the tone we have so far. I’d love a whip sword, but it wouldn’t really fit any class or mesh well with the rest of the weapons.

Then there’s the fact that some of these weapons aren’t functionally different enough either. Like the battle axe still basically being a two-handed slashing weapon, which is already represented in the two-handed sword we have. (It’s a shame we don’t have a battle axe, but really, it’d feel like a filler weapon class.) I could go on about things like fist weapons and monks, but I think I’ve made my point. The systems to support a weapon need to be there before the weapon itself.


Damnnn @Kuja_ you got 20 likes and still going lol :+1:

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I still don’t know why you’re responding to me (instead of everyone)…
Almost everyone here agrees with the idea to add some weapons.

Many ideas were give btw. The list can be pretty long if you add tonfas, fists/cestus, scythes, machineguns, grenade-launchers, throwing weapons, warhammers, axes, daggers, etc…

Not so much anymore, but that’s the purpose.
ToS musn’t be a generic game like many mmo… It must keep its own identity :wink:

Thats why people call it spiritual sucessor to RO, compares it to RO, the art looks like RO, aside from the combat.

Back to the topic.

Even tho they are all polearms, they way to use them is slighty diferent :
A spear can SLASH/STAB(or pierce) to hit horse or cripple them while a halberd can only slash (but more efficiently due to its weight and size) made to hit over the swordmen hitting the archers or reserves behind.
A naginata is basicaly a polearm sword to hit cavarly. A staff is a very fast and close combat weapon commonly used by monks giving them a small control of a fighting group.
So indeed they are all poled weapons, but they are very unique in purpose and sizes, weights and so to say “classes”.

Suggesting more weapons types would make the gameplay even better. Instead of every lvl 255(for ie.) desiring a “evil celestial sword from hell of good +10” and a shield +10 or just a 2h +10 as a core to that level, you would see many warriors of the same level, but with very unique equipments not only builds so to say. Like from 10 warriors of that same level each had a unique weapon build; ie:
Shield + 1h spear
Hand scythe + flail
2h sweihander (tanky dps)
Halberd (charge + burst)
Naginata (dodge dps)

Imagine all that. (yes i’m dreaming)

What i’m trying to say is, that the game is OK with many “class builds”, but with that in mind, people don’t care about equips as it should be. You will equip what is best for your lvl, and stick to that “class build” and that is it. Which is pretty “meh”.

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No it does not. The game play remains the same and the damage types 2 all your doing is changing appearance and animations with different weapons. It doesn’t change the game play with the exception of one will happen to have the highest stats and everyone will use it because its the best. Hence you’ll all have the same weapon anyway.


i think someone play too much dynasty warrior games. that kind of different kind of polearm/spear/javelin/etc etc very very not suit in this kind of game.
also suggesting more weapon from same weapon category WONT make the game better. it just break the games. from to make adjustment to rebalance the whole game to players abuse the weapon
remember this also will break apart the community bec some players do not have/cant afford those kind of weapon which someone keep saying about ’ do not break the community’. not everyone is hardcore players to grind all those kind of weapon just to join a dungeon. dont agree with me in this? check out ffxi

and i agree with @thebloodyaugust . give all kind of weapon and everyone still get those all those all kind of weapon but strongest stat. which that lorde guy actually want more to weapon costume.

let those spear/lance/pike/javelin put in same category as spear (same as other weapon too)

Suggesting more weapons types is still a good idea. It can bring more players.

Let’s take HSGHHH’s example: the guandao, the yari, the naginata, etc… Okay, they are two-handed spears.
Like that, many kind of the same basic type of weapon is pretty useless.
But like lorde_viana’s explanation, it may become useful if each kind has its own “hit style”: the guandao may have a slashing bonus, while the yari has a stabbing bonus.
The gameplay won’t change at all, but the difference can be pretty obvious during the fights, depending i.e. on the monsters’ DEF.

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What your suggesting is removing the penalty of class selection. Different classes have access to diff damage types for a reason. This suggestion would reduce the choices in the class system which is one of the major appeals of the game.

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