Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] More Weapons Types/Skins! *Updated

BUT DUDE ! The game is still in dev ! Dev means they are not finished, ideas given should be listened.
If the game was already finished for years like WOW or RO, OK, they wont add new content. But man, the game had its first icbt.

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In games like these weapons are generally added with classes they correspond with so unless its part of one of the classes they have already settled on donā€™t get your hopes up.

@Kuja_ Iā€™m starting to see the same kind of weapon listed as if they were different. For instance:

Guan Dao, Chidori J. Yari, Naginata, Knightā€™s Lance are all Spears. They only differ in real life, for game dev purposes they are the same kind of weapon with different shapes.

In real life people didnā€™t use these weapons in the same way, i know that, but this is a game, they wonā€™t create different animations for the same kind of weapon, spears are spears.

I agree with you Viana :stuck_out_tongue:.

Nothing is set in stone my friend so hopes can be high as the sky if people want it to be :yum:.

Problem is a lot of peoples hopes are pointing this towards a more generic product and further away from the unique stylized game that it is. All i can do is hope IMC is confident in the game and ignores a lot of these posts.

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Tell meā€¦ how wanting more weapons variants in the game is something that towards to a generic product? if you have nothing constructive to say, how about not saying anything at all? Its the third time you make a stupid comment in this thread. You must like to act like a ā– ā– ā– ā– .

The point is unless these weapons are associated with a class they serve little to no purpose in the game if youā€™ve played it that should be obvious. And yes putting in things that serves no purpose is adding to making it more generic because at that point your only reason is we should do it because everyone else is doing it.

And literally my only stupid comment in this thread was my first one and your wow fanboy glaives deserved that.

Do you seriously think that diversity has no purpose at all? You have no point.
Somehow you think I ā€œdeservedā€ that stupid comment of yours. Why? Coz you dont like WoW? So no one else can like it right? Youre either a child or someone very, very ignorant. Everything I wronte on the thread was based on my personal preferences, if you dont like it, Im fine with it. Iā€™ll survive. But being a pointless ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  in here is beyond understanding. How about not clicking in the reply button in this thread anymore? Thanks.

Ill raise another point a guy brought up earlier in here this thread. Like 12 spears with different names have been brought up but they are just that all spears. Unless there cash shop skins for spears that contribute to supporting the servers there is no purpose in adding 100 different spears. You NEED a reason for these weapons to be added other then i want them if you want merit to your suggestion thatā€™s why i have said they need a associated class or to be skins.

I love those ideas! Really shame that our 80 different classes rely only on 4 type of weapons.

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Technically that WoW weapon considered to be ā€œGlaivesā€ are not even Glaives.

Given that the Glaive is a european polearm weapon with a single edged blade on the end. The Japanese Naginata is similar. Glaive is just one of those weapon type names that gets misused a ton in fantasy works.

Which is what ToS would reference.

We have more then 4 weapons:
2H Swords
2h Spear

unless you mean the damage types those weapons fall under?


Dude let him type whatever he wants itā€™s his opinion which I disagree on but he still has the right to express it no matter if it against or with this topic.

No need to get personal man he just said his opinion just like how you did but no need to call people names over a video game cmon man.OK you disagree with his post and he disagree with yours,but guess what I 100% disagree with him but I donā€™t need to call him names.

You both can argue till year 2030 I donā€™t mind but please respect each other while doing it.


You sure hasnt read all of his comments.

Fair enough you disagree with me but do you really think IMC would allocate the resources to add these weapons that would require sprites and new animations for any skill that would support them for nothing. I think they would need a more worthwhile reason then i want to look different.

Dunno whatā€™s in IMC mind but if they feel that it should be in the game because it makes sense to them and a lot of people wants then it will be in the game eventually.Just because a lot off people agree with a post or disagree with the post doesnā€™t mean that IMC will or will not implement it.

It all comes down to them at the end so you or anyone body can point out their personal argues but the reality is that your not part of IMC so you canā€™t know for sure whats going to happen.Unless if your working with IMC and you got some proof about contents that are going to make or not then thatā€™s a different story.

I did read all his comments but I donā€™t see where he insulted you on a personal level?

ā€œplease get your world of warcraft outta my faceā€ isnā€™t an insultā€¦ -_- but I can see how it would provoke you. I still flagged in case,like how I flag yours.

On the other hand,I love your ideas and you should continue to focus on the positive because so far many people likes it and agree with you.So what a few people disagree with you.just focus on getting your point across to people are interesting and try to make this thread less toxic even if people provokes you or troll you.

I would love to see what else you can come with :stuck_out_tongue: