Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion for Base Stats

Suggestion for Base Stats:

AWE - Awareness (new base stats, you can call Will or something else)
AAttk - Increase Auto Attack Damage
EAttk - Increase Elemental Attack Damage
EDef - Reduce Elemental Attack Damage

PAttk (STR) -> PDef (CON)
MAttk (INT) -> MDef (SPR)
EAttk (SPR) -> EDef (AGI)
AAttk (AGI) -> PDef (CON)/MDef (SPR)

By Chance:
Accuracy (AWE) -> Dodge (AGI)
BlockPen (AWE) -> Block (SPR) <- Change this to magic only
Critical (AGI) -> CritResist (AWE)
PCC (STR) -> PCCResist (AWE)
MCC (INT) -> MCCResist (AWE)

PCritDamage (STR)
MAmp (INT)
HP recovery (CON)
MP recovery (AWE)

Explain on Stats:
STR - Increase physical damage and physical CC chance
INT - Increase magical damage and magical CC chance
CON - Focus on physical defense and overall HP
AGI - Focus on auto attack and critical attack
AWE - Focus on accuracy and block penetration (consistent attack), defend all resists.
SPR - Focus on elemental damage and magical defense


After some thought, I think CC should separate from damage stats. Changing CC to defensive stats
PCC (CON) -> PCCResist (AWE)
MCC (SPR) -> MCCResist (AWE)

PAttk (STR) -> PDef (CON)
MAttk (INT) -> MDef (SPR)
EAttk (SPR) -> EDef (AGI)
AAttk (AGI) -> PDef (CON)/MDef (SPR)

By Chance:
Accuracy (AWE) -> Dodge (AGI)
BlockPen (AWE) -> Block (SPR) <- Change this to magic only
Critical (AGI) -> CritResist (AWE)
PCC (CON) -> PCCResist (AWE)
MCC (SPR) -> MCCResist (AWE)

PCritDamage (STR)
MAmp (INT)
HP recovery (CON)
MP recovery (AWE)

Its way too late to make any major changes to Stats, if they did, they would have to rebalance the whole game

They can’t balance the game because the stats is not balance. They relied on skill base stats, but it won’t scale, and become useless after few ranks.

If they want unlimited leveling, they probably need to redo the base stats (or remove the base stats), otherwise, they can’t balance 80 classes (they can only balance 8 classes), ie. the game only has 8 classes + hidden, not what they promoted as 80 classes.

Yea and if you have read all the Q&As and listened to the interviews they wanted the early classes to not matter end game so “players could make mistakes” and not have it ruin their experience.

Not saying i agree with that, but it was their plan.

The early classes refer to 1 - 4, so what about 5 - 7? Or what happen when they add more classes. They don’t scale with stats, which means they don’t scale with level.

By the way, I listend to the Q&As, and you can read my previous posts dating back on those responses.

all skills scale with stats, not sure what you’re on about, its just that their base damage / multihit isnt as good as higher ranks, so they become pretty much obsolete, but they are still used between cooldowns

As you mentioned it is due to their base damage / multi hit isn’t as good, which clearly something that they cannot scale with (your skill level does not increase after C3), ie. damage should not base on skill base damage as it won’t scale.

What I see from your perspective is you only looked at the current balance, but once you get few ten levels after the skill base damage given, the damage goes down slowly. For example, you take a C3 skill to max and it gives + 1500 damage. After 200 levels, do you still think that skill would be valuable when a C1 skill gives min 1000 damage? Add C2 to it, it will be greater than the C3 skill.

I am not surprised at end game, we are only choosing the highest rank classes, which limited the choice.

well… they could redo stat balancing before releasing it to iobt…
there definitely is something lacking in stats…
it could be the fact that int has no additional benefits to my knowledge
or that spr doesnt help much and doesnt scale as much as int/str
5 stats is enough, dont complicate.
but they should be more creative with scaling and not scaling on skills

I think they can implement passive +percentage to skills when skill’s lvl up:

Before -> Smite Lvl1 385 + (1xSTR) dmg — Smite Lvl15 1771 + (1xSTR) dmg
After —> Smite Lvl1 385 + (1xSTR) dmg — Smite Lvl15 1771 + (2,4xSTR) dmg

+0.1 STR scale per Lvl up… Every skill will get this if its scale someone of stats (Spr,Int,Spr,Str,Dex or Con)

With this formula if Dex’s crit rate is getting poor against Str’s benefit, Dex’s crit rate can be tweek like +%20-50 more crit rate

This way in pvp; full Con wizard idea is not attractive like before

The reason to have another stats to counter it. Instead of having the same stats to counter itself, I wish different stats interact with each other to make the stats system more involved (no single stats will dominate). Many people believe having Accuracy (AGI) -> Dodge (AGI) is a problem, which I agree with it.

That’s quite sad to know, since it takes away the incredible depth that this system could have (if only they’d stuck wth percentual skill damage…)

Yes, maybe that will help, but ideally, if they can ensure the stats system as the foundation with no diminish return (ie. pure one stats build), then it would work better. For example, if they can fix to have pure AGI, so that melee build can have pure STR or pure AGI, then this adds versatility into the game.

Right now, when you reached dodge and crit at 95%, you hit the diminish return of AGI (adding more will not make you better). This is why I added AAttk (AGI) -> PDef (CON)/MDef (SPR), so that the more you increase, you are still benefiting from additional auto-attack damage.

I guess there are pros and cons for perceptual skill damage (I assume that means percentage based).
The critical and critical resist are perceptual base, but since their goal is to have unlimited levels, this will either be difficult for:

  1. Entry level, as it requires stats distribution up to a point.
  2. Diminish return, as you may not find it rewarding spending more stats.

Let’s say you need 100 points in AGI to see more frequent crit (50%). Now you are at level 200, and you can allocate another 100 points to make it max crit. Would you further increase more at level 300 when you are already maxing it? If they change to max crit at 500 points, would a level 100 player find it not rewarding?

Therefore, it is good to have CritDamage given along in AGI, so you do not see the diminishing return. Leave some stats for non perceptual may balance better.

Yeah but crit has a cap, so at 100% crit there’s no benefit like you said. Damage doesn’t really have one.

I understand the current skill formula is 100% PATK/MATK + the Skill Effect. So a 300 atk swordie using Bash (say, 100 effect), would deal 400 damage minus the opp’s defense. Since the skill effect increases through rank, and the 100% base stays the same, the old skills steadily become useless.

I know that it’s too late to re-balance the game, but I would have preferred it if the early decisions mattered. That’s all I’m saying.

If, for example, Bash had a 120% atk on level 1, it’d stay relevant for way longer, and you could still make higher rank classes stronger by increasing the % on skills. R2 classes could hit for (average) 140% on a skill, then R3 for 160% and so on.

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in this game, tos, there is no 100% crit. btw

I think he refers to maxing the crit.