Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Trick and Trap

Server: Telsiai
Team name: HoshinoAoi
How does it feel? not only being betrayed, but you also fallen for my trap. Oh! on Halloween they usually say “trick or treat” right? Then, just for you, Trick and Trap. ufufufu.


Woaaaaaaaah thats awesome!!

i really liked it
the way you did the temple-shooter looks amazing
i have that same staff

Best picture submitted to the contest so far hands down.

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thats precisely what i see everytime i go to demon prison 2 -.-

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Trap, pls. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Reaaaally nice, good job!

In case you didnt notice the summoner is also a trap :smiley:

I’m jump everytime I see temple-shooter. I’m forgting you guys have skill to summon it xD

Good job, but why a tembleshooter :c ?

I’m collecting artwork to feature in my News of Savior 3 video.
According to this thread: For people that made artwork for the Halloween Contest

Would you mind having your entry on my video? :slight_smile:

[I have to copy paste this or I’ll die typing the same thing over and over. lol So I apologize in advance]]]]]]

Nicely done! very good coloring!

i love the way the sorceress to smile like that

I don’t mind it.
I’m looks forward to see your video. :grin: