Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Pumpkin Festival

  • Server: Orsha

  • Team Name: Chili

  • Description:
    Celebrate Halloween with Poata and the Tini bears as they help and guide you through the night of Pumpkin Festival! :peach:

Halloween is a really interesting theme, so I thought of including my favorite boss and mob in the artwork- which is Poata and Tini mobs, respectively. I think they fit the theme of Halloween very well.

I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed working on it~ Thanks for dropping by. Comments and violent reactions are appreciated~ :blush:

direct link in case the upload breaks:
updated! /still might upload a revision with better background before deadline~


yeah this is one of my favorites so far :purple_heart:

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PS sorry for the multiple edits @-@ I always find something else to adjust~

/o/ Will say it again, I love this one.

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I’m collecting artwork to feature in my News of Savior 4 video.
According to this thread: For people that made artwork for the Halloween Contest

Would you mind having your entry on my video? :slight_smile:

(I have to copy paste this or I’ll die typing the same thing over and over. lol So I apologize in advance))


Thank you, @Rabbit ! I’m grateful, this means a lot ; u ;

@Yamashio not at all! Feel free to use it for any non-commercial purpose

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Just adorable! Good luck on the competition!:blush:

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Such warm colours :smile:
And the tiny bears with their even tinier lamps are the cutest things I’ve seen so far :heart_eyes:

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@Dandu thanks so much > u < b

@Aventurin aye! I tried my best to make it look warm and vivid? ||orz
and I’m glad that you loved the little Tini bears ; w ; b

__ I love this so cute, I want to hug that poata too

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Waaa, I’m flattered and honored~ but I do feel that yours tops everything (in my heart) /gets slapped

; u ; b

Really cute and festive i like it !

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Thanks so much~ > u <

Goodluck to the both of us! :blush:

Hiya, let me know straight away, if you have not received the rewards for winning the fan art fest. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @STAFF_John ! I’ve received them, so you can cross me off the list~

Thanks so much~ ; u ;

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Congratz Chili! :sparkler: The background was just right like that hehe! :sparkling_heart:

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Congratz Chili \o/
Nice to see a small part of you once every loading screen.

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