Tree of Savior Forum

Stop that bullshi.t "Build of Kings" Cryo-Kino-RC

I’m talking to all one trick pony cryo/kino/rc out there.
I always facepalmed so hard whenever i met one in dungeon/grinding since they literally doing nothing.
You give up the best skills of Cryo & Kino on C3 (Frost Pillar, Gravity pole,…) just for what you called “INSANE DMG” you pull off once per minute on boss which is literally any cookies cutter builds can do in 1 minute. Not to mention just a slight touch from the boss could make your whole combo went down toilet.
Be it dungeon, grinding, soloing, pvp you literally suckass for any of them.
Believe me and reroll before too late. I don’t see any of them past lv250 on my main char but i’ve seen quite a few of them on my alt.

There are a few running maven abby with me

  • 1 to this, had 2 Cyro Kinos in level 100 missions today… 1 person DC and it took us forever to beat it lol

Well, I suspect most people that try to hype up that build don’t even play it, or even meet it regularly. Else they would have known that the shortcomings of that combination far outweigh the advantages unless you have a group of party built around it. I’m annoyed each time these forum-goers try to serenade those clueless newcomers asking for advice on the forums with their ignorance like that build is the best thing ever.

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And who are you guys to dictate what to play? It’s not on you to decide what is fun to people and what not.


While I agree that these kind of builds are not as good as others for dungeons/grinding and generally over-hyped, you have to see the whole picture.

Not every one wants to PvE all day long. Many people play these for the option to go PvP/GvG where your silly W3/E3/WL builds just get destroyed HARD.

If you want a specific setup of builds, you’d probably have to join a hardcore PvE guild.


Cryo2 Kino2 build is nice for leveling your Alch. Another popular path for alch is pyro2 linker2. That might be the reason you dont see them often

at later levels.

Judging builds without knowing specifics about them is a bit immature, dint you think?

basically this ^

Like i said, this build is even more worse for pvp. No one give you 10s+ to setup your combo.

Just a warning for any newbie who saw some vids of the combo destroying boss on YT and think its the best thing ever.

I just wanted to add that even though the imfamous Rune of Ice + Ice Wall does ridiculous damage, I really don’t feel like it’s going to stay untouched balance wise.

Even if it does require a specific set up to use properly, the amount of damage it deals is almost a little too ridiculous? I wouldn’t be surprised if they nerf it in someway.

So considering if that combo gets plausibly nerfed somehow, what other real options does that sort of class build have for good DPS to fall on? The future for it feels shaky at best to me (particularly with the nerf to Psychic Pressure which was one of the core parts of abusing Icewall + Ice Rune).

Plus, on a personal level, it just feels way too gimmicky. The fact it also requires so much set up and assistance/coordination from your party to even use remotely properly does not seem fun to me. Also, to go Rune Caster -just- for Rune of Ice seems like you’re asking to get shot in the foot later on too. Plus, if you didn’t get Wizard3 at all for your build you can’t plausibly use any of the Rune Caster skills reliably with the huge 8s cast times for all their abilities, which is a huge waste of a class circle.

Overall it just feels like way too radical build that relies too much on a very delicate balance of skills where if any of them get nerfed in any way it would really cripple the class build’s viability, which in turn, would feel like a big waste of time, which is no fun at all. That’s just my 2 cents of course!

RoI + ice wall pressure is fine and doable in 5-5
but with 2 fireball fancy stuff that … mehh

@tosmage Did you see a majority of good build advices on this forum ? :>

Nerf? Are you talking about the change from hitting AoE to hitting a set amount of targets? Imho PP got buffed hard, it spends less SP per second, cooldown was reduced and the target thingy had zero negative impact on those who go for Kino C3 like myself. You just blow up stuff consistently.

Or are you referring to something else that i don’t know yet?

What that matter? I’m glad mage is the most versatile class with various of playstyle.

And this build is just 1 of them, they are bad in open map grinding, but they do good in 1 time clearence dungeon/worldboss/gvg.
This build require teammate to work around it, protect him or even hit shard together. They surely guarantee big output.

If teammate r bad or the user themselves are bad, then this build is useless. Do u know they work better with monk/dopple? If they r in ur team, do u know how to build the combo? Or cast the icewall? If you none of them, will u protect them from being interrupted? If u dun and let them be, let them waste the skill and u complaint, u r just bad team player who dont know work with gimmick class.


Then they should stick to their own group rather than joining random party and expect everyone carry them.

Maybe YOU should stick to your own group if the basic concepts of an MMO don’t appeal to you.


If you guarantee they can cast full 15s, they can take boss 60-100% in 1 turn, isnt that win-win for the party?

Somemore, u took 200% exp bonus to compensate for the risk right?

Then you should stick to your own group rather than joining a random party and expect everyone to play a perfect DPS build. Seems like you don’t understand the concept of random groups.

Ok, we can stop this thread here.
I guess some people found its fun to being a deadweight for like 99.9% of the time just for 1-2mins shine in boss fight.


Because dungeons/missions are so hard you need a perfect group to clear them, ha? Such an atrocity when it takes 5 more minutes.

And i don’t care what the heck is “the concept of random groups” but i 'm sure nobody feel happy if they have to carry a totally stranger leecher and slowdown their progress.