Get your things together IMC, you really dont want a bad rating on steam!!!

Yup, they really need to take some action soon. Having a bad rating on steam means people wont bother with their game
Don’t worry, the White Knight Army™ will be there, armed with denial and insults, to defend the honour of the Best Game Ever©.
Unfortunately most of the steam user base are young kids who don’t understand that there is no such thing as a free game. So when they see “oh no i have to contribute x amount of dollars” to get a little more enjoyment in the game, they say OP or Pay 2 win. Yes there are a few things to work on but this is a Early Release, and you are getting more ingame now then you would pay at launch. As long as we see some positive changes in the coming weeks. all will be ok.
hopefully they wake up before they loose a lot of reviews and $. at this rate they will be loosing mine
Honestly. IMC needs to do something. This is a pretty big mess.
its not about “free game” its about all of the BS restrictions and other dumb features as trading no silver limiting trades to 60 and not being able to trade premium items with other character on the account if i bought it its mine i should be able to put it on what icharacter i want. things like this is why people are hating on IMC
Only reason it didn’t drop faster was because people couldn’t post reviews for the first few days of launch.
right, in attempts to limit gold farmers, but they are reading our feedback, and im sure changes are coming in the next week. We need to be supportive and let though know we are still behind them as long as they make the right changes.
they wanna limit gold and silver sellers block their accounts oh wait they dont they spam world chat ALL F day
Look! Some of the glorious Knights™ now!
its what IMC deserves, this ob release seems cbt2 I hope they will learn with theirs mistakes
Honestly… I don’t care.
Has long they fix bugs(like elevators not working correctly or Gem’s mysteriously disappearing from your inventory) I’m all good.
PS: Also a 1x free Skill/Stats reset at some point of the game, wouldn’t hurt.
I was wondering where the â– â– â– â– my gems went!
Gems does not disappear mysteriously … You drop them when you die! :o
I prefer the cbt version of the game tbh, this new game with the trade restriction and the market restriction is the dumbest ■■■■i’ve seen in any mmo.
I can’t even give silver to my OWN alt
I only want to be able to trade gear with my friends. You know, I’m on a premade with each one base class and loot isn’t spread acordingly.
Yea the ship has sailed and is sinking. Once you down down in Steam, it’s really hard to pick back up in ratings. It really does suck. Game has so much potential…
IMC has no one to blame but themselves. People on Steam are expecting a game nearing it’s completion with minimal bugs.
Only when you die in a “Dungeon” map!