Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer sugestion thread,

I would like to keep this thread just for sugestions about the sorcerer class and its futures, what is broken and how can it get balanced.

about builds and comments there is already a great info megathread

First of all:


Summoning is a great skill, its the core of Sorcerer class and its what makes it interesting, being able to summon bosses you previously encontered through its card is a wonderful idea, the problem is how they balanced it. in Beta summons used their bosses skills up the the card level, diferent summons had diferent playstyles and classes to combo with. Templeshooter were always strong, but for instance chaparition was really strong with linker because of the lightning strikes, harpea was really strong with cryomancer since it could hold mobs while she destroyed em with her charged up wind , and firelord comboed really well with pyro2> elem procing the elem passive that blows mobs with fire damage.

So depending on which class you got previously you could develop a strategy with your summon, but now , since it only auto attacks, only templeshooter is worth it, while all others are nearly useless.

They probably removed the skill usage because you could get sorc 1, and get whatever after it and just rape faces. but if they want to give valor to sorc class, i think skill usage should come back, in a diferent fashion.

like for each level of Summoning skills after lvl 6 adds 1% or so chance of boss using one of his skills, and the more leveled you have the card , more skills he is able to use.


Add and attribute to sorc 2 or 3 which alows his summon to use some skills.

Summon Familiar.

its pretty balanced, maybe some damage tuning idk.

Summon Salamion.

Nice to solo questing while you want to save mana, but pretty low scaling.
He should be able to do more than just melee single hit. its a damn fire demon. So , same of Summoning, add some skills after 6 ?

Summon Servant

He wont use his buffs if you are running , its a bit annoying, so make it use while in move or make his buffs last a little longer.

Attack Ground, Riding, hold.

Using bosses skills while riding is a bit of weird.
i would add another command like ~Cast spell~ which makes the summon cast one of his spells, with like 20 secs cd or so, and leave riding to just fast move through the map, giving some bonus MS.


Nothing to say here.


This skill is pretty misleading, it seens that you gonna have 2 summons for a short period of time while you just send as a Self Bombing, doing little damage. Its pretty messed up and senseless. I dont see any other way to fix it than a rework.


For a C3 skill ,its damage is pretty meh. Or at least, add some utility to it.

This is my opnion guys. :grin:

What are yours about sorc class Tunning ?


Big Bug Fixes

  • Fix Broken Summon Skills or add missing ones (Firelord, and Nuaele)

  • Fix Summon Auto attacks that have bad hit boxes so summon will stop auto attacking things outside of attack range and not move close enough to actually hit (Shadowgaler, Unknocker)

  • Summons auto attack once facing whatever direction they were moving before turning to attack a mob it wastes an attack.

Minor quality of life things

  • Timers on boss skills when riding

  • Smaller leash for Summon Salamion, and make its AI better

  • Longer leash for Summoning Summon

  • Fix Evocation Damage

  • Rebalance how long it takes some boss skills to use. For example Deathweavers take so long and do so little damage its worse than just letting it autoattack.

What’s Broken (I’ll try not to repeat what’s been said already)

  • Summons stop attacking after you use riding + skill. Forcing you to recast hold/attack ground.

  • Attack ground/hold changes the AI state (it stops following you around completely, and will sit there, even if you run across the map) and resummoning is the only way to reset them.

  • Templeshooter. Why is everything this summon has better than any other card?! Forcing casters to use Riding + Skill makes it so that Temple has a better bang for your buck than any others. Im looking at you, multishot. Other boss skills pale in comparison to this since you have to manually cast it.

  • Summons can only receive ground based buffs. Zalcai is the only one I know of so far, I havent tested if Diev’s skills affect summons/has an icon, but I do know Zalcai works. So the question I have to put forward here is this - is this a feature (i.e. summons should receive buffs) or not?

  • Cancelling summons - have the summon icon change to “Unsummon” or something. Right now I hear gamepad players cant cancel their summons. Only way to do it right now is to right click the skill icon, which, honestly is a bit silly. Please do not remove the ability to unsummon, that’s… just a bad idea.

  • Summon Familiar - is it just me or is 1% chance for an AoE attack PER attribute level that caps at level 5 a little low?

  • Summon Servant - I get that you want us to sit there and let the cat buff us 5 times, but… even with the attribute, meowing 5 times takes awhile. I’ve started just casting this skill when the party is beating up monsters instead since thats the only time most players are actually in one spot.

  • Morph - This isnt working is it?

(I dont have anything to say about Evocation or Desmodus, at this point I have no intention of going sorc3)

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My suggestions:

  • Trade Morph for Unleash Skill, a skill for sorcerer that would make the summon one random skill of all the ones it has that is not on cooldown, should have very low cooldown as the skills themselves already have those.

  • Make Attack Ground and Morph into ONE skill, with an Attribute that changes between stop where you said it should or attacking, smashing and following you afterwards.

  • The other control skill should be called Guard, or Protect, a skill that makes your summon only follow you and only attack things that either attack you or that you go and attack.

  • Remove the STOP of SP regen, but put a timer of 3~5 minutes until Summon disappears by itself, this is enough already if what you want is a way to fight afkemists (which still is such a little problem compared to bots and such, but they simply rape a class so this doesn’t exist).

  • Summon Servant: Attribute change from casting the buffs faster to casting all of them together.


This is bound to happen, there will always be a pet that hits more often or more targets, the point is, you can have cards for skills and for auto-attacks, this already makes it possible to use different cards. No one makes you use templeshooter, you use it because it is the best current auto-attacker, even if they nerf him, there will be some other best auto-attacker.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J give sorc some IMC love.

Yeah I agree, there’ll always be something better or… in many cases something ‘meta’ but my main ‘issue?’ it’s not the best word to use, is that there’s no sidegrade. Some people prefer x, some y, feels like in a game with so much summon variety, at this stage there just, isnt.

I dunno, I just want variety. So many cool bosses (and cards) and all, it’d be a pity to just have ONE go-to.

(Note that Im not replying to a specific comment, moises just reminded me of something and I thought I’d take the time to deconstruct my thoughts I suppose)


yeah but think about it, you have to use other 54 cards to pump the card you choose up, if it was a system where each place you go has a better summon for it, it would be waaay too hard to go for 10 stars in many cards, you’d still be leaving the other cards to the dust and only put stars into the one you like the most.

I just think the way it is is actually the way it should be, most cards have good skills and you can really change your gameplay with them depending on how you play, but there is a need for a specific card to be the best at auto-attacking as that is the summon’s main point, we should just be glad that Temple Shooter is actually not only better than the others, but actually VERY good.

Yeah I do see your point.

Maybe in a way, what I desire is really a pipe-dream. Perhaps I overhyped my expectations for the class because ever since I saw that “Oh snap there’s a summoner class that’s not bound to 4 summons but hundreds?!”

I got flashbacks of pokemon and got excited, haha!

Still I am hoping for at least a few that are/would be considered ‘top tier’ for different situations. If not then the morph would be kinda pointless at this rate.

Desmodus and evocation needs some form of damage boost to be more viable, or some sort of utility attached with it

Summon servant needs to work while moving i think

Summon > when servant is out, the skill becomes unsummon

Hold > when pet is holding, the skill becomes follow

And yea, make other boss card more viable, every sorcerer using templeshooter is getting boring, you might as well change the skill to summon templeshooter right?

Well, you can use flying cards to become a flying dude and not get hit by some skills if I’m right…

Also skills greatly change between bosses but I get the point.

Desmodus and Evocation suffer the same problems as others classes who got C2/C3 when they implemented Rank 7: most of them received some weak skill in comparison with the new R7, others had some skills moved to higher circles.

Sticking to the topic, suggestions:

  • Change the card leveling system:
  • Let the bosses use any random skill before Evocation ends

  • Rework Desmodus, why do we have two bat skills? Replace it with something like an buff to the devil or more permanent summons.

  • Demon Lord cards( i’ll put this in every topic ;-; )

  • Decide if we get damage or not while mounting: it seems we don’t take a huge boss badass AoE explosion damage while mounting, but an arrow of an tiny arrow hits you and your summon. . .

  • Improve the others card at least in Templeshooter’s tier in their purpose:
    1 - Templeshooter as a high critical rate, ranged, physical DPS
    2 - Necroventer a single target magic damage dealer
    3 - Chapparition as a mixed type dps(phys and magic)
    4 - Firelord the AoE magic boss
    5 - Demon Lord Zaura (plz ;-; ) the tankiest
    6 - Throneweaver DoT DPS
    Important is that they shouldn’t be superior as their respectives classes(Ranger, Peltast, Elementalist…) but still somewhat worth choosing between them in any situation.

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First of all buff the boss card skill the skill dmg is like normal attack of a boss auto attack dmg … wats the point of using a skill when the dmg doesnt make a diff …

i feel all boss card is useless other than temple shooter, maybe should scale magic dmg than int , cos boss attack speed is too slow and mana drain is way to fast …

Show target while u ride summon cos everytime when i want to sskill the boss but if mob is around, the stupid summon will aim the mob instead …

more feedback if i notice …

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sad life for sorcerer , the only skill is summoning … is like ■■■■ .

Evocation skill worst than ■■■■ .

Desmodus , hahaha sometime 1 hit sometime 2 hit base on your luck like frost spike .

You guys gonna invite some imc to change all the bug , if not all the this will remind the same 8~~~)