Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

I Want make a solo dg build with summon

what the best?

SPR affects summon damage again.


Lets just pray it effects them the same way as before. haha

@Nemesis Iā€™d go for w/p/p/l/s/s/war/war build. full dark >:3 but all those builds work! they are all good either way. :3

meyby even better if summons still get better damage from Matk :slight_smile:
have a hope someone will test it and link it here <3 gogo guys xD

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Oh. I hope so! weapon 50% added plus SPR would be amazing! :open_mouth:

Summon riding skills cd, at least TSā€™s, seems to have been reduced as well. Some sub-optimal-ish gameplay of sorc with TS:

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Seems much better! Though that is with a summon that hits twiceā€¦ D:

Do you have a melee one to test out? Like Chapparition? Thatā€™s my favorite card. *crossing fingers x_x

I stopped playing ToS last year. Iā€™ve just got back to the game and Iā€™m really lost hahahah

My build was (still is) Wizard > Pyro C1 > Linker C2 > Sorcerer C3, is this build still viable?

There are too much information to assimilate and I canā€™t figure out if itā€™s still a good path to follow :confused:

Yup, and since they are getting a bigger damage boost they will be even better than before. Not sure about melee cards though (digs a ditch and sits in itā€¦).

ALSO! lolā€¦ IMC please change chance for bats attribute: splash to 30%.

I can only dreamā€¦ :sob:

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I thought they fixed SPRā€¦

Edit: oh this was SPR, damn first video made me confused

its draining sp without regen even with full sp??

First video is full INT with 6k mana! The tittle is misleading. Look like this video uploaded before sorcerer get new skill revamp update, so INT still scale well with minion damage

Second video is full SPR because you could see his base mana raise from 4K to 12k, TS damage is double. At level 330 with good weapon you could have 700-800 SPR which mean temple shooter damage can be more than triple, donā€™t forget 50% bonus damage from the staff, itā€™s worth to invest into weapon as a summoner now.

That mean full spr utility summoner is viable and can deal a lot of damage. So beautiful, I canā€™t wait until this update hit iTos


First video time 1.40 he reallocate his stat to full spr. So we can see the difference.


Better but its always a templeshooter. Need testing with other cards. :neutral_face:

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Iā€™m very happy with the changes now. At least our class is pretty good now. Hopefully in the future weā€™ll have other options than templeshooter but for now Iā€™m content with the changes and the buffs we got. I really like our damage formulas now. :slight_smile:


imo not bad

Ya, but necro is doing most the damage. With its skelles, corpse ring, dead tower, and flesh cannon. Sorc is doing much less with only bats and summon.This is for sorc not necro. D:

And templeshooter hits twiceā€¦ use other card. :sob:
It would be nice to see both summons, bats, and riding only to see sorcs total damage output.

yep, but its sorc 2 not 3 ;x sorc 3 demon hit harder etc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I donā€™t think c3 demon will hit harder than a c2 demon templeshooter. Since it hits 2 timesā€¦ thatā€™s double the powerā€¦ 10% summon boost compared to 100% damage boost with templeshooterā€¦ya donā€™t think so xD

And thatā€™s only 10% damage increase for demonā€¦lol so if you got 1000 damage thatā€™s only 100 extra damage per hitā€¦ and 200 extra damage for templeshooter (since it hits two times). I would like to see a video of just the one summon (not a templeshooter) hit mobs or a boss and compare because templeshooter will always be better to any other card involving damage output. To me this doesnā€™t seem right. There are soo many cards yet this one is 2 times as good? why? :cry:

I really do like the boost they have given them, i can see the class doing much better! Glad to see a change, but i cant really see a difference for other summons being as good as this one.

Well because templeshooter suffers -50% damage on XL bosses (which is most of the bosses >_>), there are times when other cards deal more damage than TS. An example is using necroventer on the stone golem boss in Sialiu missions. Since the golem is considered plate armor, the necroventerā€™s auto attack (strike damage) deals 50% more damage. Necroventerā€™s auto attack hits twice if you position it right, but itā€™s pretty annoying, and for some dumb reason itā€™s on a 3 sec cd rather than a 2 sec cd like TS. You still do more damage than TS though.

The difference would actually be huge if TS didnā€™t have the rapidfire skill. With rapidfire, I believe that the difference in damage is not worth swapping out cards. Also, my necroventer was level 1 so I was using morph to give it my TSā€™s stats, and this is assuming morph isnā€™t glitched (I remember reading it was glitched sometime in the past and donā€™t know if it was fixed).