Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Btw I wasn’t the one who made the video ^^

Because they have such a great track record of fixing this class, am I right?

They fixed all the bugged / useless boss cards right?

They fixed all the Riding glitches and bugs right?

This class has been ■■■■■■■ useless for ever, now when they finally made it viable they hard nerfed it to the ground. What the ■■■■?

Sorcerer has and always will be about Summoning, not about evocation or desmodus, you have other Wizard trees for that.


oooohhhhh… *stares into space… O_O…

@DarkLord we can only hope they fix it lol. Maybe give it 200% weapon magic attack? Then adjust power from there? Not sure even that would be enough since they have slow attacks and bad AI. Melee summon cards suffer the most (it seems). lol

DEX Now affect player atack speed, should affect summon too, so meele sumon even with this crap AI can be usefull.

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They fixed major bugs such as summon not moving after unmounting from Riding. They gave Riding an attribute that makes you stronger when riding. They gave summons attack types which increases synergy with things like Decay. In test server, summon familiar with micro dimension works now. Sorc is better now than before.

The only major bug I notice for riding left is the summon having its own auto targetting when you use a skill. Everything else is rather inconsequential.

I want better boss cards too, but it’s not like we don’t have temple shooter, which has good AoE and decent damage when riding. The potential for newer boss cards just as good as TS is there.

You’re talking as if fixing tiny things like fixing Unknocker’s auto attack to not be such a long cd would suddenly make Sorc better.

I can’t predict the future, but I do know that seeing changes in the TEST server as being final is just plain jumping to conclusions. I would rather IMC test out two extremeties to see what works and what doesn’t than make tiny changes, making us all wonder if IMC has any ability to improve the class at all. If nothing, they at least showed they have some creativity when it comes to changing how summoning works, and they also proved they aren’t ignoring the class as a whole.

Nah, dex doesn’t effect summon attack speed. The video above at the end of it shows their character having full dex and the summon attacking a dummy. There wasn’t a difference in speed sadly… D:

But i agree, the summons own dex as it gets higher lvs should increase its own attack speed… though this would make templeshooter even stronger because it has high dex… (rips card in half! >_<) hate it.

It’s okay Chapparition… T_T one day you will SHINE! a diamond… lol

The reason being DEX affects skills with no cd. Summon auto attacks have cd’s, so I wouldn’t expect anything increasing attack speed to affect them unless they change this.


@Valentine Ya… they would have to change the cd… *sigh… T_T

I agree with everything @DarkLord said.

All this time, they never fixed the fact that you still can’t fking aim while Riding, so it only attacks the closest mob like non-riding instead of the direction you’re facing. No not just fix, they were clearly just too lazy to even finish coding it before releasing the class. They released an incomplete class that uses a shitty AI to attack.

Whether TempleShooter is the best is irrelevant. The other cards still suck ■■■■ and it’s been like that all this time with no changes at all other then a nerf to boss skills cd. Instead of improving the cards like they clearly needed, IMC would rather nerf them to the ground.

Make sumon own status affect they atack/skills like a player and player magic atack and status only “Buff” the summon, can work.

What do you mean whether TS is the best is irrelevant? If it already serves every purpose a summon should serve (good AoE, decent defense, good damage), why should it be the top priority to make another boss card do the same thing if it’ll just be like having two different ice creams of the same flavor? Heck, I find playing with TS to be quite enjoyable with how frequently you can spam rapidfire to do AoE damage while riding.

You admitted it yourself when you said [quote=“blackholemaster, post:1820, topic:188142”]
I’m probably gonna go 50/50 unless someone can figure out the math to find the best balance.

…there’s usually always a best way to gear/build a character, and TS being the best card is no different than endgame gear being the best gear. Of course a bigger diversity of cards to use from would make the class a lot more fun, but I don’t see that being a priority for rebalance when there are more pressing issues, such as Sorc’s summoning not scaling well with better gear due to summoning’s additional damage being based on INT and not just M.dmg.

Not sure why you agree with him because he pretty much was saying IMC never did anything to make sorc better, which is just plain wrong. Remember wen Riding used to drain like 4% SP per 3 seconds?

The aiming issue is pretty annoying, and I hope it gets fixed soon, but aren’t you being a little overdramatic about the whole thing?

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I don’t see what you mean by “You admitted it yourself”, I never said I wasn’t using TS or anything that implies that. TS being the best is why we’re all using it. That’s why I’m using it, just like everyone else.

Just because TS is the best doesn’t change the fact that the other cards suck. TS is the best? The other cards suck. TS is already enjoyable? The other cards still suck. What’s the point of being able to summon any other cards when we can all just use TS. Might as well make the skill “Summon TempleShooter”. That’s like saying having just one meta build is ok for IMC to not balance/fix other classes/builds because it already serves every purpose for whatever or that you enjoy playing it. Top priority or not, now is the perfect time to improve/fix these things since they’re going through changing everything.

Overdramatic? Was what I said even wrong? Ever since they increased the cd for riding skills, most of the other cards became even more useless than they already are, especially compared to TS which has everything going well with it.

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I wasn’t using your quote to say you were against TS, it was a way to lead into saying boss cards are basically just like gear, and if the bad boss cards were changed to be better, there’d still be a “Best,” and everyone would be using that instead. You’d just end up in the same place you started because boss cards are basically a form of gear.

Maybe it’d be a different story if it wasn’t so clear that summons are just there to deal damage. Since the boss that does the best damage in a reasonable AoE will end up being the one everyone goes for; there is no room for “alternate builds”.

There’s no Boss that does anything unique like heal, aggro, grant buffs, etc… It’d be way cool to see this become a reality, and this change would actually bring diversity to Summoning better than changing the current boss cards would, but I think it’d be more likely for this to happen (it probably never will) with more content being released as new bosses with new skills are developed than with a rebalance.

And yes, what you said IS wrong because you said you agreed with everything DarkLord said, which goes something along the lines of “IMC never made sorc any better, and sorc is, and always will be, useless.”

Sorc isn’t so bad right now, and even though it has it’s problems, there have been good improvements to the class and seeing IMC make changes to the summoning skill itself shows that there is hope for the glaring issues of summoning to be fixed (and for C3 to actually be worth taking).

Also, yes, you are being pretty dramatic with the whole “nerfing CD of riding skills” thing. Honestly, even with 3 sec cd of the boss skills, if you just sat there and spammed that button you’d be wasting your time with weak damage. I guess once in a while if you just want some shi*'s and giggles, you would spam the AoE/knockback skills of some bosses for protecting objectives, but the reality is the CD changes had little to no impact on the class itself.

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This is the dream! :sob:

Personally I’d prefer a Strike type summon to be decent so you can boost its attack +100% with Lethargy :wink:

Netherbovine is strike.

At one point Kim said ToS is kinda about RP pick your classes that you want whatever.

Well I wanted to go with the fire niche from the start hence pyro C3 which had treated me well, but all the FIre Summons are ass.
For some it’s sufficient that Temple as a ranged summon craps all over the physicals but it does reduce some of my enjoyment of the game, outside of min-maxing. Now Temple Shooter does have a Fire Riding skill so for my thematic enjoyment it’s not terrible, but I did want to rock a Fire Lord/Flammidus/Cerberus and as such still have a lvl’d Fire Lord card waiting if IMC ever decides to bless the class with some options.


All we know is that the cards need a damage boost with some cool effects. CD decreased if done right and maybe attack speed increased for melee cards to compete with ranged ones. Now for the AI…that’s another story… lol

Lets all hold hands and sing a song. :3

Ok then just rephrase it to most of everything he said or whatever. No need to to be nitpicky. I wasn’t asking if that was wrong.

As for the cards, whatever, just improve them so that they’re not useless like they are now. idk why you’re so against improving them. Being able to diversify and do unique things like heal, aggro, grant buffs, etc are considered improvements you know.

cd change, yes the cards were already bad, but the nerf to the cd made them even more useless than before. How is that wrong or dramatic? It’s a fact and everyone knows it. If you need an analogy, take Pyro’s Flare or whatever bad skill as an example. They already suck, but then what if IMC decides to double/triple the cd. Do you understand my point now?

So anyways, I stand by what I said and here are some points I think we can all agree on.

  1. Other cards suck.
  2. TS is good/best? The other cards suck.
  3. Stop making them suck.
  4. Buff them. Whether it’s increasing their damage or giving them unique features or whatever.
  5. Don’t even think about nerfing them even more.

I want Salaimon to stop sucking as well, and my C3 investment to feel right.

Man I go C3 in Classes because I like the class, I expect C3 of any class to give me more of what I enjoy, not to stay flat without reasonable progression in that pursuit.