Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

These are level 300+ mobs. They flipping hurt. Thats why I’ve grown attached to Full SPR already.

is pyro2 or cryo2 better after the changes? No c3 since I’m sticking with thaum1.

if you are going full spr for summon damage(and would be riding most of the time) i would recommend link1 in the place of pyro2 or cryo2; even with the nerf in linker; the class is still very strong for one hit spell with huge % like evocation that have 1,5k% for example; it would become a one kill spell without doubt with link and would insert in any gameplay since you would only need to Link>>evocation and go back to riding.
i do not know if the reflect shield still have a hit limit( if i’m not mistaken i have seen a video where there is no limit of hits in the shield) right now but if they have removed it wiz2 for it would be really good with spr build as well; because as right now with the new formula a good char with high end equips still takes 500-600 per hit and reflect shield would reduce the damage with 1spr=1 damage reduction; so it would be a lot more valuable with this new system as well.

edit: now if you are not going for the full spr build i would still recommend linker; but not wiz2; the best would be wiz-cyrolinker in those earlier ranks; since cyro have better passives skills and also a better earlier skill with the new ice blast+ice wall and so on.

It’s real…

Guyz I frankly did not notice any damage change for the summons, really…
I tried it with Lv1~2 cards, full INT, full SPR and STATLESS as well. Always same damage (on auto attack, did not try riding), same for Lv1 to Lv10 Summoning. Whatever combination always same damage “on the field”, yet “different” on the Grimoire.

The 50% Magic Attack of Weapon seems to apply as “flat” bonus damage or whatever and does not show on the Grimoire.

For the other scalings, I came up to these conclusions:

As for the Grimoire, it feels like it just gets updated based on some formula but it even is not “Summoning” skill formula (let’s say Lv1 Summoning should give 40 Attack for 100 INT, it’s more likely it gives 120 instead… but I say again, just on the Grimoire).

You have to keep in mind that “Summoning INT/SPR” is a bonus given from the skill itself while “SPR” is an extra modifier besides the Summoning multiplier.

If there’s someone who might help with some maths it would help a lot, I kinda am lost within all the data I collected (according to the Grimoire though). Still I say, damage output always looked the same…

Here is the data I collected:

It would be interesting to understand:

  • How do basic stats (HP, Atk/Def and the other Stats) do scale with Level taking into account Level 1 summon stats (info taken from
  • How does basic Atk/Def scale with Card Rank (We’ve been told some %, but they don’t even seem to match on the data I collected even by reducing the bonus ATK given from Summoning or trying to include the Card Rank %)
  • How does bonus Atk/Def from Summoning Skill scale with Summoning Level (we have a formula on tos neet but as I said before, it doesn’t match with the grimoire even that)
  • How does bonus Atk/Def from Summoning Skill scale with Card Rank (Yet this seems like to multiply the Bonus gained by 10% per card Rank)
  • And finally, how does SPR scale the summon stats.

Please if you can help or feel like starting another thread do it, it would be nice to find out exactly scaling. I have never used Sorcerer before but given the SPR changes I felt curious about trying it on ktest. There is not much info or partial only about Sorcerer around the web and even worse there even is not a list of their basic “attack type” around. I wonder if there’s any section on where it can be seen.

Thanks for your time, I hope somebody else gives his contribute :pray:

P.S. The double entry with 301 SPR was just a test difference with/without weapon but given that it would not apply to the Grimoire I just deleted the column for weapon attack.


Didn’t they just have a patch where summon dmg is scaling off your character’s magic damage and not SPR anymore…

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That’s right, looks like we don’t need SPR to summon anymore! :grin:


  • Summons have a Damage factor of 5%. Damage factor gained per level is 3%, and increases by 5% Per Card Level.
  • Summoned Demons now deal a fixed amount of damage equal to 50% of the Summoners Weapon’s Magic Attack.

And it’s based on Weapon magic atk, wich means that, only way to increases summon damage is increasing your weapon’s magic atk, I think we better use staff

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theres still hope that SPR would work either as an amplifier of the Damage Factor…

OOOOORRR, with a little more logic (i think), that SPR gives summon base dmg and def, and then apply the Damage Factors making it a base for the multipliers…

Either way am going Sorc2 at least if not 3 after rebalance as main :D… cryo Sorc most likely…

  • The new “Damage Factor of 5%, plus 3% and 5%” (btw, it actually is 2% per level in the official korean patchnote, I think it’s a typo by who translated) it’s more likely being a bonus since Summoning still has INT/SPR in the formula for the additional INT/SPR and still scale with them.

  • It doesn’t scale off your char’s magic damage. It’s just “50% of Weapon’s Magic Attack” added to final damage as Dacre pointed. Tested it as well…

SPR might still have a role because that’s an “extra” coming from a Stat, not the Skill itself.

It’s more likely the Summon formula is:

A = ( Basic Stats * Basic Level )
B = { ( Summon Basic Atk&Def * Basic Level ) * [ 100 + (10 * Card Level) ] % }
C = { [ ( “Summoning” Atk&Def Bonus from INT&SPR ) * ( 0.3 + 0.1 * Skill Level ) ] * [ 100 + ( 10 * Card Level ) ] % }

A + B + C= X


  • “Basic Stats” are all of the summon Grimoire stats except Atk&Def.
  • “Basic Atk&Def” are what they stand for.

On top of that, X is then multiplied by the extra “Summoning” factor, therefore:
X * { 100 + [ 5 + ( 2 * Skill Level ) ] + ( 5 * Card Level ) } % = Y1
X * { 100 + [ 5 + ( 2 * Skill Level ) ] + ( 5 * Card Level ) + ( SPR Factor ) } % = Y2

At the end, we either have:
Y1 * SPR Factor + (50% * Weapon’s Magic Attack)
Y2 + (50% * Weapon’s Magic Attack)

Anyway, as I said in my prior post, I only noticed damage change when equipping/removing my Weapon (it had instant effect as exactly 50% of my weapon value) but no damage change at all whether I was full INT, full SPR or statless.

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SPR does nothing for damage.
I’m inclined to say INT also does nothing for damage.
Noticing no change at all.
Cast summon let it attack.
Reset stats to 0. Same damage coming out
Put 100 Int. Same damage coming out
Put 84 SPR. Same damage coming out…

If it does anything at all it’s so miniscule I can’t be bothered to care. Maybe SPR still has significant appllications for Summon Defense, to lazy to check but it seems they butchered the offensive part with this Weapon crap.

Damage basically doubles for SPR Bokor Zombies, not that its all that significant because their damage too has dropped with this damage factor business.

My Main Sorc as such is just pumping INT once more. SPR days are over for me I suppose.

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Awee, i heard someone say their auto attack is higher than the summons attack. sigh… :frowning:

Maybe if they give it some special attribute at c3 that boost attack power…idk. I’m just getting the feeling it might be better to get c2 and move on because three ranks of sorc doesn’t seem to help much. And one of its really good skills summon familiar bats can be killed easy, so the dps drops fast. The bosses can kill them in 1-2 hits. Their Aoe can kill my bats in 1 hit. D:

And evocation might be hard to use in pvp (pvp is messy) with its range. it means you need to be by melee fighters that can stun you or hold you down.

Give me some advice if c3 sorc is worth getting with the current changes…

Well, atm sorc3 is not a good choice, but if u enjoy the class go for it.

How the hell did IMC kill sorc so fast already…

SPR doesn’t boost summon damage anymore and 50% of weapon magic att is added to the summons attack. Whats worse is that your own auto attacks can hit harder and faster than your own summon…so you might as well auto attack… -_-

If we are wasting 2-3 ranks on this then maybe give it a bigger attack boost. Since the class has many limitations with the bats being killed with a long cd and summon draining sp.

@DacreFullbuster ya… i’m hoping these changes to sorc will be good. their first idea was great! It seemed really nice. I just miss sorc soooooo much. I use to play one a few months ago but stopped bec it was too hard to work with the sp draining effects (spamming pots all the time) and low damage. And using templeshooter made it worse bec i really hate that card. I like the Chapparition and wanted to use that one. not be forced to use another x_x lol. So crossing fingers for the new updates.

I feel like i’m more upset about Salaimon sucking.
I should check its Burn attribute to see what it is saying but meh.

Well there’s a reason changes are made on the test server before hitting the official servers. To test what works and what doesn’t. The most recent iteration of sorc is too weak and I think it’s obvious enough that IMC will fix it.

Sorcerer test.

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Well this is a full int build and skills dmg doesn’t look bad, also links aren’t breaking until mobs are all dead, wich means that mobs are weaker so this is good too… but still the summon atk is really sad.

true, they must buff summon attack or it is pointless to go to sorc… ;/

Wow, all the other skills are great - haha! But yup, that summon attack is so bad. Auto attack from the player was 3200 and the summons attack was 1900-2300…ouch. With 50k hp it would take 23-24 hits to kill one of those mobs…lol.

@mr.mts.reader thank you for the video :slight_smile:

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