Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Sorry, don’t understand your English here.

If your riding is weak, it might be because your character’s stats are too low, or you didn’t attribute it?

Oh sorry my bad.

I meant that with full INT riding was weaker than with SPR investment. The main thing that contributed to that was the fact that overall damage gets way higher with SPR so when you add riding damage boost to that damage it just gets even higher. With full INT riding damage may go up more but the initial damage for the summon is way lower so the overall damage of riding from my testing wasn’t higher.

I could use some help on deciding a R8 class. Right now, I am wiz3 link1 sorc3 and I have no idea what to choose for R8.

u mean now or after patch? now go for link 2 for better link or sage for mission hole if u want survi, after patch we dont know we will see :slight_smile:

My Cards (Shadow galer and Cerberus) are only level 1 so it’s hard to say completely for sure, but it seems like SPR is the better investment overall.

Once your Card Levels go up the base of your Summon will improve, when you throw in Trans and Anvils, your Weapon will contribute even more for Riding purposes. This will provide a sufficient base for SPR to scale off of.

As for our non-SPR skills.
Currently you want SPR anyways because SP costs are annoying as fuk.
Pumping SPR took a significant pressure off of me SP wise long term and it allowed me to get the hell out of Dodge by jumping on my Summon for Defense.
This was significant when all I had was shadowgaler and I went to solo the 190 dungeon which is a bitch given Pyros damage has been reduced and Cerberus is already firetype lol.

Frankly the defensive flexibility was attractive enough… if I or anyone else figures the god damn ^0.x crap this can be much easier.

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I remember having a Cryo 3 Sorc 2 Warlock 1. I quit at a time where Wiz 3 Ele 3 War 1 was all the rage and everyone was rolling that build.

I’m aware of the impending changes to the classes, but how are CryoSorcs now at this point in time? Thinking of getting back to the game.

Ah, okay. I wasn’t saying going full INT was best, the point I was trying to make is that because INT and SPR are so drastically different, it’s likely the devs didn’t properly balance the two stats, so we’re on a teeter-totter of going either full SPR or full INT depending on which stat is stronger.

For now, SPR is percentage while INT is flat additional damage, so it’s more probable that devs made it much better to go full SPR without even mixing INT. Not to mention everything is subject to being nerfed, and if devs nerf SPR, then it’d be easy for them to make SPR so bad of a stat that going full INT would be better.

In my post, 1% for every 13 points into SPR really was a sweet spot of sorts. Any more/any less (even by only 2-3 points) and SPR would be either too good or too weak to consider putting points into for stat builds.

Basically, I hope everything gets figured out by the time testing is over. I’d much rather balance both INT and SPR than go all out one way or the other. As it is right now, seems full SPR and depending on gear for m.dmg+INT is better than anything else for sorcs.

CryoSorcs are the most common build for sorcs right now. More specifically, CryoSorcNecro. Cryo had their skills reduce in cd since launch and their CC remains good overall. Sorc 2 is taken because Sorc 3 is useless.

In my opinion, Necro 1 is the best to take after sorc2 because of a change to summon attacks being affected by “typing.” Temple Shooter is still the best Summon to use and his attacks were changed to be Missile type, which means Necro 1’s decay debuff can double the damage of Temple Shooter on non-boss monsters.

Also, riding got a new attribute that allows you to increase summon’s damage depending on your magic attack. Your summon finally gets a lot stronger with you as you gear because of this attribute, and it’s fun to be able to do decent damage while riding. Riding also adds your defense with the summon’s, so you can tank things easier (good for solo players).

What you choose to go for rank 8 is really up to you. Necro 2 or Linker 1 are both OK choices. You can link dirty pole to increase your damage on boss monsters with AoE attacks too.

If you want to be efficient at playing Sorc though, you really need TWO Templeshooter cards (only one of them really needs to be 10 stars though, unless the bug where morphed summons don’t keep previous card’s stats is still here) so you can morph and spam the ‘S’ key skill, which is your bread and butter for AoE and damage. Without a templeshooter card, you will feel like your summon is too slow or too weak. Without two templeshooter cards, you wont be able to make good use of your templeshooter’s skills since they’re extremely long cd (like a minute for the ‘S’ key skill), but Morph resets cd’s of summon.

Compared to other builds, CryoSorcNecro is a good solo player build that can provide good support in parties, but don’t expect to be as good as meta builds at what they do. It’s really fun though, the dps is enough to not make you feel completely useless and the playstyle really does seem unique, so I encourage you give it a try if you don’t mind not always being #1 dps or #1 support.

UPDATE: So the new formula for INT is +2 m.atk every point, and +additional 7 m.atk every 10 points.

Formula for SPR is believed to be +0.67% summon damage per point (additional testing needed).

If SPR is a multiplier of summon’s base damage, full SPR build will be highest damaging summon build no matter what because summon’s base attk is already high enough that additional dmg from points you put into INT is negligible compared to the multiplication SPR can give.

Damage calculated using Temple Shooter 10 star and assuming Level 10 Summoning skill.

If SPR is a multiplier of the summon’s additional damage coming from INT (and not of summon’s base damage), then the optimal ratio is about 75% one stat and 25% the other (ratio is different depending on your character’s m.atk).


hmm but then again INT isn’t only for Riding, there’s other skills we’ll be using.

With fewer/no INT and the INT change giving more matk, will our other attack skills be useless or still worth using? Or should we stay mounted the whole time and just spam basic attack…

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This is my doubt tho…bc now skills will do a lot more dmg based on your M Atk, so with INT giving more M Atk now this would be interesting…and honestly in my build I just ride to use S skill of my templeshooter when my atk skills are in CD so… I’ll prolly focus more on INT than SPR :sweat_smile:

Hi… tyvm for all you hard work…

I did my big boy search and either internet is trolling me or it isnt in this thread, but anyway…

1.- Does Flame Salmon (Salamion or something) scales well inkTEST?? so in the future it can be a summoning + salmon???

2.- Does bats are considered summons??? and in the same train, does evocation is considered summon??? Am kinda sure that demo is full magic…

3.- If 2 is false… it would need to be a good weapon wiht some investent on int right???

TYVM… and sorry if its already been asked…

1- Salamion is dumb, his atk is just too slow and he spends more time running after his targets than attacking.

2- No and No.

3- This up to you.

ty :smiley:
Sad that Sally is still dumb T.T

I’m not the brightest one in the class.

So, putting it simply, If one would want to go full “riding sorc3” after the patch, 3SPR 1 INT ratio is suggested, correct?

I was presenting two possible scenarios based on what info we know. Since grimoire is broken, we can’t see if the SPR calculation multiplies the summon’s base damage, or if the SPR multiplies the damage added from your INT (or something else entirely).

These are the possible scenarios:


SPR is a multiplier of summon’s base damage:

  • Go full SPR

SPR is a multiplier of Summon’s add. damage from Summoning Skill

  • You want 75-80% INT and 25-20% SPR. Dependent on your character’s gear.

SPR multiplies character stats while riding

  • High SPR and lower INT (probably 4 SPR 1 INT or 3 SPR 1 INT)

As soon as some info is known about what’s going on in the grimoire, it’ll be easy to confirm/refute these. I think the most probable one is a 3:1 ratio, and from what it looks like you probably want more SPR than INT, but additional testing is needed.

Your damage doesn’t come from stats only, a large part of it is dependent on gear, buffs, etc…

If you take other DPS Wizard circles and you have decent magic attack from gear, spamming basic attack will not be as strong as rotating your skills (if you have a decent build, that is).

You’ll be sacrificing some (possibly a lot) of INT to make your summon stronger, but that doesn’t automatically make your other skills useless. It just means most of your damage comes from sorc and when sorc is on CD, you’re using other skills.

There are very few builds where every single circle does good DPS and they’re all equally used. Since the beginning, taking sorc was for the playstyle, not necessarily to be the best at something.

Except now, sorc might be the best tank-DPS wizard since SPR gives summons both damage and defense.


Reflect Shield applies after defense.

Right now I’m subtracting 369 final damage with Reflect Shield.
I gain over 2500 defense and magic defense when I ride the summon.
I can take 1 damage from quite a bit while reflect Shield is up, and it still applies knockback resistance.

It’s actually pretty damn good.

Shrink Body + Swell Left Arm (you need the attribute) provides a 120% Damage boost. Very potent. Doubled by Evocation damage while I was solo rushing the 140 dungeon to get my Mineloader card.

Rune of Giants + Riding = tanky + extra melee aoe damage


wait that’s tanky? I was under the assumption with all the def from Riding, we would be taking a lot less damage…

in this moment can we riding being giant? :open_mouth: