Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

where does this drop?

all of them have it used.

if you are a DPS support oriented sorcerer, I suggest taking wi3>link>sorc3
Quick cast will benefit all DPS skill in >C8.

With int build, Summon Familiar hit like a truck with quick cast. Currently, my familiar hit almost 5000/hit x 15 = 75.000 damage.
Works really great with joint penalty. Just do the usual JP-Hangman combo, and our familiars will automatically hit.
In PvP our protectors are familiars and summon. Archer kinda hard to hit us. We lack defensive skills, so our gameplay is to play aggresive and hit as much as we could.

Catapract and hiding canonner are our main enemy >_<

Cyro sorc is more into crowd control and defensive build. PvP will do great too even after the nerf.

Pyro I think will work great with sage c8

mmm I dunno yet. Currently there’s a battlecard event with GM in TOS Indonesia. So yes, it’s an exclusive card for now. hahaha
Just wait for KTOS card update

so sad… i hope this version will also have active GMs ingame, we only got active bots and gold sellers, LOL

Just curious, how’s the player-base in Indonesia server? Server economy? Bugs? Class/Content updates on a relative note with ITOS or on the same level as KTOS?

I do realize that you folks over there has lots of in-Game events going on.

Like - Racing event with GMS, Card Battle with GMs and etc.

It’s so enlightening to see that.

I have your same build
What would be the way to go in r8 in your opinion ?

You can put Cryo 2 there for a bit more of pvp power with subzero shield

This one I think will have small bursts, PP+Ice Wall(you have to get audra staff here to use ice wall due to cryo 1 only) and WL have high/moderate cooldowns

A bit more supportive with more links and hitcount (Joint penalty has 10hit*LV but currently we have the unerfed version)


  1. More PVP with Cryo
  2. Bit more damage
  3. Bit more Support

Wait… that thing is summoning traps :open_mouth: That’s the boss version ;-;

I don’t care if it deals less damage than TS, I’m using that thing when I get it :astonished:

I don’t have any ideas about server economy. I think TOS ID on par with ITOS. We got battle league from the start though…

so many bug, auto match instant dungeon and pvp sometimes still bug and kick us back to the main log in screen… also pvp battle league round 1 always bug… We can not see the opponent at all. wkwkwk

yes there are also mine traps and fire traps :slight_smile:

I am not sure.

As of now, I am interested in:

  1. warlock with dark thurge for self protection and DPS.
  2. linker c2

Hi guys I am pretty stuck at r7 choice now. I am currently wiz1-cryo3-sorc2. Was thinking of going necro 3 for flesh cannon and new skills but it seems that I will be giving up r9 new classes. Sorc 3 seems to be about getting a stronger summon and more bats and a not so strong nuke. Warlock is out because my main is a elemene. Would appreciate any suggestions here! Thanks! Sorry for the broken English

Kino 2 and if Rank 9 brings nothing good kino 3.

Necro 2/3 is solid too

Rexipher summon seems quite powerful doing 5700+/hit despite the fact that the player is lvl 277, sorc c2, summoning lv 10. and Rexipher card is lv 7.

I am still waiting for his reply on his int status.

Things I found from the video:

  1. The boss can use boss skill even during normal attack
  2. Using ride can use the same skills multiple times

You can also see this video posted from other player.

I really999x want all our summon use their skills automatically… >_<
That will provide more utility as intended for sorcerer class. DPS provided from our class is not that big as we know.

One thing for sure. I want to collect them allllllllll

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Wow i really hope they let boss auto skill at least maybe sorc3 summoning attribute?

Since summoning has no attribute and card lv is max 10 (for now)

Letting boss auto skill at Sorc3 is rewarding for player who goes Sorc3 with that 2 useless skill

But anyway does any1 know where to get yeti card?


@victor_hanjaya It seems too weird to me, I won’t get my hopes high. You said these ppl were getting cards by winning from a GM event wasn’t it? Maybe that’s why they behave like normal bosses with complete kits, auto-use skills and trap summon where sorcerer shouldn’t be able to get them, as we do in iToS.

On the second video the other sorcerer was using TS and I didn’t see it auto-use its skills.

If this isn’t intended indToSters will rage so much :confused: (I want that rexipher for me so bad tho)

Copying from another answer:
I don’t know if there is one in missions/dg D:
usually, mission bosses have the prefix “m_boss” in class name

yeti doesn’t have with that prefix

Blut should also be somewhere (10 CON) but I haven’t seen him anywhere except during the quest in demon prison, maybe they’ll come as field/dungeon/mission boss on new level range (280~330) or dungeons.

You think those cards will eventually be nerfed? For all we know, the game manager may just yell at the GMs for doing that.

Most likely but, maybe, they could be testing in that environment how it works out and apply something similar everywhere(pls no traps thats ugly asf).

If nothing changes, sorcerer might be way weaker when r8 gets introduced due to how Items don’t affect it.

Ty for linking it to me <3

being a 270 cryo3/sorce3 the scaling is horrible, its painful even.