Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Its wonderful option if you don’t do a lot of attack and let your summon do the job, and its a lot cheaper, so you can probably aim for a petamion earlier

You can say the same for more support heavy sorc, such as linker 2 sorc

Cyro on the other hand should still try for Audra

Of course there’s room for ya :)) I am a psychokino2>sorc2. At alemeth, you just have to summon your demon when needed, treat it as your 1 DPS skill if you have low sp. What i mean is, after you clear the mob, when cooldown of summoning hits 20, unsummon your demon so you can regen your SP. If you have average or high sp, you can let him walk beside you till you reach 1/4 of your sp.

When summon demon is not present, use your other skills from different class for the meantime. Make sure you have cat buffs so you can regen while walking. Alemeth and Evac is like that, you walk with your partymates all the time looking for mobs.

thank you! I’m probably gonna start with it at level 170 and maybe try magas later if it’s not good enough

Summon size increases in relation to card level afaik : D

I’m Wizard/Pyro2/Linker1/Sorc1 and then I plan to go Sorc2

but what later? Sorc3? Warlock? Necro? Feather? Rune? Alchem? John Cena?

Also correct me if I’m wrong. Necro summon don’t drain SP right? then why the hell Sorc summon drain SP? ;_;

Nexon plz buff/rework Sorcerer

John Cena is the only answer for your C7 circle.

Because Necro summon is nowhere as good as Sorc’s. Also, Necros use corpses. Like… Flesh Cannon is already 250g/cast.

I thought john cena is a rank 8 class

I still think we should promote the Salamion !

Lv16 Salamion

Always the best choice

Once IMC give me a better AI for Salamion, my laziness will reset my skill points from Familiar and put there

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I would like to try sorc with focus on salamion (15) and bats (15) …does salamion benefit from Quick Cast + DMG Attribute?

I was thinking bout going Wiz3/Link/Sorc3

I don’t think so. His description shows INT scaling just like Summoning. I’m not wiz3 to test though… :confused:

it does not benefit from quick cast

in fact, salamion deal a lot less damage then summoning, it’s just if you are casually farming, then you don’t have to worry about your sp ever

but it does react slow, slow at following you, slow at hitting things, and slow at spotting mobs to go and attack them

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That sounds pretty bad… I rly would like to try sorc…but I dont rly like the card system …I would rather use the bats and salamion :frowning:

and gets knocked back, even slower to react again after

Does Salamion get anything from Chronomancer Quicken or Haste? :confused:

If you don’t like the card system and want a pet, you should look into necro instead

think of it this way, you only ever need 2 10 star cards (templeshooter for now), and you are fine

Just do it slowly, it’s not all bad collecting cards

I think hold and attack ground works pretty much the same way, i really cannot tell the difference at all what they do, apart from attack ground will follow mobs a little bit more, and hold will not

and the big problem with these skill is this

if your attack / hold pet in a place, then ride, use skill, jump off before skill finishes… pet finishes off skills and then derps

if you ride, use skill, jump off before skill finishes… use attack/hold, pet stops skills immediately

if you ride, use skill, jump off, gets knocked back / runs too far, pet follows you

so right now, i do not see a use for these 2 skills at all

I’ve seen summon size mentioned before, but does it serve a practical purpose like increasing attack/skill aoes or is it purely aesthetic?

I’m only take sorc C1 and Salamion is not that bad, and i prefer to maximize salamion rather than summoning.

Here is the reason:

  • Salamion is very brave, unlike our summoning which always run away from mob / boss, if we stand too far from the enemy. But Salamion is different, because almost 80% of time I using it, he is like a mad dog that keep attacking the enemy, and don’t care if I walk away or stand too far from it.

  • Almost no sp cost when summoning salamion, because we can regen our sp with cat buff, unlike summon that keep decrease our sp.

  • Salamion power scale with our level and he keep getting stronger as we level up, just see the skill description.

  • Very tanky, as he can mob many monster at dungeon, and not die too fast.

  • Almost 80% of time, he draw enemy aggro and because of that I can hitting the enemy freely, because he tanking everything. But in boss fight, the boss keep chasing after me, maybe that because the boss is designed to just focus to attack us and not the summon.

  • Salamion attack speed is also not too bad, he attack every 1,5 second.

  • The key to command Salamion to attack monster is just stand close to your target monster, and after Salamion lock it, he will immediately keep attacking the monster until it dies.

So don’t believe everything that said in the forum, you must experience it first, then you will know the true value of Salamion.

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