Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

I have 50 points in CON, probably put a few more. So far I only have problem in siauliai mission when boss are way over your level (seriously, yesterday TS died in two tornados from the tree)

As for SP I usually summon the cat when I’m running low (about 200), sit and use a campfire… anywhere. As soon as the cat starts the last buff, I’m back to fighting.

Can sorcs without a support option find a party in high level parties ?
I’m not sure if I should use cards to reach 211 for Alemeth or keep grinding Vedas alone for 3m/hour until I can pop all cards to reach rank 7.
I’d have to grind 16h without counting missions and dungeons which I really would like to avoid but don’t want to spoil my spot with exp penalty due to overlevel either if I don’t find parties.

everytime i grind solo, i think of all the silver i get, and i get super excited !

Do you guys think wiz>pyro1>link2>sorc3 is better than wiz>pyro1>link1>thauma1>sorc3? thanks!

Is sorc c2 viable for earth tower?

regarding leveling the cards, get a card to 4 stars and use it to get templeshooter to 4 stars? because i don’t think i’ll manage to get the loot from templeshooter because everyone is around 220 hunting worldbosses

Does the level of the Summoning skill provide any benefit aside from increasing the INT and SPR multipliers?

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Does anyone know if templeshooter’s attacks count as missile attacks? And if they do, are they affected by the decay debuff (missile attacks do more damage)

Has anyone tried wiz1/cryo1/linker1/thaum1/sorc3?

My idea is that it’s support and then usual sorceror damage, but you can also become tanky if needed.

  • Cryo freeze + JP/HK attributes to help party
  • Swell Left Arm: +218 phys/magic attack buff (with max attribute) to party
  • Transpose: You are (almost) full INT, but can switch to (almost) full CON to make you AND your summon tanky if needed (not sure if this is a good idea though).

Compared to linker2/sorc3, you give up Spiritual Chain/JP 10 but gain Swell Left Arm and Transpose

It doesnt affect it. Templeshooter does piercing but not missile for some odd reason.

full CON do nothing to the summon

also you are trying to do too much at once, i think
in a group situation, you would probably do too much that you do nothing too well, and other group members would be able to replace you in thsoe areas, leaving your contributions low

to break it down, i think you are
relying on summon for dps too much, does not work that way, thanks to upkeeps and need for burst at situations
relying on thaum to tank, which is absolutely uncessary, unless you want to try some very interesting way of sorc, which i would love to see, and appreciate (also you would have aggro issue)
relying cyro1 on cc, which i don’t think would work, without ice tree (don’t quote me, ask other cyro lol)
relying linker1 on linking, which is wonderful, just a linker 2 is so much better as a support though

the idea is there, but i would drop 1 or 2 things there to at least deal with the bread and butter of a sorc, which is to either dps, or to support well (linker2 / cyro3)

Some things I’ve been testing, would love some input if someone actually tested it or knows well enough

Surespell > if you are casting a summon and got knocked back, you get interrupted hard and 60 sec cooldown, testing to see if it will fix the problem, because for other spell, when you get up from knockback and continue the cast

Attack ground / Hold then riding > If you ride and do a quick skill on pet, and jump off instantly, and walks far (or gets knocked back), your pet looses tether and follows you. It seems if you did attack ground first in the mob’s face, it helps alot
Not sure would hold do the same thing, need some insight

Attack ground derping > sometimes after an attack ground, the summon stands there derping, as if its looking for a hidden coin in the terrain or something, and if i cast attack ground again, it is ok, but it’s annoying, are there any fix?

And btw, since i have so many wizard skill point left, i put some back in energy bolt, and the aoe attack ratio from cat combined with it makes it a good mechanism for pulling stuff towards you, without the need to run around causing your pet to stop and follow you

Hello, I’m just a newbie sorcerer and i just wanna ask why my summon don’t increase it’s size? my summoning is level 4 and my Temple shooter is 5 star but the size is still the same. Please help

maybe need c2 , because ride skill need bigger summon

This is just a guess but I think summon’s size is determined by the minimum level between the skill summoning and the boss card.
So currently your summon’s size is 4.

@leerius I guess they can find party, tecnically summon servant is a support skill and everybody loves the cat.

@Drolrevo Probably, but you’ll hardly see “looking for sorc ET” instead of “looking for Elementa-lock”

@Nafff It doesn’t work like that, cards give less EXP proportinal to their level
Boss card lv 1 = 100xp
Boss card lv 4 = 250xp, so your TS will be only lv 2 after that

@MoogleLactomancer Summon size, you won’t need anything else :stuck_out_tongue:

@yaladilae yeah they go full derp after using attack ground sometimes. Is your sleep lv 5 already? It’s a good skill too.

I’ll try to confirm tonight, but i’m pretty sure only Summoning afects size

i went wiz3, so sleep is on 15 :slight_smile:

I really hope that Nexon/IMC will change/buff/QoL Sorc sooner or later…

  1. disabling SP regen is very bad idea imho… if this is the way to stop people from afk farming then it’s bad way. Make summons last 1-2 minutes. This way people won’t be able to afk/alt-tab and do something else while summon do their job.
  2. change the mana consumption from 1% max mana to flat value and make it drain much slower… this way Sorc can actually use spells from other classes and maybe don’t need to use -mana gear and gems to actually reduce max mana and don’t use the most expensive pots this way

I am going to purpose something strange here

Recently I’ve decided i have a guardian spider gem sitting around, so i am gonna slot it anyway, who cares about summon salamion right?

Wrong, at lv 2, it is actually pretty powerful, and does not die

Lv 200 salamion is hitting in the 1k+, where the typical mob we have is like 10k - 20k hp, with linking, it doesn’t take too long to take a group of them down

Now add some bats, and the fact that you also can attack, use spell without managing sp, for farming, summon salamion is good enough… (probably someone will say hey, try lv 240+)

Of course i whip out my templeshooter when i need to kill a boss, or when i face some elite mobs, in mission, but i never have downtime now for sp, only hp

Hello! I’m almost level 170 and I feel like Maledoom would be a good option considering the int bonus. Has anyone compared it with maga and a dagger already?