Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Hey guys in terms of sustained dps, does sorcerer do better than Ele 3 War 1? I’m just wondering, but I’m still going sorcerer.

No, but you’ll see some differences, measuring from boss aggro.
Strong Elelocks will draw bosses aggro very often if there is not a dedicated tanker in the group and will have to run away acordingly and lose some potential damage.
The same will happen to the sorcerer if the party members keep getting Templeshooter’s target away from him and you will have to keep repositioning him.
Usually, my Templeshooter(10 :star: Summoning 15) is the tanker in siauliai mission(within myLV+5) if there isn’t a swordsman, elelock or machine-musketeer simply because it deals constant damage while other players run from aoes.

Saw a post in shout today (thought I’d bring it here) that claims that Wiz3 has a synergy with Sorcerors.

Anyone have any further info on this? The dude didnt see my pm I think xD

Im assuming it’s the Quickcast (or was it surespell) 50% matk thing but… that doesnt work on Summons does it, they dont scale with matk. Thoughts?

Wizard C3 Quickcast interactions, Quickcast works with Summon Familiar. Quickcast also effects summon abilities while you are riding it, so lets say you use quickcast jump on your Chapparition and use his AoE and you get a 50% damage bonus, however it only works with magical property skills. From what i understand its useless with Templeshooters skills since those skill arent magic. I havent personally tested it but it should also work with Evocation and Desmodus if you go sorc 3.

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I’m currently Sorc 3 and still deciding whether to get desmudos or not. Is it worth it? Coz I’m planning on getting lvl 15 familiar and I have lvl 5 salamion instead.

Desmodus deals its damage two/three times in a line that goes through all enemies. If you have linker in your build, more Familiars might deal more damage to the linked targets, if you don’t, desmodus will deal damage to more targets with proper positioning.

would it be better to get 10 familiar and 5 desmodus?

That’s really up to you. I, as a cryo 3, prefer desmodus, since I have the tree to get monsters together desmodus will hit most of them.

Is there evidence of this? I thought that most buffs much less attributes dont apply to pets.

You are right in the fact that most buffs dont apply. Another sorcerer earlier in the thread was testing this with his build and he found it worked with bosses that used magic skills with riding. I think the reason it works is while riding it may be using your buffs while using the bosses skills since you are manually controlling the boss. The game is probably handling riding as if you are transformed. So as far as the game is concerned its your skills being used.

Take what i just typed with a grain of salt but from what ive seen and read thats what i think is happening with quickcast and ride.

Edit Speaking of pet buffs anyone want to help me figure out exactly which buffs do apply. I know chrono haste does and the oracle buff that shows boss attacks. Saw that one happen on my Templeshooter and it took me a second to figure out why i could see its attack range on the ground.

I know Haste is the only thing that I’ve seen applied, but then i am such a loner I don’t group much

I don’t think that’s correct about pet taking your buffs, because i never see things like sacrement, enchant fire etc works when i ride, or we would see 3 hit, which would be awesome

I am going to check cat’s dark propery attack and quick cast 50% when i get a chance today
I would be suprised quickcast actually works, mainly because:

  1. Archer swiftstep crit buff is from attribute only, when shared with group, it doesn’t work
  2. Quickcast 50% dmg is attribute only
  3. Pets usually take 0 buffs

The reason i always want to check dark property attack is to confirm, maybe other’s buff on me won’t work, but maybe my own buff would…

Sacrament and enchant fire only add lines in basic attacks, the first button while riding probably is considered a skill for all purposes.

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hmm, good thinking, that makes a lot more sense then

thank you for this guide i am making a sorcerer myself my 1st run of the game, however i would like to know about cyro icewall skill why to level it and how to use it effectivly cause right now it’s like a subpar damage dealer for my cryo wizard
also for the attributes what do you rekon is useful?

Ice Wall alone doesnt do any real damage and is mainly a control skill. If you have Psycokino you can use Psychic Pressure with a square shaped ice wall to do burst damage with ice walls secondary effect. If you dont have kino its more for control than anything else. I used it by taping the button so it shoots off in a straight line then i let bosses or mobs walk up and down it while i attack them from the other side. At Cryo C3 you can Use Snow Rolling and roll against the ice wall for extra damage.

Edit Also theres a hidden perk of being able to annoy people in Town like this.

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Ok, here you go, dark property attack does nothing to pet damage as expected

Quickcast does not do anything for Chapparition either
I tested both skill, and it’s the same thing… but i only got “good” screenshot of this one

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Good to know I will update my guide. I dont have quickcast on my sorc so I was going by what someone else said happened when they used it.
Edit: Thanks for testing that. I wish this game was a little more clear on what buffs actually affect.


Hi guys, So I re-rolled my sorc into cryo3/sorc2/warlock.
The build I’ve found is quite viable and good (and potentially fun :0)

Even though I have experience being a sorcerer, I still have difficulties with it. So I’d like to ask some questions.

  • What is the optimal amount of CON for cyro3>sorc2>warlock? 50? 60? 100? This is where I struggle the most as I dont like to be squishy yet I don’t like to sacrifice my DPS.

  • SP Issues - Since sorcs cosume a percentage of mana, It’s obvious that we might have sp problems. Is there any solutions for sp problems?

I aim for 100 con by level 280 without gear, which should put me to around 20k hp, enough to deal with all situations that we don’t do anything stupid, such as running into a pack of 20 mobs trying to tank.

When you solo, just try to use less of other skill and let templeshooter do it’s job. I only ever link things if they are too scattered, or burst when someone tries to steal my mobs / in areas where respawn is slow

When you group, it depends on your group setup (i join PUG all the time, so i don’t have a fix group), if your group is low on utlities characters, then try to save up mana so your pet can be there longer for more consistent dps, dont use burst skill as much, but use cc etc if necessary. If your group is good burst, then you would probably just burn down your mana and kill the boss faster, and then kill the pet as soon as you’ve done your morph cycle for extra mana, or that’s how i roll. From what i gathered, around 1800-2500sp would be the perfect spot

That being said, it’s a lot harder to do then to write on paper

p.s I didn’t go cyro, maybe cyro spell takes a lot more mana then i thought

In case anyone is wondering, attributes are super expensive !!!
I think the last stages of a skill attribute is really for the high level doing ET to spend some extra money when they’ve got the end game gears already

Just spent 1mil going from magic missile 20 to 50, and i barely have enough to buy potions!