Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Yay field boss farming guess I’ll try hunting the lower level bosses for better luck…

They all have long spawn times, your best option is to shot for times and try to warp as soon as possible or wait few mins in the place for respawn, then you try to get parties to hava a better shot at it.

Great dps though does sorc three add anything to these numbers? it seems like the only reason to go sorc 3 is 5 more bats and des. Or is Des that good?

*Also it sounds like the reason to go wiz 3 for sorc is just Magic Missle and Quickcast for bats. Does that really compare with the alternatives?

**Wait a sec…if temple shooters xbow skill does 50-90k, does that mean it will do 100-180k if the target is in decay status?

got very lucky and got a ledas shield recently with 102 ice attack

as a wiz3 > linker 1 > sorc, would i be using this shield a lot more then Arde?
The defense + the attack seems to worth it

And can i actually sell the arde because I am very poor now !

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Don’t sell Arde, you could always use it with your alts, do you really need money that much?

You might be right about sorc 3, but for pve feather foot is a lot better than warlock or sorc, I’ve saw many videos and the dmg is very very very high, it can’t be compared

Very true, but at the same time those are high cool down skills, Sorc3 has higher sustained dps.

So you can go higher than 10 stars on cards? Did you try evocation or not worth at all? thx for your feedback soon sorcerer 3 :).

When u say crossbow skill u mean the rapid fire skill , the second in the action bar when riding?

What about your stuff? U cant actually boost TS dmg with your stuff but with INT ? So any mandatory items i guess.

no 10 stars is max.
evocation is not worth it, i’d suggest avykos not to get it and get familiar 15, desmodus 5 summoning lvl 15, assuming she has lvl 1 sala.
we don’t need more guinea pigs to prove how crappy evocation is.
i’m pretty sure the skill ur describing is the one she’s pertaining to after all it’s templeshooter’s highest dps skill, or actually the highest summon dps skill so far.

also @avykos welcome to the sorc 3 train :blush:
and grats on getting 2 templeshooters, I haven’t leveled my 2nd card just to be safe since morph is broken lol.
may I ask how much damage per hit does both the original summon and morphed summon deal using the 2nd skill? just to get some idea how much my damage my second card will deal just in case. :slight_smile:

Do you mean Sorc2-Featherfoot?

might be true but I’ve heard that featherfoot skills costs a lot of sp like ~1k, so I don’t think it synergizes that well with sorc.

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Thank you. We are in the same boat. Not may of our comrades decided to go Sorc3, btw. So let’s show everybody that Sorc3 is still can be good choice :slight_smile:

As for Temple Shooter dmg:

My test subjects were monsters (90-100k hp each monster) at ERD 230+.

PS Please note that I am man).

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oooops my bad :scream:
so damage goes down by ~20+%, I’ll try morphing 1 shooter to 1 shooter to see if this ~20% is consistent. All I know so far is morph definitely makes a weaker summon.

So far morphing makes all my secondary card go down to lvl 1 strength regardless of what lvl it currently is.

Morph summon is weaker, true. Meanwhile, during party grinding, you don’t want your summont to autoattack, you want your summon to deal significant burst dmg in short period of time.

That’s why i came to conclusion that it is still worth to use Morph :slight_smile:

Even Morph Temple Shooter can deal minimum 30k dmg by Rapid Fire/crossbow skill EVERY 20 seconds.

My current int is 390, summoning 15 lvl.

Hey guys, I was wondering how well the AOE buff from Summon Servant works with Cryomancer skills. Is rank 5 of the buff that noticeable? 5 AOE seems like a good amount, but I would like to hear some player feedback regarding the AOE buff from Servant and its affect on Cryo skills.

Wow this is a real great & updated thread. I am really into sorcerer and the only thing I am solid about going for is sorcerer c2. My thoughts on paths before and after sorcerer:

  • I’m actually torn between cryo & kino… (if only kino was rank 2, I wouldn’t be having a hard time.) One of the main reasons is their cc capabilities in tandem with the lategame rank where I like cryo, just that freeze will not be effective to those cleric buffs (bloodletting & prophecy if I’m not mistaken.) I like kino because it has shorter cd with its cc (raise compared to ice pillar) and more dps oriented alongside it.

  • recently learned of usefulness of rune caster to cryomancer

  • I recently read how sorc c3 is great considering more bats, stronger summon, desmodus.

  • recently didn’t like how linker is dependent on links for the most part as well as not into the idea of pyro

  • problem starts where I would like to get sorc c3 but still be able to have kino c3 too (which is impossible now,) but if i only get kino/sorc at rank 8… that feels sad considering there’d be new classes. if anything, a cryo c3, sorc c3 and if ever the classes are not up to it, rc might be a choice…

Anyway, here are the paths I’m kinda hoping in terms of acquiring the best of both worlds (pve & pvp content) for someone (me) who has been confused for a month on how to go about my sorc c2 dilemma:

  1. Cryosorcaster (cryo c3, sorc c2, rc) - destruction / ice burst / protection
  2. Cryorcerer (cryo c3, sorc c3) - stronger summons, desmodus
  3. Cryokinorcerer (cryo, kino c3, sorc c2) - raise gravity pole for cc while summons chug away, more sp chugging, summons not like a sorc c3
  4. Cryokino Sorcaster (cryo c2, kino, sorc c2, rc) - rune + ice wall + pp combo, walling to swapping, summons, almost jack of trades but not entirely(???)
  5. Wizkinorcerer (wiz3, kino, sorc c3) - dammit… could’ve been rc. anyway, amplified magicks, summon magicks
  6. sway me to another path of being a utility (with it’s lower ranks as cryo kino) in both pvp & pve content while having the dps/utility sorc2 (or 3) has.
  7. this path was what i went with and felt lost; almost rank 5 now: cryo> kino > linker > sorc2 > runecaster / warlock

Yes… and just 1 skill consumes Sp continously, but with sp potions, it’s viable to use this with summoning. The CDs are very short, than any other class of rank 7, and u have to think that , all of this will improve with rank 8 so I will bet in feather to best PVE wizz class, apparently warlock is the popular one, and people don’t know at all how awesome feather is yet. U have to look the whole, the damage, the skills status effects, the continuously Hp recover, and the fact that is a rank 8 class, can’t be compared, it have a lot of potencial to be improved in future ranks.

True, that Featherfoot deals tons of damage. i have been studying Featherfoot for several days before making final decsision.

But i came to conclusion that i wouldn’t be able to play as Featherfoot. Featherfoot SP consupmtion is too Huge, Featherfoot main DMG skill consumes 1000 SP per cast. Even with SP Lvl 10 Pots I wouldn’t be able to manage my SP.

Mine current SP is 1600. I am spamming the following skills by CD:

  • Joint Penalty
  • Hangman’t Knot
  • Summoning
  • Summon Familiar
  • Enchant Fire
  • Summon Servant
  • Morph
  • Desmodeus
  • Flame Ground

No Room for Featherfoot hungry SP skills. Featherfoot could be good if Sorc has SP Regen.

Forget the actual rank, whart do you think about wizard c3 > Psycho c3 > Sorcerer c3… Rotation cd psycho and mount.

I don’t like linker i search alternative…