Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

I just ctrl C + ctrl V’d the video without html ‘a’ tags :open_mouth: this forum is so godlike.

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Well i feel stupid for not figuring out how to post videos like that. Quick question should i leave the guide the way it is or change the videos to embedded ones?
Edit nevermind it will look to cluttered if i change it.

It’ll make easier to not go to youtube on every link. Will make your post huge but detailed though.

If you choose to do so, consider swaping order with builds so you don’t have that amount of videos before more information.:slight_smile:

Or you could wait until you have them with skills and decide between the usefull/all.

People overlook the damage INT provides for summon but remember this:

  • The more INT you put, the more INT you get, from 500+ every point in INT gets you DOUBLE what you invest.

  • INT scales with Ranks, so the more ranks you have, the more INT you have.

Those two facts make Summons scales nicely into the game, your INT will end up being huge if you are an INT based character.

so this is all about sorc 1.24 min full sp to 0, and he make 5k silver at 230+ lvl and kill only 2 pakcs… its hard to play with this class! now after 1.24 min he need to rest or drink potion(3k lvl10 1.5kmp) , imagine that is happend in dung! Sorc need to be fixed!


We need a petition about this trouble with sorcerer!

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Summoning costs 1%sp(not riding) each 2 seconds, thats 200 seconds (3 min 20 sec).

200 seconds dealing 2/3k ranged aoe damage, I don’t think a lot of classes can do this without spending that amount of SP :open_mouth:

I’m not defending though, it’s very annoying when you’re in dungeon and everybody have to wait for you 20/30sec sitting in bonfires if you doesn’t have Big SP pots :’(

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Its 1hitko aka Necroventer in the 90s D:
Shadowgaler is in the 50s \o

Also, try these for the videos:

Necroventer << click Drops from: Klaipeda storyline and necroventer cube at lv 90 dungeon


Basic Attacks: ranged, straight line, double hits on bosses
Skills: soon

ah thanks missed that ill fix it

Should I go Pyro 3 or Cryo 3 followed by sorcerer 3? PvE high Damage focus

Cryo 3 is less damage but you can freeze and control mobs while your pet attacks them. Theres some personal bias here but i highly recommend cryo 3 sorc. I haven’t played pyro but id imagine it is more damage without any of the control. Someone posted earlier in the thread saying that in groups pyro 3 sorc seemed like it didn’t do much damage but solo he melted stuff.

You right but, 200 sec without using any other skills wich is mmm not working at game cauz of AI and mb you noticed that this damage is worth if you take other dps classes. Btw only one person that using camp in dung(with healer) is… you know what im talking about) And the last problem is money that you spend on potions mb im doing somthing wrong but sorc is money drinking machine)

Hi, I’ve been itching to create a Sorcerer for quite awhile now.

I’m partially planning to tackle the MP issues with Summoning and un-summoning based on circumstances. The only problem I’m left with is un-summoning.

So far it seems like the only way to manually un-summon it is to either right click the debuff or swap the cards from your grimoire. Since I’m playing with a controller, that would not be ideal for me.

Are there any other ways to un-summon? Like using the summon skill again?

Swapping cards doesn’t unsummon. Using the skill again will just summon again next to you but it will switch summons if you swap the card while another summon is out.

Honestly, just got to Sorc, I didn’t put any point in SPR and don’t regret it at all, it uses 1% every 2 secs 12 SP is really little for the damage it does), I’m using Klaipedia potions and it’s more than enough if you only summon when needed. I’m also using plate armor that gives HP instead of SP.

Bonfires when unsumon with Summon Servant and Sorc’s attribute of SP regen will probaly fill my SP up in 15 seconds.

About AI, it’s bad because you can’t kite, but if know how to have good mobility without jumping it improves, Linker is too good to Sorc because it doesn’t matter if it aims for traps as long as they are linked to the boss itself.

I’m very happy with my decision on Sorc and I believe it really adds a very good gameplay when you reach Rank 2. Though there should be some other skill damage for Sorc C2.

Thanks for clarifying! Does that mean the ONLY way at the moment to un-summon is to right click the debuff? If so, anyone know if there’s any easier way to do so with the controller?

Slightly Offtopic: In FFXIV you could write a macro which you can add to your keybind to do so. Unfortunately the macro function in this game is just for chats :dizzy_face:

Summon/unsummon seems good but what about de cool down?

Your summon takes your SP away in 200 secs.

All you need to do is wait it’s 60 secs cooldown to end, and then unsummon when needed, if you do it before and need it again you will really feel stupid.

The way I intend to play will not require the summon to be up for the full 60sec duration most of the time. Doing so means I will have to be putting down my controller to reach for my mouse every minute! :tired_face:

I also intend to unsummon half way through combat for better SP management. Controls right now are just super clunky.

Dear fellow Sorcerers

I have just got SorcererC2 and it feels very good. I really started to feel myself like Master of my Summon.

Especially, I liked Riding Summon Skill. I got on my Temple Shooter and Tanked all bosses in Party Missions. I felt myself like invincible because my summoner took all dmg for myself.

Imagine, you are sitting on the Big Boss fighting on the frontline against Rival Big Bosses. At the same time your comrades desperately dance around enemy boss and trying to avoid dmg from boss skills.

That riding experience was so good!

It is really worth to get SorcC2, it will let you feel The Big.

Needless to say, attack ground can be casted every 3 second and it really allows you to CONTROL the Summon.

So, i felt so much potential in our class. At this moment i am searching for Boss Card with Provoke Skills. I really want to tank bosses more. Simply amazing!