Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

Now marnox atk is strike.
Lethargy: Enemy takes +50% strike damage.


hmm I don’t know what to do with my sorcerer now :x

I was fine with my build not being the strongest. (cryo3sorc3sage2)

But now that summon aggro is nerfed and cryo tree won’t pull my build will be significantly worse. :x

I refuse to go necro with sorc so idk what to do now, I might roll out of sorc even.


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I’m using Cryo3-Sorc2-Warlock3, indeed i’m abusing the aggo+pulling to often grab whole room of monsters (especially in unique raid) to make run faster, I also use Demon Scratch to kill them all at once in 1-2 OH, this have been tremendous fun for me.

It will ending soon :cry:

I’ve to crack my head and theorycrafting again, btw it seesm thaumaturge both swell hands is able to buff Pets, maybe thaum2/3 is something for Sorc/Necro now.

By the way, the Lethargy Strike debuff will moving to Circle3, meaning Marnox3 user basically need to go Wizard C3.

And it seems there are a lot of Magical Debuff, Sleep/Lethargy/RuneOfDestruction/LightningHand, summon with Magic Attack seems like more viable as well.

I’m also going for a sorc wol3 build and I don’t think it’s really dead you’ll just need to time a lot more your wl skills without the current frost pillar…

Wich is a bad thing. So sinse I my focus is sorcerer i think i`ll change it to something like wiz>cryo3>thauma2/3> sorc2/3 (probably sorc3). Or try it with pyro not sure yet. Maybe even kino? don’t know about it though but I’ve always found kino a really interesting class so i’ll think a lot on it heh

Or maybe just keep it like it is ‘-’ wl3 is a really good class and i just got used to it. Farming is really easy sinse it’s skills have no aoe limit. Aggro the whole, frost pillar, demon scratch kek

Who knows. Maybe it’ll still work out

I just need to be sure of how big will be the difference for using thauma buffs

Yup this could potentially change sorc builds a lot.

Hum I was thinking… the reason for Cryo c3 is because of the way to gather mobs together and let them stuck in one point right? So… fire pillar doesn’t kind of do the same thing?
If they don’t change the way of how it stucks monsters together, I’ll just need to lure the whole room with the summons as usual and once they’re kind of concentraded in a certain spot just trow there the fire pillar. And pyro has more damage skills so yay DAMAGE

It’s cd, if not changed, is “close” to Frost Pillar and personally, I just need to mobs stop hitting me because damage ‘-’

If i had the resets right now I would try wiz>Pyro3> Sorc3/2>Thauma2/3 and wiz>Pyro3>Sorc2>Wl3. Damage for cryo? sure why not, but that isn’t the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about cryo.

Also, even though I don’t really understand how does the changes on flame ground and fire ball will work but imo there is more cinergy in there then with the new cryo… or not. Freezing enemys so the summon can hit harder and… snow rolling? Don’t like it that much…in the end it just trows mobs everywhere (unless you have Marnox and a really nice gear so they’re all dead at the end :V)

You see, I’m not agains cryo or anything, but the figure i have from ice type stuff is more like “shield”, “tanking”, “protection” you know? So this changes kind of shook it a little ;-;

One more thing, how Ice Blast will work? only in frozen enemys or frost pillar will be the same? it’ll freeze stuff in it’s area right? Idk i think i preffer flare… don’t know. Too many unknowns.

I’m totally open to counter arguments ^^ even tho it’s a loooot of trouble and crying (even from me) I love thinking about these new ways when changes comes heh


I so freaking agree with you when you say how frost pillar “is the reason” for cryo (something like that). But i can’t really see how will be a good sinergy with sorc - I know you said it in another forum wich means it’s not really related to sorc builds, but I want to discover how it might work you know? Not questioning you or anything more like waiting for more variations and original ideas >->b

Not really.

It’s a 20 sec cd debuff in a relatively small aoe. Marnox is strong enough without it. Only really good for bossing/world bossing, and in world boss I’d imagine other wizards will be casting lethargy to debuff already.

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Oh yeah, is there anything with kino? it doesn’t help that the class is at rank 5(right?) but i always thought it has a really interesting play style - but low damage… e.e’

Pyro could really be a viable choice for sorcerers due to fire pillar, it doesn’t pull but the root is pretty nice. It seems to get an increased range too.

Cryo might still be good, frost pillar has perma freeze so Id assume there is no issue keeping the monster there and using blast should work like before I assume.
Snow rolling gets the target count a lot higher so it’s really something to consider, while the spread could be a problem. Cryo needs some testing to see how its grouping potential is now.
Linkers will stay relevant, wiz2/3 will open new damage boost to sorcerers, thauma potentially strong.
Heck even kino could be worth trying for the utlity it has.

There’s a lot of build paths open considering sorc 3 is pretty much useless.
As said earlier te extent of thauma buffs will define heavily how open sorc will be to different build paths I guess.

Im not really sure yet. Really need to see how the class works in game or test it myself with sorcerer.
It won’t be the same but honestly it doesn’t really need to be, it was extremely strong combo before. (Perhaps a bit too strong, it was really fun tho.)

Combo? Frost pillar+summon atcks in general you mean?

And perma freeze you say? huuuh interesting i didn’t see it anywhere. So it kind of stucks mobs like fire pillar?not bad heh
but wouldn’t ice blast unfreeze the monsters?..wich wouldn’t matter sinse they will freeze again kek

thinking of it, snow rolling could be like your closing combo skills - after gathering mobs together and using Frost pillar, ice blast and summon atcks you just finish with getting the rest together with the instant huge snow ball so your summon can KILL THEM ALL heh interesting~

Pillar and summon skill. (Doesnt work with every summon obviously.) Easy wipe to a huge group of monsters.

I think so… a lot people say that while the translated patch notes say “hold and attack” type of skill, so I assume thats how it works?

Yup something like what you said could be how it works but I don’t want to stay too hopeful either so better be a bit patient for a while and start theorizing more when the patch gets applied to ktest server. :stuck_out_tongue:

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"Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?"~no

Hahaha, I feel you, I was really hoping for a sorc 3 rebalance but really opening a lot potential class paths to make our overall builds better/more interesting/something new is exciting enough for now.


We also got a sneaky buff to a few summons in there that use magic damage, since Lethargy will now add 20% more damage to all magic attacks.

It’s certainly not on par with the current lethargy we have now, but some summons (Rexipher? Mirtis? Froster Lord?) will get a nice chunk of damage up against bosses. Meanwhile Necroventer might be unseated from its privileged position for those of us who haven’t managed to get a Marnox card yet.

Either way, the changes to Lethargy and Reflect Shield seem like they will make being Wiz2 or 3 almost mandatory for a dedicated Sorc build. Though if Reflect still has a terrible hitcount I’ll probably skip it anyways.

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I wish sorc 3 would give more then ten% damage for summoning and the other skill did actually something… but now we just got another way to spend silver e.e’ kill me. I’m still searching for my marnox and IMC comes with this (and such good costumes omg grul did see thaaaat?) lel

Yup, I really want to stick with sorc3 and I have until now but this patch I’ll change cause it’s opening so much more valuable circles that are too good to pass just for the sake of wanting to stick with it.

Tbh I kinda wish they would have reworked cat buff a little too. While the sp regen and AAR are very strong aspects of it they don’t really offer sorcerer itself anything and the rest of the buffs are useless. (I mean 50property damage is so outdated. :frowning: )

(Of course I saw new costumes, tree of fashion. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Sorry if you alredy said it somewhere else in here but what’s your currenct build? and 50 property damage? Dark property? I thought it was like daaaaaaamn PERFECT COMBO WITH WL but it seems not…

I wouldn’t go as far as to say mandatory but definitely an option worth thinking for. It’s actually quite interesting to see more synergy with other classes now.

Yeah unfortunately it’s very lackluster as of now, at least warlock 3 is good on its own so your build is still good. Stamina recovery is meh and the magic defense was as low as dark property if I dont remember wrong. :confused:

My build is cryo3sorc3sage2 currently, not the optimal choice but works currently well for my tastes.

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Problem is that only wiz3 will apply strike debuff, so even at WB i doubt it will cancel each with non wiz3 because wiz2 have magic damage debuff, unless the zerg is well communicated to let wiz3 apply only, but it so messy that might not the case.

Since Elementalist get a big buff, i think it might be a better way to play with warlock3. Cryo3-Warlock3 lack of skills, but just because the pulling effect it can kill more with less minimized the issue.
Or Pyro2 firepillar might works too.
Another issue is that Summon aggro target also get nerfed to 8 targets only, so it wont be effective holder as pseudo grouper anymore.

Nah the thing I enjoy the most is sorcerer. I went with wl3 just because of rank9 and I know that only boss skills/ auto atck with the gear I can affort isn’t enough for boss killing or farming. Plus this build is original ish heh

Staying mounted for a long is dangerous without good gear, for damage and defence.

Summons by itselfs are really strong with a great weapon, wich is what I’m working on. This doesn’t mean I won’t mount it, but I’ll do it when other skills are on cd or the summon atk is better then what I have left (like ice blast).

That and I don’t really like elementalist… It’s the tipycal squish character you know? I prefer to be capable of staying alive by my own doing too hmhm wich is easier in a sorc build

if imc doesn’t change it, there is my character, the summon, salamion, cat, ten bats, mastema and the souls from summoning(if not changed). I guess i’m ok with only 8/5 targets per “crature”. Unless they all count as one. Wich is not ah big of deal actually. My PD has the pandemic at level 4 and can “lure” 14 i belive + prevous infected mobs with black death+spread, Im used to it. 16 is not enogh for new mabs that have tons of mobs in one run (Epheratao Coast) for example but i can do it.

~i think it’s 5 on normal maps and 8 in dgs? i don’t really know