Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

@AmartiZ what alavien1 said :smiley_cat:

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hahaha! yep. thx alot! coz im maxing out one card so I badly need to know.

A lot of the players don’t have a kTOS account, so I wouldn’t really trust their insight 100% until the patch comes.

I was under the impression you were asking about iTOS since you said “so far,” and these forums are for iTOS, so my answer was for iTOS only.

I don’t have a sorcerer on kTOS, but I do have a cleric, and most players I’ve seen are still using Temple Shooter for everything. I don’t know if this has to do with TS being easier to get than other good cards, or if there is a general consensus that TS is still the best (though this does seem to be the case).

I think a lot of people are sick of using TS in iTOS, so they are eager to tell you netherbovine or necroventer will be better, but I haven’t seen anything to confirm these claims yet other than people’s opinions based on youtube videos. If you look at the skill factor % of TS’s skills, they have been buffed a lot and they are stronger than most other summons’ riding skills too. The F skill in particular does absurd damage, and I would not be surprised if this makes TS better than necroventer at bossing despite the interaction necroventer has with lethargy attribute.

If your weapon attack is high enough to practically one-shot monsters, Netherbovine (and in certain cases, Mirtis) will give you low CD riding skills that have fast casting and big AoE. This does not mean their DPS is highest, it just means they’re better in these circumstances. As for how much damage you need to be able to one-shot monsters with Netherbovine’s S skill to make this true, nobody here can tell you that yet (and it’s obviously dependent on what type of content you are doing too).

Also, depending on your build, you may not want to be riding all the time, so that makes it even less practical to crown one summon as “best” so far.

As a Sorc, you will want multiple cards at level 10 anyway. For now, you can’t go wrong with a 10 star temple shooter.

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Templeshooter will be better if you have a Necromancer rank for decay, if you don’t the Necroventer and Netherbovine will be the better choice.

There was a post in one of the sorcerer threads that listed the summons from best to worse (After the KR patch) if any experienced sorcerer that knows this information could make a list like this would be awesome since basically all i have RN by reading this thread is:

Best summons after patch:
1.- Templeshooter
2.- Netherbovine
3.- Necroventer

I need more information about the other cards :3 so i’ll be glad if someone helps with this

Are you talking about this? It’s a post from ktos forums. I don’t trust the rankings completely though (no mention of netherbovine, even). You should wait until the patch comes to iTOS, and people testing cards will be able to answer your questions without making blind guesses.

Does anyone know tell me which is the most important spr or the weapon, does anyone have the formula?

I am in doubt if I invest in a heart of glory or a windia (the windia has more spr and it is cheaper)

pleeeease help me u_u

Nobody bothered to calculate formula because of a variety of reasons making it difficult.

Invest in Heart of Glory. The difference in weapon attack will be greater with more transcendence stages and the difference in SPR isn’t that much…Ofc to test we’d need someone with both HoG and Windia.

Guys, salamion or familiar? with one will do more dmg with 10 points? i’m full spr btw

The summon patch basically made salamion scale the same as our devil summon, so he will do decent damage. On paper, he’ll probably deal more DPS than summon familiar by a landslide (summon familiar CD is high). However, if you’ve ever used salamion you will know that his AI is horrible, as he is both slow and weak to CC.

It boils down to whether you prefer reliable burst damage (summon familiar) or semi-reliable single target DPS (salamion).

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Wouldn’t it make more sense to compare Regard Horn Staff and Skull Smasher if we’re looking for “the best” of magic attack and SPR? Smasher has slightly more base magic attack than Windia but gives 32 more INT and 18 more SPR. Regard Horn has over 200 more base magic attack, 15 more INT and 32 more SPR than Heart of Glory. Vienarazis Staff also has better base magic damage and SPR than HoG, though it has less INT. The staves are a superior option unless you have ThauC2 or more in your build or frequently party with ThauC2/3 and want the extra damage, but even with Thau in mind it looks like Skull Smasher or Heart of Glory would be the ones to debate over.

Windia or Viena Staff are definitely the best cheap options, though. IMO unless you live and breathe for getting the biggest possible numbers either of those is fine, not everyone has the time or patience to get a 2 practo weapon (I sure don’t).

I was replying to a poster who asked if she should go Windia or Heart of Glory.

Another week without the Summoner patch.


yes its so sad… and they put forest fairy costume into GODDES CUBE

retarded imc -.-


and another week where i can feel you guys … :sob:

another week in-hope for next week sorcerer patch

I’m not that exited Because i’m a main necro, and honestly, i don’t know if just increase our dmg will be enough for endgame since our ai is horrible and there’s a limit of how much summons can atk a boss.

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@kalin.ghg true !

but i’m excited anyway :thumbsup:

Is the The Morph skill working properly? The number of stars in the primary affects the secondary and etc? Or u will need all ur cards at lv 10 and the skill only works for changing the boss?

Morph works, but secondary summons don’t get bonus from summoning level so they are weaker than primary summons.

So you want a 10 star card for everything unless you are planning on having 2 of the same card on your grimoire so you can morph repeatedly to reset CD, in which case just one 10 star is fine.

what is the good news on that summer Patch? is the buff of the summons?