Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

do you generally just ride templeshooter the entire battle?


No, I generaly just Hold him in strategic places (close anough to enemies or in points where he needs to pass through.

Then I keep myself close to him so any enemies trying to hit me get hit by him.

I generaly hide him when there are hard CC enemies on the field, or to get a little teleport to the top of him or things like that, mostly situational, his skill is pretty good on sleeping targets.

After going through like, what, 15 matches? Today…

I’m actually more keen on taking my Crychrono to pvp than my sorc.

…Should’ve gone warlock/linker man. Should’ve.

(Before anyone asks, I went FF. Probably not the best choice for PvP, but he wasnt really built for pvp anyway, just wanted to see what it was like.)

Damn temple shooter does such crazy burst in pvp. It combos really well with any psycho/cryos on your team, its possible to one shot people pretty easily.

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i dont think skeletons are a problem…necro dps comes from they 1hit burst wonder flesh cannon anyway…they have low hp still…but the next ktos patch seem to have buff the skells again…

► Raise Dead:
○ Base HP Has been increased to (Skill Lv * 1500) [ Was Previously Skill Lv * 500]

► Raise Dead: Enhance Attribute
    ○ The Attack Power of Skeletons is now increased by (Attribute Lv * 1%) , [ Was Previously a static value]
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Greeeeeat. I’m going Sorc-Necro2/3 and I’m excited about those changes.

From another topic. If the actual scale is Skill Lv*500, so the future skellies HP would be around 20k :heart_eyes:

Whats the damage of your TS? Just curious because im a c2 sorc full con and your a c3 full con sorc3? Can i also know what class path did you get before c3 sorc?

► Summoning:
○ The UI of Summoned boss monsters will change. It should also no longer be recognized as a friendly target. ( When people couldn’t see enemy HP, but instead an allies summon HP only – blocking :P)


Hmmm… how am I supposed to see my Taltshooter’s health now :confused:?

Now the summon master build (Sorc->Necro 3)
1 Summoning
1 Salamion
4/5 Bats
1 Shoggoth
1 Corpse Tower
5 Skeletons
3 Skeleton Archer (Preview, can be more)

Bokor can summon more zombies tho :laughing:

Get like 3 or 4 people with the same build in an area… and you have an army marching onwards… to wherever they’re going.

Ill be honest, would be damn nice to see that in PvE lmao

Sadly, everybody will see that… at dina bee… everyone afk :confused:

question the more ranks you get into summoning templeshooter the bigger the aoe range becomes? so rank 2 sorc will have a smaller auto hit range then lvl 15?

It doesn’t seem to. You’ll need to buy an Forecast scroll and use it whenever you see different sizes to test that.

Hows your sorc3 TS damage? Are using wiz3 for quickcast? Full con sorc isnt it hard to level…

Bats damage is based on mattack right? since it doesnt have base damage in skill calculator…

IIRC Skill damage = matk + base skill damage. If base damage is zero… well… it’s just matk then. ^^

Bats base damage is (min matk + max matk)*0.4 at lvl 10. So with 1000 min + max matk, you will have 800 base dmg on Bats.

Then you add in the normal damage formula for damage dealt.

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It is wrong to put points SPR ? Since SPR gives the invocation defense and you’re stuck pretty late game .

if u heavyly depend on TS in batlle league then u are doomed /when u face top class pvper they tend to strip ur TS first,what i m using in batlle league is JP >15 bats >desmodeus
i m pyro linker 2 so lvling is as smooth as milk puding
basicly u just need fireball +joinpinalty only, when u hit lv 170 got ignition + aias JP+ autoatack enough for eliminated bunch of trufle in alementh ,i can soloing in any popular grinding map but patying more evektif time wise

The amount is insignificant, you would sacrifice points of int and con and make the card’s boss more expensive to be maintained due to increased SP pool.

SPR is one of the worst things that you can add to a Sorcerer.

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Hows your pyro damage since tour full con?