Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

yeah, quite disappointing :frowning:

Seems like temple shooter dies too quickly in battle league?


Mine doesn’t

it does get killed sometimes if people put some effort into it but only ~20% of the times it dies before Summoning is available again.

His damage is pretty reliable on PvP to be honest, as equips and levels are equalizes he does quite some damage.

Dear Sorcerer Community. I am collecting data on Boss debuff effects. If any of you know about Riding boss skills which apply debuffs on enemies, please share. In turn I will share this, Sapper Conceal will make your Templeshooter invisible (can still get hit and be revealed, and is revealed when it damages anything). If you link yourself + camouflage, or receive cleric Fade, you can both be invisible (and Riding).

My templeshooter doesn’t die in team battle league either. I’m really wondering if I should go Sorc3/Warlock1 or Sorc2/Warlock2. I’m at wiz1/cryo3/sorc2 and the build is very good so far both pve and battle league.

i wanna share this info guys:

for those who are thinking of either going full con or full int (for PVP), i guess the answer depends on the role you want to be in Team Battle League.

if full con, you gotta really have cryo3, seriously, that instant zoning is hard to predict with a maxed ice wall (cast it on one tile to build it in a straight line), followed with frost pillar and snow rolling, ideal if you got warlock (Dark Theurge + Sub Zero Shield = long range + close range defense)

if high int, you will be needing to kite, more like assist your team members while you strike with those homing bats and control your summoned boss skills to attack, i’ve read descriptions on warlock2 and says you can use Evil Spirits with your auto attacks, i hope that’s the actual case when it’s implemented.

on my build i got Thaumaturge, still waiting for that Transpose fix, because if i go full int to con transpose i’m getting 46.8k max hp, 518 matk, but if i add in Swell Left Arm, total of 736 matk (i maxed the attribute), hp recovery: 611 (so with animus, 40% of that will be magic amplification). so you gotta maintain it by recasting Transpose while chugging in HP Potions… at Lv.5 Transpose you got 27 seconds to recast after the CD is up.

however, Templeshooter’s attack drops to 1.7k, but that’s not a problem if you already summoned it because your original Int stats are used by the currently summoned TS before you Transpose. so if you plan on going frontline, you will not spam TS skills (via Morph because your TS will have that new calculated Int after Transpose).

also, the position in PVP depends on your total DPS output, unfortunately equipment effects (beetleback shield) and attributes (i got Plate Mastery at Lv.50) doesn’t work yet on Team Battle League, so instead of having 12.8k hp, i got only 9.6k… right now i got around 454 int at Lv.220 (at Team Battle League’s state now, level is standardized to Lv.200), Templeshooter 10* stats: atk=3,371 matk=3,335, hp=17,299

Nice I guess my theorycraft defense really works in battle league… pure concryo3sorc2wl here ^^ Iceshield+bats+DT+aias ^^

yeah, also the bats will get hit sometimes, the only annoying part for me are the necromancer skeletons, it wastes my dps setup (quick cast + magic missile + bats), but with TS focus fire skill, it clears them out

Temple Shooter + Links clears Necro’s mobs.

Dark Theurge (even nerfed) and Familiars (not nerfed) are the best PvP nukes for Wizards at the moment. got MM for aiming bats at once. Quickcast helps a lot.

Got 132 CON and ~390 INT at the moment at level 255, ~18k HP on PvP, TS dealing 2,5~3k hits on each hand (the way def applies to it makes it’s damage very good).

I’d say:

Full CON:

Wiz > Cryo 3 > Sorc 2/3 > Warlock 0/1

“Full” INT:

Above or

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock.

You take advantage of the defensive skills sorcerer and warlock offer and they are also the supreme nuke for PvP wizards.

but with Warlock’s DT it can clear those skeletons, haven’t gotten to warlock yet so can’t say for sure but i’ve read their hp is around 6k now?

can’t wait till they fix that Transpose bug, so that i can go frontline and get more max hp because of int bonuses per rank

i think 30 con for lowest, 100 con for max minimum is best (once they enable attributes and equip effects on Team Battle League)

Currently lvl 228 with total of 340 con… 35k HP and my DT lvl 5 no attri ups normal damage is 1.5k but vs a well equips toon is 650 to 800 per hit… TS damage is 1.5k per hit x2 and if im lucky enough i can unli freeze ng enemy while TS doing 1.5k per hit defense is always up iceshield+bats+DT… long range is almost always blocked by bats… dont have pole of agony yet for the tree pole combo…

interesting, so this is the damage right now considering warlocks got the -50% damage nerf already applied and you are using a full con build on top of that

now i’m curious if you get DT to Lv.10, that’s alot more hits

Yeah but actually if your vs a full con builds its just 1/3 of there health 2/3 still remains so i cant really call it my burst damage but unli freeze with TS hitting 1.5k per hit really helps a lot… DT lvl 10 gives you more hits on rank 8 but probably your opponent have also increased there hp and def by then because character level would also increased in rank 8 released…

full con c3 socerer here rank 5 pvp rank, telsiai server righ now
the next socr in rank list is 63

Sure, but flesh cannon can one-shot templeshooter fast. :wink:

Overall necro is better in battle league. Especially psychokino3-necro2 just destroys all.

Link sometimes are usefull in pvp but for me is a waste of rank if you go pure pvp.

question: so Animus works as intended on Team Battle League? the +magic amplification?

no magic amplification status inside batle league
let alone animus even white cloth glove not working

Played a few matches last night and so far I noticed:

  • Swordsmen trying to kill templeshooter… why? D:
  • They also don’t use Bash… why?[2]
  • That feeling when you get “You killed someone” that wasn’t even on your screen.
  • 3.3k from TS is love(x2) and hits often due to tree
  • Use sleep guys… seriously…
  • Ice Wall is broken asf, almost 100% freeze
  • Zaibas hurts… a lot… more than Frost Cloud…
  • When the match start, always start with Servant
  • Use Earthquake to save a teammate or yourself

i managed to kill a couple of players because of this ^