Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer bugs and problems collection

oh… yeah… forgot to link that. I’m going to link it in OP too

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Summoning @moderators
Please take a look at this list and the few others around regarding: pet/summon control, transforming abilities (including Ride), AI in general and Demon Lord Cards :grin:

Keep the bugs/problems reports coming and I’ll add here if I add to OP if I get to reproduce them.

I’m a Sorcerer C3.

The bugs are mostly correct, but there are some you are missing. I already posted these in the bug forums, so not going to reiterate.

However, your problems are opinions and I disagree with most of them. Please keep in mind some of us do not want them changed.

Leash range: Do not change, please. This would be a very negative change.
SP Regen: Should not be changed.
Summon attacks traps, etc: No reason to change this, they do not need AI to differentiate enemies. Control your pet better.
Controller unsummoning: Indifferent.

Please do not act like you speak for the Sorcerer community.

I’ve never stated that anywhere. What I did was gathering sorceres’ concerns and rage-like feedback scattared around the forum and turn into a single topic to show people who are planning going sorcerer the class’ issues.
I too find some of them not a problem at all(SP, Traps), if anyone disagree, feel free to say so, as you just did :slight_smile:.

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I fail to understand how you can think that having a dumb AI is a good thing (leash range is related to that btw)… This issue impact Hunters too.
You probably like playing an unfinished class, or maybe you like the command spells (C2+) being mandatory, or maybe you believe that using the command spells so that the summon will target the boss instead of the traps makes you a skilled player…

There should be better control options, but none of what he suggested aids that. Just coding the pets to ignore certain arbitrary targets is not the answer, there has to be a better solution. My current solution is to simply the link boss to the traps.

Hold is not mandatory. It is useful, and I’m fine with it being in C2, because it makes sense that being a stronger sorcerer gives you more control over your devil. I find that Attack Ground is useless however, and I would like it to be changed; at the very least to something that serves a purpose.

Leash range being what it is, is important. I purposely leash my devil in many situations, and if it was longer, then it would be much harder to do that. I do not feel that the current range is too short, but if it was made longer, I would feel it was too long.

I certainly have my own complaints and things I wish they would change, however, I don’t agree with someone deciding on behalf of the community what they think the entire community agrees with and telling IMC such. These “problems” are highly subjective and come with pros and cons to modifying them… the changes do not make Sorcerer objectively better or worse.

However, thread is listing all of those things as “problems” and acting as though they are opinions gathered from the community that we have all agreed upon. This is not the case.

I dont think is a unfinished class. Im c1 lvl 13. No complains. The class is very well balanced. The sp is not a bad factor just summon/unsummon + cat buff + attribute and i can full restore sp from 0 in less than 1min. The ai is not as bad, i can live with it. The thing is learn to use it how it is and not complain of what it isnt. Sorry bad english

@crevox :thinking: I see your point, I’m gonna rephrase op based on your comments. In fact you’re the first sorcerer I’ve seen that is okay with leash range, and you have a good reason to so I’ll also change the suggestion for it.

I, particularly, find my uses to attack ground as it doesn’t lock the summon in “hold ai”.

@meismon It’s not finished, most classes aren’t either. Sorcerer is playable and it’s very good. There are still summons without its skills, unobtainable cards even though they are in database, summons, desmodus and evocation balance.

Well maybe there will be c4 for some classes in the future. The only thing i dont like of the class its that TS is mandatory. My fav card is throneweaver but it has nothing to do against the TS autoattack so in the end all sorcerers use the same summon

Adding the CD for summon skill should be nice too, put some icon…
still a lot to do

It’s related, but that is a transformation issue… all kind of transform (Druid, scroll, quest, Ride, etc) suffers that. The same goes about joypads.

Anyone here has problem with using the templeshooter skill when using a controller / joypad? I cant seemed to use the first skill :frowning:

Saw some log a problem in Nov 2015 last year, and it seemed till now its now fix…

Its an old issue, probably still happening. Joypad’s 5th button will be the same as the 1st and will overlap it. Whenever you cast you’ll unmount instead of basic attacking.

The sad thing is the developer is not doing anything about it… It’s totally sucks :frowning:

Sorcerer is in this position since ktos was released, the only work the class got(it was to every class in general but we got something out of it) was the addition of new cards and the changes to cooldowns… which now are worse.