Tree of Savior Forum

Some Alchemist's Awakening questions

Hi guys,

I have an alt who’s almost at ranking 6. He’s gonna be an Alchemist, but I have some questions the Awakening skill:

  1. Is the awakened ability random ? Some people told it isn’t but some told the opposite.

  2. Can you use it with an item equipped ?

  3. Can I use it on a item on the trade window without trading ?

  4. When an Alchemist uses it, does he need to be part of the team going inside the awakening dungeon ?

  5. If the answer to last question is no. Can I change my character before going inside ?

  6. About the “Item Awakening: Dungeon Event” attribute. Does it start counting when you enter the dungeon or when you finish it ?

Thank you guys for your knowledge :slight_smile:


No, the item is locked when being awakened.

To ask for awaken services, make sure the Alchemist have enough reagent in his inventory, enter in a party with him, right click on him and click in Item awaken (i think that is the option, if not it is something close to it).

The Alchemist and the team will be automatically enter the dungeon.

The alchemist is always in the dungeon so no the Alchemist player can’t change char.

Not sure about what you mean, the buff? It only work inside the dungeon.

I don’t enter automatically. When I use the skill, a portal open for 5 sec, that’s the time for the alchie and his party to enter the dungeon. Just for precaution, I wait the 1st wave to be completed, then I leave.

Thank you for your answers.

I mean this:

That is the dungeon buff, it only works inside and even if you finish before the buff run out it will turn off.

The stats are split between offensive and defensive stats first and foremost, but afterwards it is pretty random. Of course, better item means bigger stat value pool

The item is unequipped and you can’t wear it at all. Be sure to have spare weps if you awake your main wep.

You do not need to trade the item. Whoever that has the item just needs to party up with you, open the party window via F6, rclick on you and select awaken. The rest should be self-explanatory

Yes, everyone on the party on the same map as where the portal is opened will be forcefully dragged in in 5 secs

Buff lasts for as long as you are inside the awakening dungeon, and as long as the 30min duration last.

Protip: alchs make mere pennies, if you’re after money, forget it. But if you’re seriously intrested in the class, feel free to pm me to chat about this crappy class :smiley:

can I add some question too?

7.) what happen if the alchemist disconnected for some unfortunate reason and he didn’t come back until the mission is over.

8.) Do alchemist see the item being awakened?

9.) can you do multiple item awakening 1 each per party member or is it strictly 1 at a time only.

  1. The only one who need to stay until the item dungeon is cleared is the item owner.
  2. Yes, he/she can see it via awaken UI (The same way he awake his own item).
  3. 1 at a time

Only 1 item may be awakened on every instance, however you can always open another instance when your skill goes out of cooldown. You can actually abuse it together with divine might or diev’s cooldown statue.

How does the alchemist leave the dungeon while the party member/customer is still in there?
Just log out?

And what happends if the alch leave the party?

No need to log out (it’s still an option). Near the start spot, if you go back a little there’s an invisible warp that get you back to the map in which you were before using the skill.

Afaik nothing. It’s just the item holder that shouldn’t leave the instance for any reason.


I have a question too.

A few times I got disconnected right after trying to enter the portal and the mats were consumed anw. Did this ever happened to you guys who wait for the automatic warp?

Thanks for the answers.

And yes, that has happened to me as well, but only once.
No idea why. I think it was the third time in a row i did the awakening on the same item. Next time i tried it worked without problems.

How do I know which level and how many waves are the monsters ?


I’ll face lv 170+ monsters or lv 68+ monsters? (ItemLv =/= LevelReq)

Monsterlevel scales with itemlevel(not required level) and increases with each wave +1

Monsterwaves: Stars x Rarity + 5
(Rarity: White = 1; Blue = 2; Purple = 3; Orange = 4;)

A manamana is item lvl Item 68, and stars 6 x rarity 4 + 5 = 29 waves.

Not quite correct, as when you, say awaken a Superior corona rod, which is white, 7 stars, by your math, you should have 12 waves.
While in practice, it will be done in 7 waves.

@people still confused: just go join the alch community, they have way more information regarding their own class’ mechanics

So, that means that for a Lolopanther Sword it will have 8 waves of level 330 enemies ?

Last I heard about number of waves:


On a side note, I failed one awakening yesterday because the owner was dead when I killed the boss.
That he needed to stay in the dungeon AND alive, I didn’t know :head_bandage:


No, that’s 30 waves with the first being lvl 331 and the boss coming with lvl 361 (each wave increases 1 lvl)

No, seriously stop quoting something from so long ago.
Lolophanter has 30 waves of mobs from level 200 and above.

Information in both reddit and old kCBT are mostly very obsolete, and honestly there’s a number of rules that governs as to how awakening works. The alch community, or how commoners like to refer them as the alch mafia , did their research, compiling, and consolidating theories to the point they can actually tell what you will see, fight, and expect from the process.
That explains their high price tags for better services, i guess :stuck_out_tongue: