Tree of Savior Forum

Skyliner Nerf - Return of CD | Cyclone lasting time reduced

yeah i’m going to shinobi
Btw all doppel c2 skill don’t have AOE ratio or Tosbase lack of information ?
on Tosbase 3 shinobi skills, kunai, katon & mijin don’t have skill type ( i.e Pierce, slash )
Zornhau has 5s stun ? OP if combine with cyclone, don’t even need waste rank on Swordsman for restrain

oh yeah xD forgot that.
i also think restrain is probably good for moobing / dungeon cus u can keep monster stunned, u can save pots while u level up, u can use auto-atack (with DOV speed) and keep the enemy stunned too.

shock reduces enemy INT and SPR. it is not stun

I see, than you can freely dump last points in Mordshlag, don’t worry about it. Punish is pure garbage.

Zornhau can’t stun, it was verified already. It only shocks.

I don’t really know much about Shinobi skills, but I assume it’s either lack of information or some translating errors. Or even both.

hey can u confirm that i can use lvl 1 DPE. just turn it on and let my team kill stuff while we all get Double xp/drop for 10 secs? (as long as i dont hit anything)

u said u playing kTOS

It was confirmed. I don’t really know if it’s a bug or something, actually, but you can.

I played KtoS last time a few months ago, judging by patch notes, it wasn’t touched yet.

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so its REALLY good thing. now we have a BIG use for pve. with just 1 point in DPE we can double ALL dungeon bosses xp/drop rate. its great =)

Yeah, really nice thing to have.

I usually go 2 points in DPE, just to make sure I can pull it of even in solo.

Strangely, I noticed recently people started really shiton Swordsmen. Like, it’s the weakest class and all. What gives?

I just looking for best build by pull out warrior weakness :smile:

Yeah, that’s why the DEF reduction from DoV doesn’t matter. Enemies do flat damage without modifiers/multipliers, meaning that your DEF is almost essentially a flat reduction. The bonus from DoV is the best buff in the entire swordie tree, it would be really silly to not utilize it. +50% (c1) / +100% (c2) to physical attack is amazing. Taking 200-300 more damage per hit is worth it, compared to how quickly you will obliterate things.

Mordchlag you basically take 1 point in for the knockdown ( and just for PvP, since it launches enemies so far it’s rarely useful in PvE ). Zornhau / Zucken / Redel are nice skills, but they aren’t what make Doppel amazing. They don’t have charges, and their cooldowns aren’t very short. You won’t rely on them, they are just something you will use once they are off cooldown. Cyclone is your best skill, and you will still want to supplement your earlier rank’s skills with DoV boosting all of your damage.

[Shock] from Crown ( or especially Zornhau, giving 1/2 the effect ) unfortunately doesn’t do that much to higher level mage-type mobs, as they have really high base magic damage, and not very high INT in comparison. So you reduce their INT, but they still have high base magic damage. It’s still a decent debuff to apply against mage-type bosses.

what about using cloth instead of leather?
with high dex we alredy have enough evasion, and theres cross guard too.

How do punish work ?
while mobs being knockdown with Mordschlag then use punish,
punish also knockdown the enemy ? if does good at pvp
video at Tosbase shows the mobs already dead

will doppelsoeldner C2 skills only be for 2 handed swords?

ALWAYS go plate.
Cloth and leather are trash

Is anyone going to tell me how they found out that Skyliner is 3 charges now?..

You are telling that you won’t depend on Doppel C2 skills because they have big cooldown, but at the same time you’re telling to depend on Cyclone, which has the biggest cooldown of them all. Not that I disagree, but really.

As I said, Zornhau + Zucken + Crown IS the best combo, outside of Cyclone and can be uptimed. It is essentially the only way we can fight with magic mobs in the entire tree. How is that not good? Also, despite high magic damage and low INT, mobs can still be Shocked constantly, giving you the edge in battle.

I’ve seen not 200-300 damage per hit, but I’ve clearly seen 600-800 damage, and this number only grows.

But to each his own, I guess, last time we had this conversation, we still couldn’t agree with each other.


You are trading a shitload of DEF (and you are using DOV 10, mind you) for a measly amount of MDEF, losing tons of HP, etc. You tell me.

Actually in long run DOV is better then 1 point in every of this skills, because it will add more damage then 1 point in each of them. And their base damage is really good and for sure worth 1 point invested.

Shock also doubles bonus damage from DOV so it has no sense to compare. Also DOV adds to every hit in multihit.

And as you start getting more damage from STR and items, you will get even more damage from DOV. So it’s obviously better in late game.

Talking about 250+ level, swordsmen starts to slowly lose it’s solo game capabillity. So eventually you will probably need healer anyway.

Not sure about mordschlag but guaranteed crit on mages sounds not bad for me. Maybe if animation is really that bad it is useless but potentially it isn’t.

Also are DOV decreasing magic defense as well?

Since he is using DOV def is useless stat fro him.
I’d personally suggest leather, cloth is simply too bad for swordies. But plate is usually better if you have not very high HP.

Multihit still benefits the most from scaling, so abandoning skills and putting in them only one point is useless.

Late in game it is obviously better, but now it harms you in great way. You constantly need healer to survive, otherwise, a good crowd of mobs will get to you.

Once again, by leveling DOV you are abandoning one of the skills in C2 Doppel tree. Since C3 will only get one new skill, that’s when I think you can start putting more points on DOV, heavily investing further in damage. Right now you either sacrifice a really good burst with Shock or combo with this skill, or really good multihit as well.

Yeah, but not so much, up to at least 275 level+ it’s quite manageable. Then content like Earth Tower starts, when NO ONE can manage without a well-put party anyway.

PvP only then, this is where it shines the most. For PvE there are far better skills.

No, but it’s broken anyway, so doesn’t matter much, especially when the only magic tank in the game is Rode. I.e. you get hit like a truck, that’s it.

True, but he won’t support it all the time, thus, he will suffer from low DEF on high levels.
Plate not only gives you DEF, but HP, which is a basic need for tanking.

If you make sum calculations you will see that you actually get MORE damage on those skills by investing points in DOV then in them. You get 100 damage per level to every hit in multihit with skill level while you get 100-150 damage to every hit in multihit with every point in DOV.

And since it won’t decrease MDEF, you will deal much more damage on mages without taking more damage from them.

I agree that HP is very important that’s why plate armor is probably the best option.

Sure you are abandoning 1 of the skills but you will get more damage to this skill while maxing DOV then if you max the skill itself.

Getting 1 point in a skill with high base damage is always better then 0 points, since you will have times when all your skills have CD so more skills=better.

And DOV will boost your 1 point skills tremendously.

With only 1 point in skill the damage still won’t be significant enough to call it a gigantic boost.

Missile Magic is still a thing. Mobs crowd is still a thing. It’s still a sacrifice not worth getting.

Only on Circle 3 you will be able to put points in these skills and that’s exactly when I recommend maxing DOV.

Spreading you points across all tree isn’t futureproof in the slightest, in my opinion, remember, you can have reset only for real money, have to be careful where you put them. I better max this or that skill and have more damage in this department, than having tons of skills, part of which will be later completely useless.

Attributes and leveling it still bemefits more to damage, than DOV, while not having to sacrifice your DEF.

One point in a skill grants you the base damage+patk per use.
9 more points only double the base damage. So obviouslty 1 point us 10 times more effective then 9 following.

Unless you compare two skikls, one of which is used onve per 5 minutes and a other every 5 seconds. Then 1 point in the second is probably better.

If DOV don’t reduce your mdef you won’t sacrifice ANITHING vs magic mobs.

I agre that it’s not worth investing in skills tgat will be useless later.
That’s why I invest only in potentially useful skills, like multihits or skills with special effects. Nobody wants 1 point in thrust or umbro thrust if he has better alternatives.

Attributes benefit to damage together with DOV so they basically double DOV effectiveness.

And I already explained why levelling benefits less.

1 lvl of DOV simply adds 0.2-3+ lvls in EVERY of your skill damage wise (and it will have 100% uptime at lvl 10)

So your best bet is maxing DOV and cyclone while chosing 1 skill that you will max as well. Others shouldn’t be higher then 1. Splitting points is rarely a good idea.