Tree of Savior Forum

Skyliner Nerf - Return of CD | Cyclone lasting time reduced

So, apparently, Skyliner got nerfed.

It has 15 seconds cooldown now, again. Also Cyclone’s time is now reduced.

Your thoughts on this? Does this break Swords as a class?


It makes no sense for them to give such a harsh nerf to skyliner. Hopefully it turns out to not be true, but with their mention of possible class balance changes, it very well may be.

Who know in later time it will be back to 0… only one way to find out is wait and see what happen for now

and cyclone now only lasts for 5.5 secs instead of 7. 7probably wil be lvl 15 instead of 9.5…

bro… they need to BUFF swordsman not nerf it. and stone skin, still the same OP ■■■■

Yeah, Cyclone got nerfed too.

I really don’t understand this. Skyliner gave us the possibility to sustain good damage even in the endgame, but now is all bullshit.

Cryos + Isa are still oneshotting bosses.
Priests are gods of block.
I’m not even talking about Doctor.

Like, holy f**ck.

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Well before highlander/doppel was almost necessary, just like barbarian back in iCBT1. They needed some nerfs, and other swordsman classes need some buffs.


but if i end up paying the 50 bucks (now that i know prices will be regionalized i can really consider it)
ill keep up to my build, swordsman c3 >highlander >corsair >doppel c2 (c3).

after a LOT of thinking and research i believe that thats the best swordie build out there for pvp.

and they really should down the price to 20 or 30…

You may get that Restraint, yes.

But I would advise going for Cata instead, with Pelta2 - Cata3 - Dragoon, not investing in ■■■■ like High Guard.

nah, u can stun lock ppl with cyclone. once u hit they cant even walk xD.
but nvm i wont play the game, i used this test thing and my ping will be 300.

ill probably stick to Tera (170-200 ping)

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Heh, I see, that’s good one.

Well, what can I say, I was hoping to meet in the game sooner, but I guess not. Myself will wait for three months as well…

check this guy, he is BAD in pvp, but with restrain + cyclone he can stun lock ppl and win. imagine a good player

Nice. Maybe I will try something like that in June too.

swordman already considered weakest in krToS, now they nerfed more to swordman. such ridiculous.

I’m actually confused here. Skyliner had overheat right? So… yeah I’m confused. 0s CD on a skill that had overheat? Or was that changed? :open_mouth:

Yes; I know it was increased to 15s. I’m just lost here.

Why he never use his long stride
and when team has PD or oracle, Bammm u just waste 2 ranks for nothing

btw long stride has knockdown or knocback effect ?

i’ve warrior Pvp or GVG build in my mind
but no matter how hard i tink for Warrior build, fighting Cleric will never win ( simulation on my mind )
coz they has Invicibility buff ( revive, mackangdal, Diev statue ) also due for long CD warrior powerfull skill, when the warrior skill CD gone the invi buff CD also.

also stone skin OP + debuff prevent

No, Skyliner doesn’t have Overheat.

So it’s a full-blown nerf.

This just changes it back to what it used to be. It’s not a nerf. It’s an undo of a previous buff. No cd skills replace your basic attack and that hurts the game feel where using a skill carries a minor risk.

Cyclone is by far the strongest skill in the swordie tree. People were speculating it’s nerf all the way back in December. Even with this nerf, it’s still the strongest single skill in the tree below R7.

Though these classes deserved minor nerfs, I’m surprised there aren’t any buffs for swordie2+3, squire 3, and rodel1+2+3

Honestly I had been waiting for a skyliner nerf since it became 0 CD. I’m surprised to find that it looks like the only reason they didn’t nerf it was because people had already made characters. I assume this because why else would they only bring the nerf to a fresh server, and not to kToS where people have already made Highlander builds. Kind of a bad sign, as it means skills that are really strong won’t get changed much if a bunch of people make that class, even if they need it ( looking at you, Plague Doctors ).

I can check later, but it’s probably back to 2 charges now. No more sticking Highlander 2/3 in every swordie build just because of skyliner spam. Kind of a relief.

EDIT: There are 3 charges on skyliner now. It’s not really that bad.

I’d rather see more auto-attack buff skills over 0 CD skills anyhoo. I hope this opens up a path for interesting swordie buffs. The other swordie classes need some love.


Swordies are in dire need of buff sure cyclone and skyliner might have been strong compared to other sword skills, but now they got almost nothing but dragoon and swashbuckling.

All skills that got nerfed according to that data mining deserved it.

It doesn’t mean other skills/classes shouldn’t be buffed.

And also doens’t mean other skills also don’t need a nerf.

Honestly, Bloodletting should be removed from the game, then let PD himself be immune to debuffs with Mask, and be a proactive cleanser with Fumigate (reducing Fumigate’s CD to around 10s, or maybe even a little lower like 7s, since you need to walk close to your target and the AoE is not gigantic).