Tree of Savior Forum

Skill order for Elementalist?

1 to 1 int and con is great for late game build and PvP. I’m not sure but I may reset to that build later.

what is your build now senpai lvl and maybe items. Do you also feel that going full con is the best since we can just upgrade the damage of our skills with attributes and items like Matck head gears?

I’m still following the build in my guide, am 159 now because I kinda have no time to grind.

I think some INT is needed because INT scales really well with level, but since I haven’t seen the late game yet, I’m not sure how much INT is needed.

World Boss wise, going high INT is still better for getting that highest dps.

I was lucky enough to be a member of the first guild in SEA so WB is not a problem we have this party system that ensure us to get drops from boss. OK so the reason why I’m having doubt with INT is because one time when I run 190 dungeon with a fellow ELE3 I can out damage him even though he got 1k MATCK damage and his HP is around 12k only. He said that he only got lvl 20 attributes for frost cloud but the difference is only 100-200 damage.

Perhaps problem with equipment. The damage difference is actually huge.

200 difference for 100 attack is already 20k difference, anyway.

And the competition in SEA will become tougher after some strong guild from Klaipeda enter SEA next tuesday.

Just red the stats allocation and it says once you reach 500 stat it will double every time you add points into it. Yeah now that you mention it my damage per tick is around 3.1k and he does 3.2k. What I will do is to reach my desired HP which is around 15k and then start adding INT again. I will also try to get at least 30 Matck, Mampl, Elemental attack 3 pcs of head gears. BTW what rod do you think is the best for lvl 220+? Ignition, Magas? Do you also know how the head accessory stats distribution works?

Do you share some classes with your friend? If so I would be grateful for some testing - put both your builds, equip same weapon - otherwise naked, use same skills (with same lvl) and share the dmg difference. I am hesitant about the stat allocation for my pve ele - if i should go full con, 1©:1(i), 1©:2(i), 1:3, 1:4 or 40con rest int ;/ I’m planning very long run (end game).

I believe that alot of it also depends on the player, how he casts his spells, how he avoids attacks and all. of course, lag has to be factored in too, like the annoying freeze midcast motion where your spell is cast halfway and it fails to cast but ur stuck there unable to move. going full con seems to be getting really common as it’s a much easier build to play with in the sense that they do not need to avoid as many attacks, able to tank more mobs, *especially annoying archers with homing arrows which seem to be everywhere in the higher maps. Plus the fact that us eles don’t hae any mobility/defensive skills…well, what’s 10k magic attack when you are jumping around trying to run or dead most of the time…

I’m 177 currently, w3e3 and didnt go full con, have around 45 con with 9k hp, saved ~20 stats just incase I need a boost in hp.hvnt met many eles within my level rage who could outdps me currently but then again, who’s counting the dmg? if only they could come up with a place for us to test dmg and stat builds =/

As I have a skill reset pot, My skill build in Ele2 is max hail, meteor electrocute and freezing sphere
and now as ele3, @177, I maxed my hail, Lv 1 meteor, lv 8 electrocute, max frost cloud, Lv 1 Rain. Back to using energy bolts =D
Reason: prefer hail’s crowd control, more spammable than meteor, Electrocute moren spammable than meteor, decent dmg combo with hail, a spell u can jump away immediately after casting and dmg will still proc if u get what I mean, and

finally going for max meteor, hail , frost cloud, 14 electrrocute,1 rain
Somehow felt that the sphere is quite bad, considering it dosent freeze and its dmg is … meh… lol

Yeah, freezing sphere is not as useful as energy bolt, that’s my last spell if I have no skill on CD.

It’s really easy to prevent damage in world boss case, that’s why going full CON is not preferable if you are trying to get top damage.

Meteor’s purpose is not for DPS, but provide a one shot burst to finish your enemy before they can heal.

I made this build based on my wiz 3 ele 3 experience in icbt2 (well, I changed prominence to electrocute because electrocute bug is fixed).

Tbh, you don’t have to be afraid of most long range mobs unless they are flying. You have sleep lv 15, the strongest disable in existence.

In this case, should a filler point even be allocated to freezing sphere? Also, what’s the conclusion regarding stat point distribution?

There isn’t a good conclusion for stat distribution yet, since the end game is not even known. Basically more CON for PVP build, more INT for PVE build.

There isn’t any skill that can give you as much dps as a value point in freezing sphere, so it’s still recommended.

Oic… What would be a safe stat allocation then? I’ve got a stat reset potion but would prefer to avoid using it.

Thanks for the feedback! Lastly, is warlock the only viable option at rank 7? Heard the spells have huge cd… How about necromancer or feather foot? Or even rune caster?

I would say get your CON to around 40, then the rest into INT. You should then decide again when you are rank 6.

Really, it depends on whether you want to go PVP or PVE. For PVP you may want to go at least 1:1 CON to INT. For PVE just the necessary CON is enough (which I’m not sure how much).

I’m still deciding between featherfoot and warlock, but there isn’t much information on that so I can’t calculate the DPS. Big spell CD is fine because you mainly rely on Frost Cloud anyway. I don’t think Necro is a good choice because of lower DPS. Rune Caster simply has too low DPS.

@ 193, I have 60 Con, ~10k hp, im quite comfortable with that, considering I have a rather decent shield for soloing harder maps and random matchmake dungeoning without tank/cleric.

I only love PVE which is why I chose ELE in the first place =D for the huge AOE dps potential. and because of this, I probably wont go featherfoot where most skills are single target and seem to be in melee range… It does seems to be more of a utility class where you can have instant heals while mobbing, probably awesome for soloing. sofar warlock seem to be have the best aoe dps of all the tier 6-7 classes.

And what about Sorcerer?

  1. Summon Servant - Increased AoE att ratio among other things
  2. Summons although stupid (for a moment - they will most likely make them better) still serves as the cannon fodder - which will allow us to put even more points into int safetly
  3. Temple shooter is good

Does Necro have low dmg? Im talking about flash cannon. And they afflict decay - by how much does it max hp anyway?

Before the kTOS update I’m sure to go to warlock because of DT 25 hits with 30 secs CD and YES MIRARA-Senpai it can hit flying mobs since it is floating :slight_smile: . OK now lets talk about the recent kTOS update. Feather foot increase the damage and life steal of Blood Bath. Base damage will be around 800 and 30% of total damage dealt. But then again it is specific to type of enemy. So I might still go warlock. I agree with the test before I reset my stats to 1:1. With regards to my item I’m still wearing 120 gears even though my current lvl si 202. Planing to change to 220. Current con is around 128 and 15k HP.I might reset when I’ve become rank 7 and go with 1:1 INT:CON and will try to get as much Matck/Mampli from items will have 2 sets of armor cloth and plate and will keep you guys updated what will happen. Only if other high levels can give their input so that we can save some of the silvers for attribute.

Are you talking about the LEDAS shield? I wish I can get my hands on those :frowning: but im trying to get penta necky for now and still no luck.

While building stats and item to equip something came to my mind which is better get HP items and put more into INT or the other way around :(. Just the right HP and trust the power of potion like what we all decide with SP or the other way around. Ill post something like this is reddit since theres a lot of kTOS player there.


do not take prominence, instead max out electrocute, it’s the absolute destroyer of enemies when it comes to party and after hail effect, prominence has no synergies with any of ele skill.

also a linked enemy will be absolutely destroyed by electrocute. more to the point prominence is an almost mele spell which is bad in almost every situation except running away.


Prominence level 1 is fine. It’s a crazily strong multi hit spell that can combo with your Sleep + Hail.

You can actually control the movement of prominence by crossing over the enemy at right timing.

Levelling it don’t scale well though.