Tree of Savior Forum

Skill order for Elementalist?

nope not using ledas, im using Aias =D

oh wow sweet!
(20 charrrrrrrrmander)

yes i do take prominence level 1 in my build because there’s no reason not to, it’s another skill to use when the other are on cooldown.

i know you can “try” to control prominence movement but giving all our damage into a random based damage, not the best choice also because it’s almost useless in most scenario.

it’s just bad. the combo with hail is not as good as hail electrocute, also not as good as hail + sleep + electrocute. it’s just one of those super niche skill that can be used in certain condition or if all the other spell are on cooldown.

Why not sleep+hail+electrocute+prominence?

oh man i totally forgot that there’s no end to talking to you, i’ll jot down your name on a sticky notes.

Just curious, do u go for plate or cloth armour?

I had this thought while brainstorming and wondered if an ele who went high (1:1) or maybe even full con, would be able to match an ele who went high int in terms of dps if he/she wore cloth armour.

or is it better to go high int and where plate armour instead? but from what I’ve seen, plate armour usually has stats/effects not beneficial to an ele compared to cloth armour…

Plate mail, for extra HP and the 10% physical damage reduction.

I think its 15% pdmg reduction - on the table in the manual it says that 4set bonuses are additive to 3set bonuses - so it would suggest 15 (i could be wrong though)

oh… interesting. do people go for a full plate set (4 equips) or just aim for the 3 equip bonus?

Usually 4 pieces, though it may depends from actual stats of the specific parts.

Eg. It may be better to take Lolopanther Plate Set - but Chest Piece ( 179pdef, 39mdef, 44 earth prop res) change for Robe (89pdef, 33mdef, 2103 hp, 41 earth prop res).

Three plate piece and cloth gloves (these usually come with magic amp/attack stats). Alternatively 3 plate + Rokas robe. The four set effect isn’t really worth it, you mostly want the HP from the three set plate mastery.

edit; I guess I necroed this thread, but maybe it’ll help someone.

Is Hail good later ? I’m at Ele 1 and it look so bad.

I can’ decide between FS and Hail

Go for Hail. It starts to get good at level 10, but it deals HEAVY damage on bosses and at C2 u start freezing mobs with it. As Mirara said, the best way to use hail when grinding/mobbing is sleeping them, then u can Hail and electrocute all of them (if they have high Hp, if not just MM them). U will start to use Hail more often later on when u face some elite mobs with Huge HP.

Freezing sphere is just a filler, i just use it to clean mobs with low hp left, but it’s a 1-2 hit spell so it will scale terribly anyway, dont invest on it, level 1 is fine.

I’m going with Electrocute 14, Hail 15, Frost Cloud 5, Rain 1,Proeminence 1, FS 1 and the rest in Meteor. The only 3 skills that matter are Hail,Electrocute and Frost cloud, the rest of them are just for some constant action/damage.