Tree of Savior Forum

Skill order for Elementalist?

Hey people, I am a wiz3 and shortly to be ele, using this build (thanks to Mirarara)

My question is, in what order should I distribute the skill points for ele?

Thanks in advance

Hmm, since I use a slightly different build I can only comment on what I think should be maxed first - definitely Hail for mobbing then Meteor. When you get to Ele3, max Frost Cloud first since that’ll be your main mobbing ability at high levels (>170).

Personally, my skill progression is:

C1: Hail 5, Prominence 5, save 5
C2: Hail 10, Meteor 5, Prominence 10, save 5
C3: Frost 5, Hail 15, Meteor 10, Prominence 15

Im at ele1 now, doing like this:
c1 Electrocute 5, Hail 5
c2 Freezing Sphere 1, Electrocute 10, , Hail 10, Meteor 5
c3 Frost Cloud 5, Electrocute 14, Rain 1, Hail 15, Meteor 9


Thanks for your input. Btw Alternon so you skip electrocute entirely? I’ve always read that prominence is not reliable enough because of the random directions it takes

Electrocute is a pain to cast because of charge time, whereas I can just activate Prominence (with its smaller wandering range buff) and run into the mobs after using Hail (which freezes) on them. Ditto with boss. Damage output is pretty awesome.

um , but cast time isnt really a problem if you go wiz c3 ( hail has the same cast time ) . Elestrocute bounce range is almost the same as magic missile , and it got boost damage againts freeze enemies ( good combination with hail or cyromancer ) , also it has 33 sec cooldown while prominence has 60 sec

Damn it now I must decide haha, I am really torn between the two now!

Why Freezing Sphere?

i guess it for skill filler , elementalist has high skill cooldown so you dont really have enough skill to spam

Probably for the constant dmg - due to ele long cooldawn’s, some people decide to invest 1 point in all attack skills. I may just do that for my ele and after getting few points in warlock (additional attack skills, which would fill this gap) - i’ll probably buy reset and put all points in Important skills.

So i’m gonna do same Mirarara build though i will respec later prominence and freezing sphere to 14-15 electro and 9-10 meteor - havent decided yet - any input? What would you recommend? As far as i know electro 15 only makes sense if you have (and want to use) monster gem +1 to that skill, which would add +1 monster to chain - otherwise its useless and each point in Meteor adds about 2k dmg (please confirm). Anyway - I’ll decide when i get there , after I see what skills I’ll use the most (fitting my playstyle).

And I’ll definitely change something in Warlock - at least 1 point in Mastema, and probably i’ll take off some points from Dark Agony (120sek cooldawn is simply too much).

Has good dmg at lvl 1. And helps a lot in situations that one or two monsters (at high lvl) stay alive after you use all ur skills.

But dont slow, no freeze, no push and no damage area?!

Does anyone have experience with prominence vs electrocute? I know prominence has higher damage potential but it’s more situational as well, cause you cannot make sure that you hit everything, isn’t it?

I like Electrocute, it works well with Frozen monsters and with Joint Penalty, but I havent tested Prominence =P

If you are thinking of using an SP reset later on it doesn’t matter how you build it at the moment.
Aside that I like to build for the future, meaning taking into account the fact that later ranks will be released with more classes.
So spending 1 SP for filler skills isn’t my cap of tea. We got filler skills in Energy bolt and Magic Missile.
I maxed frost cloud, hail, prominence and meteor. Don’t really find myself not be able to cast something so no need for 1 sp skills.

If you prefer, you can put one extra point in meteor. It’s your build, I’ve just recommended what I think will worth, and what I’ll do. You don’t need to follow step by step =).

Which is true but that means I only have to charge for 2 spells: Hail and Meteor, instead of 3 if I took electrocute. Additionally, for electrocute to be worth the time (at least for me), you should have gone to Cryo, instead of Wiz3.

Ele only has 1 “freezing” spell that doesn’t even reliably freeze: Hail.

without wiz3 electrocute takes 2.5sec total to pull off which renders it worthless

Not true, since you get a 100% buff on Electrocute on frozen enemies (who being frozen wouldn’t mind you charging your spell up as well).

not all of them will be frozen. when you risk getting hit 5-10k a poke you wont be standing still for 2.5 seconds
of course with less than 5 mobs its easily manageable but a lot of times you/your party will pull 5+ mobs

Edit: played wiz1 cryo2 ele3 in CBT2 and suffed a lot with the slow casting speed (and that was when mobs didnt hit like nukes)