Tree of Savior Forum

Silver Sink Ideas

For those of you that hate the idea of the market being taxed at 30% (depending on if you have a token or not) and would like to see other ways to create silver sinks that are actually fun and not punishing, please share your ideas.

Here’s some of mine:

Favored Goddess’s Blessing
You pick a goddess and make offerings to her alter and can’t pick to offer to another until the end. The goddess with the most offerings will grant a special temp buff to her worshipers that is unique to each goddess. Offerings are in the form of flowers/other trinkets that can be purchased by npc (of varying prices and can be purchased multiple times) and can be visually seen around the goddess statue. This contest is across all servers and lasts for 3 weeks and the temp buff lasts for 1 and then starts up again where you may choose a different goddess to worship.

Bars & Pubs
You can go to the bar and order drinks to participate in drinking contests with friends. Each contest has a shared silver costs for the drinks and has a little mini game of rapidly pressing a certain button to drink as fast as you can. The one that drinks the most wins a random item that the bartender gives (exp card, hat, talt, potion, rare chance at monster gem).

Let me know what you think and please share your ideas here!

are you smoking high


The money you spend on atributes is a gigantic enough Silver Sink as is.
Not to mention Anvils, those things gburn trough funds at a surprising speed at higuer weapon rarities and levels. Although admitedly it doesn’t take that long to make it back.


Mass Pagan Goddess worshiping? Casinos?


Take that to Vegas.

EDIT: Mrw I noticed you mentioned drinking contests in a Bar in a Korean MMO with an E-10 rating:


Hey man never said they were alcoholic.

I want what you are having.

This game has enough gold sinks already.

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I’m saying get rid of some of the unfun sinks and create new ones that are fun as well as optional. I’m not saying to make these billions of silver to participate either. The tax on the marketplace is worrisome in combination with the huge limitations on it, is going to cause a heavy hit to what’s going to be placed up for sale and may not see crafting items otherwise.

I’m saying cut down on sinks like the taxes, equip repairs, etc and replace them with optional sinks that are fun and also rewarding and not just taking away your money like repair and taxes do.

As for attributes, this is a one time sink. Once you’re done leveling your attributes completely, you’ll have a lot more silver in your pocket and eventually everyone will get their at some point. Once the majority of the population hits this spot, there’s gonna be a heck of a lot of silver. These mini-games/activities will help combat that in a more long-term sense as well as are optional but have an incentive for the player to want to participate.

But I guess that makes me crazy since some of you seem to think getting taxed and paying repairs is more fun…???

That ‘at some point’ is long enough. Not to mention each new character = more of said sink or be a bit weaker compare to someone with the money to sink.

Also if your ‘money sink’ idea is optional, what happens if NOBODY uses it?
Oh wait suddenly it’s useless.

Repair fee not only help making Squire shop more desirable but it’s also something everyone uses.
And market is where the largest money flow is.

I…actually don’t hate the goddess idea.

It’s just going to end being a popularity contest between Lada and Vakarine and you know it.

You already see that when you see people talking about what server they’ll play on.Or who ultimate waifu is.We can’t escape that.

I mean,I already know Lada is best.I’m just waiting on the rest of you.

Something like this could be neat if incorporated into guild wars,maybe.

I think it is a bit too early to start thinking about silver sinks additional to the ones that are already in the game. There are far more pressing matters for the developers to attend before that.

Unfortunately, some features in the game are not really implemented with the goal of being silver sinks. For example, the tax on the market is implemented to combat gold sellers, rather than serving as a sink. They aim to hurt gold sellers when they make transactions with their clients using the market, if they want to use that method then they will have to lose xx% of their silver. Same goes for other measures that they have taken with the game.

This of course also helps the company, since they can allow the players to reduce the effect of those mechanisms by purchasing tokens with real money (a little dirty maybe, but it is business).

Now, let’s think what would happen using alternative silver sink methods. While your ideas are certainly interesting: would a gold seller use them? Not really. Gold sellers always keep their accounts controlled by bot programs, so they are not going out of their way to play on “Bars & Pubs”, or donate their earnings to a Goddess statue.

In the end it would be more beneficial to first develop a better solution to fight against gold sellers, that way they can remove/reduce the features aimed for them but that hurt players in the process.

With that said, I think that the current real silver sinks we have in the game, such as attributes, are pretty good enough for now. It is gonna be a while before people start maxing those outs, especially the high rank ones.

What u said:

What u did:

What u get:


I realize I’m betraying my roots,but things change @Gunnr…I’m sorry.


Actually, picking a favorite Goddess isn’t such a bad idea it reminds of covenants from Dark souls.