Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion]Casino Zone / gambling mini games

#Arsene Casino of Fate
for Tree of Savior

Circus of Fate is a casino zone where players can gamble iCash, Silver or even Equipment/Items with each other or via mini games RNG. This is also a throwback to old IMC games content mainly from

Granado Espada
Solitaire League

The zone will feature NPCs of the Arsene Troupe Raid

and the loli twins

#and Andre Janzur

The cards that will be used in gambling are from Solitaire League

some mini games allows token to earned the token allow players to purchase unique costume, head gear, and titles

some mini games might allow use of EXP cards and Boss Cards as part of a card game.

suggested gambling mini game:
Old Maid
Standard slot machine
Popolion Racing (horse racing)
Chupacabra fight (cockfighting)
Companion Racing @AmenoMiragu
whack a mole! @KrizzLaKrizz


implement gambling zone mini games w/ throw back IMC NPCs


I’ve seen a few of your posts now,a lot of which reference Granado Espada.

I don’t mean this offensively,I promise,but it seems like you want a lot of those features from that game in this game.Why not appreciate the potential differences this game has from that one? They’re never going to be the same,not exactly.

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more feature = more fun :sunglasses:

Hardly ever played there^

Would prefer IMC focus on core game and side quests before tackling this issue. FF7 and Dark Cloud 2 were games I found great mini-games in, but the core game was what kept me playing in the end.

did you even read the post?

tldr version;
implement gambling zone mini games w/ throw back IMC NPCs

Yes I did,no need to try and simplify it.

It’s okay if you don’t wanna answer,I was just pointing out what I saw in your other posts and was curious.

My view is that it’s its own game and needs to stay separated from other games,but I respect what others think.

now give me more ideas for mini games

Companion Racing

I dunno

whack a mole!
hmm, shooting range? with fast moving target lol :joy:

if we’re going to have cock fights and casino… might as well get a meth district and prostitute simulator while we’re at it. =|

I also want ToS to become its own game and have its own identity, I really do. But I think this gives a little “franchise” feeling to it that wouldn’t really hurt considering both games come from the same company. I know for sure it’d make people even try out GE.

I wouldn’t bet on IMC implementing it like this though. Something to do with a consistency issue most likely. Other franchises get away with this nice stuff, but that’s because they’re huge and popular, and IMC products aren’t exactly that.

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Yes!! I want mini games. Whack a mole or any arcade games would be great. Make it happen even if this game is set in fantasy world.

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It’s a beautiful game that I do not recommend, having played in since it was p2p in 2007.

There is a game named Nostale, it’s also a bit RO-Like, there you got a Miniland und you can play Minigames.

In this Minigames you can get really valuable items for crafting equipments. There are 4 types of Mini-Games:

  • Fishing
  • Mining
  • Wood Chopping
  • Hunting

If you search in YT for those Minigames you can see how they’re implemented.
