Tree of Savior Forum

Should a male character be allowed to wear a Magical Girl costume?

Medieval nobility could totally pull those off without being gay.

It’s totally up to you which costumes you perceive as feminine but to say that majority of the content of ToS appears that way to you says a lot.


OH MAY GAD! this’s so heterotrue, this game is ridiculously, just look this costume.


Yellow is so out this fashion season, we need to secure our straightness with more MANLY MEN HETEROSEXUAL BARBARIAN COSTUMES. So pls IMC stop attacking against my fragile sexuality.


It’s totally up to you which costumes you perceive as feminine but to say that majority of the content of ToS appears that way to you says a lot.

You have the right to think am i wrong, as i got the right to say that you are wrong… This is why IMC must make content for everyone.

When a person has no solid argument against something concrete, it tends to go to irony. It is like a self-defense, because someone has broken his ideology of what he thinks correct. That is why you responded in this way.

I get what you’re saying, I really do, but how you’re phrasing things is pretty off.

First off, don’t clump gays and women together. The gay community is pretty diverse and don’t only consist of effeminate gay men. As well as women being a pretty broad term consisting of the whole spectrum, which might include lesbians, cisgendered women, trans women, bisexuals, etc. Not all of them want to dress up according to the game’s options. The right term you should be using is something like “a more feminine audience” to also classify cisgendered men who like to role play or have some fun with their characters.

Same goes with your term “straight” which is very specific so maybe not all of them share your views. Similar to a “more feminine audience”, you can change the term to “a more masculine audience” to cover everyone who agrees with you including cisgendered women and effeminate gay men who might be into dressing up one of their characters as a socially-acceptable man.

Just a few things so people don’t call you out on having fragile masculinity.


Nope, its just because is a waste of time to explain you about “there’s no gay or straight costume” if you are sure about you sexuality, you can make women or men characters with any costume or restrictions about it. There’s no gay costumes, just your insecure sexuality (or homophobic) opinion. This is not about what IMC make, is about how everyone see.


A person that uses gay as a synonymous of feminine can’t break anyone’s ideology.
Go and try to learn a few basic concepts first before trying to give a serious opinion.



Physical differences between men and women must be respected for balance. The fact that you do not accept the natural law of things does not nullify it.

A person that uses gay as a synonymous of feminine can’t break anyone’s ideology you said. Show me where i said gay is a synonymous of feminine! Dont change my words just to show your ignorance about how cant you understand what you read.

“Most of the game’s content tree of savior is geared towards female and gay content”

Can you explain your definition of “gay content”?

btw to kind of derail the discussion I’d rather say that most of the costumes and cosmetics in ToS is geared towards perverts (of any preference), with emphasis on the cute or the sexy.

What the game is currently lacking is cool stuff geared towards edge lords. There aren’t enough dark edgy armors (aside from velcoffer) or dark trench coats or whatever stuff Kirito would wear. They are the very same people returning cause Assassin will be in the game soon after all, so perhaps IMC could aim for that after the magical guy costumes.


It’s not what you said but the content of your words. A game marketed towards gays would be something with BL (boys’ love) in it and not necessarily having feminine clothes as you imagine it to be. There’s a difference between being feminine and being gay. You can be one, the other, or both and not what you think that it’s always both.

I agree. I hope we’d have more costumes like Velcoffer or more of historic/fantasy/regional costumes. Seems like all they’ve been doing is releasing school costumes, swimming costumes, and seasonal costumes (Hanbok, Halloween, Christmas) as well as some mascots every now and then.


You should consider cultural differences. Where I live, a man who dresses like a woman, and walks the streets like this every day, will be considered a gay or transvestite. A man who dresses as a man and keeps a date with another man is called a homosexual. Due to the Open Post Picture and the clothing examples I quoted above, I used the term gay to exemplify my narrative of lack of content for the straight player. Do not change the purpose of my words to make me look like a prejudiced person, that’s ridiculous of you.

This is a Gay / Transvestite (Shemale). A sexual straight man would never dress in such a way. This proves more than concrete, that the company is focused on a specific public, and leaving another aside.


may our beloved goddess continue her magnificent work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::star_struck:

but I also know limitations can be pointless and not everyone is a pervert like me and wants more variety :blush:

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And you should consider that this is the internet, and your being anonymous means nobody cares about cultural differences because who the hell knows where you’re from. That’s why if you’re gonna talk about things like this, it’s better to stick to more universal terms so people won’t assume you’re prejudiced.


Why are you asking me to use universal terms if you are not using? As you said its internet, and before you write something to me, you could be more universal too. What you speak makes no sense to me. You said things that suit only your point of view of my words, and so you make your opinion about it. And it wasnt so much universal as you think. Before teach, learn yourself.

I’d be happy to learn if anyone else other than you would teach me. :blush:

Otherwise, it’s really not my problem if people would still call you out for having those views.

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Nah, i will stop here. This will never end. YOu will be the right for you, and i will be the right for me. Its a never end game of reply!

Guys, it is just clothing. I personally think that “clothes have no gender” and do not agree with the game being focused “on gays and women”. But is just clothing.
If phrasing is the problem, we can try to come up with more understandable requests:

  1. “I love Magical Girl clothes! Magical everyone! It will be fun!”
  2. “Can you add more serious themed clothes?”
  3. “Can we have more costumes with armor, with gear?”
  4. “Will Historically accurate themed pieces be added next, maybe?”
  5. “I really liked Nicopolis Guard Costume, it matches or complements the lore of the game. Can we have more of that?”

You will lose nothing if everyone gets to wear that costume and no one will lose anything if you get the kind of costume you want next. It is just a game, people, chill.
Merry Christmas (or festivities, or celebrations, you name it). <3

@edit Other than that: I’M REAAAADY FOR THA MAGIC!


The first one looks quite Royalty to me, Something like “a noble magician of the court”. I don’t see the issue.

The second one is just like a “fabulous singer” and reminds me to the Ragnarok’s scholar.

The third one looks like a Fantasy version of a ceremonial tunic, the only weird thing about that is its colour.

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