Tree of Savior Forum

Should a male character be allowed to wear a Magical Girl costume?

I don’t get how it is different from Sailor costume, if it’s the right name of this costume. And I mean, just take a look at male shoes even on “official” class costumes… This game is full of cute stuffs why would you say no to Magical boy costumes lol, are we playing the same game or do you guys were just blind to this day ?

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My only hope is that this opens the doors to more freedom @STAFF_Bob



Tell the devs am also waiting for the skin colors and what not…


I guess it’s fine if not overdone. Though, I’d like to have more lore-related costumes too.


make these two costume available in the game (since giltine doll already exist) and watch the world of tos burn (HC&costume sold separately)

Magical Tree of Savior warrior wearing magical outfit


Cant believe you guys are wasting time on costumes while game is half dead with all low level content being useless. Newbies are uninstalling it as soon as they have to wait forever, for their very first dungeon run.

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I’m still mad because I can’t wear some female costumes on my male characters, so DEFINITELY YES!

I vote no, not because gender/sex issue
but the uniqueness
I am fine if dev make male and female of same costume separately
i.e. in this case a male version of magic girl and a female version of magic girl


but wouldn’t it be better if they make a male and female version and leave it open so you can put the “male” version on female character and other way around?_?

Why limit things when in reality that shouldn’t be :confused:

Sure many doors can open, even the door to laziness and fuck ups…

But I prefer to stay optimistic until proved wrong than fearful and pessimistic even after proven right…

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Sometimes i think tree of savior is a game made for girls and gays. We have low straight Outfits. I would like to have more straight outfits.

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Clothes are clothes…


don’t give them ideas, they might start co-operating with Apple one day (the enterprise with the overwhelming majority of customers being gay men or women)…

You’re clearly wrong mate. It’s KR culture, and even if it wasn’t in KR, nothing is “gay” or “for girls”, unless you think blue is for boy and pink for girl, and in this case I feel really sorry for you.


Personnaly, i’m not against the idea of magical girls costumes for male characters, however there’s definitly too many of these already imo

We need more traditional costumes, or rather, costumes that fits with the game (lore-wise etc)

Also, it would be nice to be able to buy costumes directly, without having to buy Cubes and exchange for medals (has been said 420 times, at this point it’ll probably never change)


Are we talking about the same game where every swordman and archer female costume with mini skirt are flashing pantyshots with every step? How is that “made for girls and gays”?


Because girls appreciate the female form just as much you fuckin prude.

You clearly don’t know Korean culture xD

Korean culture is one of the most conservative patriarchies in the world.
Women who marry into these strictly hierarchical families have to dress traditionally feminine and men have to dress traditionally masculine.
There is no tolerance for a man dressing up as a girl.

The whole socialist-liberalist “gender” theme that creates the whole notion of not dressing according to your biological sex is an idea from Europe that spread out through the world since the 1960s.

Even Japan was very late to adapt such things in the wake of the 21st century (i.e. end-80s till early 2000s), and Japan became far more liberal after the forced abolishment of Shinto influence at the end of WW2 than Korea is(probably also because of the growing influence of Christianity in Korea).


This box just came, i think it is for you


It is not a question of fragility, I just think that just as there is content for gays and women, there must also be content for straight and man. If for you it is normal to wear women’s clothing being a man, for me it may not be. So if you want me to respect your sexual choice, I also want you to respect mine. Most of the game’s content tree of savior is geared towards female and gay content, but there are lots of straight players who play the game, and would not want to dress their characters as a girl.

If you are going to put a new outfit in the game, put versions that are appropriate for the public both homosexual and the Straight public. If it were to the contrary, surely thousands of female and gay players would be here complaining of chauvinism for sure. When a straight player manifests there is considered homophobic, prejudice and all this victimism calculated, as you did there with this box.

Some examples of designs that do not suit Straight players:

I could show much more just to prove how Straight players do not have much choices of outfits to wear.