Tree of Savior Forum

Should a male character be allowed to wear a Magical Girl costume?

There will always be male version and female version, as the body curve is different
Like male version of same costume would be more like “reverse triangle” with more bulky shoulder and female version more slim down at waist line and more curve at hip and chest.
If both male and female get same costume, i would hope at least they show the difference in body shape or curve

You should try living, it’s pretty great when you stop limiting yourself for no reasons.


What… what happened here? This was about clothes and suddenly is about fragile heterosexuality? What did I miss while I was out??

Note: A tranvestite is NOT a ‘shemale’, where did THAT come from, did you kids did not sleep well??


I’ll make it clear here. I as a straight player, I did not feel comfortable with the company’s stance on bringing only homosexual, content or whatever the definition that you use.No matter what definition you give or the name, a person who relates to another of the same sex, and dresses as a woman, is homosexual and its not me who says, its the society, and to be honest i dont care about it, be what you want to be becouse it mean nothing to me. We are in a game where there are a variety of players with different sexual choices and culture, so focusing on just one audience of a sexual choice is not the right way to do things. If you read what i said and you felt offended, know that I’m also offended when I see content for female and homosexual players, and I do not see straight, male content, which is my sexual choice. So, stop victimizing yourself as being homosexual, thinking that be homossexual is the center of the universe becouse it is not. My fight here is for Straight content also, and not just homosexual content, just that. I have nothing against your choices, I just do not want you to forget mine too.


Its nothing about homossexual,gay,woman,whatever… Its just about a balance to reach all player base culture and choices with game content.


And don’t get me started on all the panty shot all over the place.

But yeah, clearly going full homo here :haha:

Nobody’s victimizing anyone, you’re just embarassing yourself and people came to laugh


YOu are clearly trying to draw rage here. You are feeling ofended for what i said, but you do not care about what i feel. So why should i answer a selfish peoeple like you? I will not answer you anymore becouse people who only are focused on themself do not need attention. Keep going with your freak show!

And yet those terms were the only ones used in the discussion. :man_shrugging:

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I brought many balls of clay, and I gave them to many childrens and I said: Make a car. Then one child did, one boat, another one a motorcycle and so on. Moral of history, whoever has soft clay in his hand shapes what his mind commands.

You should teach those children better. Because boats and motorcycles aren’t cars.

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I’m not going to waste my time with you anymore, clearly you’re trying to shape what I say, including cutting my sentences and putting them in ways that coincide with your attacks. For some reason, you think there’s more reason than I in what you say . Although I spend a year debating with you, everything would be words thrown away. I had promised not to answer you anymore, I gave it a chance, but I saw that it really waste my time. Feel free to cut my sentences and create a stage for the show you want to give at the expense of something coherent that I said.

Because the instruction was that they should make cars yet they made other vehicles. :thinking:
That wasn’t really coherent.


Ppl are so sensitive nowdays… it’s annoying…lol (and I mean both sides…)

It is still true that we lack more badass, cool costumes for male characters…and I think female characters could endure some more too…we have some but like 80% of the time we get something noble or cute looking with bows and stuff… or the colors are off…etc

I feel like this topic is almost not needed… just put it in and that’s it. A “should we add beards and more masculine clothes?” would be more interesting but because the answer is definitely yes… they should ask that from themselves and not from us lol…

Also if we would have magical girl costume for male chars we could have beards for female chars… XD just for even more ridiculous fun.

For me this is exactly why I don’t like female clothing on males. On trans/transvestite ppl it can look good because they are trying to look like girls…but otherwise it is mostly ridiculous… (but tbh it is also true to body shapes in general…I mean that not everything fits on every body type…and ppl should accept that)

But don’t get me wrong I actually don’t care in any serious way. I think the magical girl costume for males is mainly for fun…but if somebody puts it on seriously then do it…I still don’t rly care… I may just think he doesn’t rly have a good taste but that’s just my opinion.


Hi @STAFF_Amy nice seen you around :smirk:

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:joy: Omg lel all this over male magical girl costumes. Op asked a yes or no question on costume idea, gets replied with professor level wall of text about sexuality and gender.


Thanks for the feedback! We will share this result to our team!