Tree of Savior Forum

Shinobi - The class should be more true to himself

Hey fellow ninjas or ninja wannabes!

Just as you, I really like ninjas and the japanese culture. Let’s be honest, most of us picking shinobi because of that. Well…or because we played with them and we liked them.

Recently I was able to change into a shinobi which was a great thing, the class is extremly fun… and bugged too.

Yeah, it has balance issues , it has problems, but the design is ok and honestly… one of the best and most suited job change missions out there.

However there are problems…

I think that every class (not just shinobi) should be true to himself and resemble their class name. Shinobi currently only 50% shinobi and he is more like a chinese - japanese soldier hybrid.

What are ninjas? Who were those guys? What weapons they used?

This is not our class right now. Shinobi should be a high burst character able to do these things…and most importantly: with proper weapons.

Shinobi shouldn’t even be able to use spear! I mean it…come on, it’s common sense.

Yet, the best weapons for shinobi are spears now, really? The history is clear: 2-handed swrod (Katana), or 1-handed sword + dagger. These should be the best choices.

I know that this class currently bugged like hell, but this should be fixed too, cause that’s the ninja way.

This means that clones should work well with 2-handed sword skill ; sword + dagger skills. Like barbarian skills, highlander skills, corsair skills -> Should be all used with great synergy!

I’m really sad that I can’t play my character as a true shinobi.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @hkkim

Anything to expect regarding this class? Is there hope for us?


well to add to shinobis coolness you can add kusarigama as a shinobi only weapon. medium ranged weapon, not melee not long range.

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I was affraid to write this down, cause that would make the shinobi class “too unique”, but would be nice if other classes could use them too without special bonuses.

yeah well, at least you can collect ninja things lol

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Uhm…keeping the main characteristic is =! playing the character like in real life. I don’t know what did you read, but I’m talkin’ about the class balance/characteristic ingame here.

Where did you read that I want it to play real life shinobi?

It’s simple as that: if a character named shinobi, you expect a shinobi. If a character is named as a wizard, you don’t want to play with a bow and etc…

That’s all.

You have some problem man… Or you just want to troll but you are doing it full retard. Never go full retard.


he’s a troll why in the hell did you reply to him. don’t you know him?


Well…should guess this from his avatar and from his speech and avatar. It tells a lot about his personality. “Professional game tester since 2002.” :smiley: Nvm…doesn’t deserve more word.

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why not… Dual wield 1-h swords?

I think that would be op and also inappropriate. Dagger is fine in off-hand.

Do not spam… Honestly… If you don’t have anything to say, just keep silent.

Isn’t that due to meta, correct me if I am wrong. We are the one who decided what’s BiS no? And I doubt the staffs can answer your question, they are not even the dev team from what I see.

Nah… You are wrong. Shinobi skills are working mostly with hoplite skills. There is no other route now. While hoplite skills works with shinobi skills, others not.

This is not up to the community or duo to meta. If corsair/barb/highlander and etc skills could be used with it, that would be the “current popular build”. Now it’s the only one build.

I picked Shinobi and Rogue because this game doesn’t have proper thief classes, and Shinobi throws shuriken like a Night Lord on Maple Story.

Gotta live that Night Lord lyfe 24/7 bruh ya feel?

Shinobi works with swordman c3’s double slash as well. Sure it doesn’t work with most as you said. But cmon bunshin isn’t the one skill if you truly enjoy the class :confused:
It’s like your [quote=“Athem, post:1, topic:214659”]
most of us picking shinobi because of that. Well…or because we played with them and we liked them.

only is for that one particular synergy.

I myself would love to build my semi tanky rodolero into shinobi just for mjin since it costs HP.

…are you serious? :smiley: Do you have a shinobi? Cause it’s almost clear to me that you don’t. Please, do not theorycraft against experience. Read the shinobi forum.

I don’t, but I don’t see the need to make a cry thread just for that reason as well.
No one said you have to use a spear in the first place… You chose to go tryhard.

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wait, u can use stabbing, piearce with clones???

Again…if you don’t know what are you talkin’ about, just do not talk at all. Please, do not. It’s like you are talking about how to please a woman yet you are virgin.

Honestly… Stop that, cause you are talkin’ about thing you don’t know against fact and experiences. You think it’s because popular…ok! I already told you that’s not the case… no you have to be smarter cause in your mind that’s the case. The truth is: shinobi is currently bugged. Without clones, the class is pretty much useless/weak.

Hoplite skills are working. Swordman skills (some of them too.) However there is not clean explain about this that why sw skills working but others not by clones. Honestly, I have to write a wall of text just because you have some theorycrafting and also think that you are right against the real deal? :smiley:

I can’t answer to that. I dunno about that skill, you should ask around about this in the shinobi forum:

Dude, your entire thread is in fact

:expressionless: are you fking serious
And if you are really[quote=“Athem, post:1, topic:214659”]
I really like ninjas and the japanese culture

You should already know ninjas are capable of wielding a vast variety of weapons, even Sai. A piercing weapon.