Tree of Savior Forum

Shinobi - The class should be more true to himself

Except that I have this character and I know how this is works? I mean, I’m not guessing about things, but I’m talking about it after experience.

If you are trolling it’s ok…if not, I’m sad.

I just linked the wikipedia page in my first post. This is not SPEAR. The problem is not the piercing weapon use, but the freakin’ spear.

please make some video with shinobi clones and Hop skills

You should really be sad, cause I can guarantee you it’s a fail thread. Skill bugs will be fix but your sword obsession is nothing but a mere suggestion to be ignored.
Devs will be thinking the exact same thing “Why go hoplite if you dislike a ninja wielding spear…?”

Seriously… wikipedia? You think it will state every single martial art style different ninjas uses? Nice stereotype of a “ninja enthusiast”.


Well, i will do this: Swordman C1 , C2 > Barbarian C1, C2, Corsair C1, C2 > Shinobi.

And i will use: 1 Hand Sword - 1 Dagger.

The rest, i don’t give a holy fxcking ■■■■. My gameplay nerf or buff is fast paced.

His build is nothing special but a cookie cutter in KR. Hoplite for pierce bonus + cosair + bunshin auto spam.
And he thinks he is a wonder for actually having a shinobi while laughing at others who are planning to build one, since they do have one YET. And when we build it a different way, he claims we know nothing compared to his [quote=“Athem, post:20, topic:214659”]
fact and experiences


Wait for my shinobi lol.
No hoptile related

As a former DEXless Night Lord player, this thread makes even me sick.

cc plz

…you are … seriously an… Honestly :smiley: Now you are smarter than wikipedia. Let me guess. You were there in the feudal era and you know the hidden part of history.

You were right…there were ninjas among ninjas, who were more hidden. What you are talkin’ about is not a ninja , it’s a martial artist. We are talking about the shinobi as the shinobi in most persons mind, not about shinobi in your mind which was an archer and western hero.

Cause fun fact…there were ninjas using pistols and mini-bows too… :stuck_out_tongue:

Gj linking a video from the korean beta which is almost 1 y old and has nothing to do with the current things. :smiley:

No it isn’t. In real irl life spear techniques, among bows, swords and daggers were taught and used. Spears were one of the most common type of weapons used. It’s just your biased idea of what ninjas were. I bet you can’t even find a single martial arts school that claims to teach traditional ninjutsu techniques and where wielding a spear isn’t taught. (I know jutsu means tecnique(s) but I prefer being redundant when mixing different languages).


I agree with you in the lore. Ninja need Ninjatos, Katanas, maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe a Bo.

Need Stealth too.

And… More skills with dash and jumps… I don’t know.

We have stealth, but it’s bugged many times/most of the times.

Thanks for reminding they are capable of using other weapons with your fun facts, after I already said they are capable of using a vast variety of it.[quote=“Athem, post:29, topic:214659”]
Gj linking a video from the korean beta which is almost 1 y old and has nothing to do with the current things. :smiley:

And yet the build still works, you must be dumb and narrow minded. And I don’t even get where you saw it’s stated as beta footage 1 year ago…


here you go.

just use your imagination.

The ninja build with swordman c3 and peltasta irritates me greatly…

Lol true ninja use anything thats meta and anti meta. That would be ninja spirit.

May that be sword, spear, gun, grenade, laser or ur loli waifu.

But w/e ppl want their lovely sword buffed. Shinobi do deserve a fix.

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You can’t use the skills as I said. It’s not about building something. It’s building something or you wont use your skills. That’s it. I already have a shinobi as I said. :smiley:

But, Ninjas used more: Katanas, Ninjatos, Shurikens, Daggers, Bo and Kunais. The Spears and Bow not much…

Sorry for my English. I like the topic but my english is like a sh*t

The history is clear: 2-handed swrod (Katana), or 1-handed sword + dagger. These should be the best choices.

Thats is totally right. I don’t give a f*ck what is the meta…

This is the real arsenal for a True Ninja.

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