Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer New CLass - the hype is real

My friend was a PVP leader last week with his Cannoneer.
What do you say to me?

And he does not use the Skill Shut Down Bug that catches you on the floor. If he does, he can not beat him. You get eternally stuck on the ground and he has the Kneeling Shot to attack farther than the other classes.

But even without using this bug, it arrives invisible, with 50% more damage, uses glass mole card, plus 30% damage, uses Cannoneer skills with multiple charges and you are dead, if not you have a smoke that leave it silenced.

Schwarzer Reiter also fights like crazy and cancels any skill casting …

Where is the archer weak?

I agree that cryo3chrono3 is the most solid R1-R7 in wizard tree.
Since all new classes will be in R8, and it easily fit into them.

Even DPS/TBL/GVG/ET it still very good

how many dex, block penetration does he have ?
you say he has damage but can he hit ?

Finally my 5 support chars will be added to 6.

I’m curious with a Cryo 3 Ele 3 Shadowmancer 2 build as it looks like the shadow balls appear where their shadows are. Also that puddle seemed to apply a debuff for the spammable spike spell to damage so pulling them in via frost pillar and having Ele’s damage would be a nice idea.

I’m definitely pulling through my yolomancer Pyro2 Thaum 3 Chrono 3 rank 9 idea.Having both swell buffs and chrono buffs on one char? yes please.

New king build for pvp/pve/life/solo = Wyz c1+pyro c1+psy c3+ sorc c2 + shad c2.

I coming for u bb!!!

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I did a test with him joking to see if he could give me any damage, because I’m FULL CON and still use solmiki Cloth that gives over 100 CON and LionHead Shield.
He had some Blocks but he did kill me, of course it was just a test and when I raised him to Raise he used the Elixir and other HP potions (he does not like to lose even doing a simple test) … xD

But the point is that I usually do not take almost any damage on PVP and yet he managed to get past Block and give enough damage to kill me with more than 80k HP.

I am not a specialist in physical damage game anymore with wizards and clerics (Matk). But from what I understand his damage comes from the Cannon and the set of Solmiki Leather, on other things he focuses on Block Penetration. Although his Crossbow and the Solmiki set give enough DEX, which also increases Block Penetration. I do not know more than that … my knowledge is non-theoretical empirical in this case.

The idea is very good, but unfortunately I do not see possibility of playing with an Elementalist without Wizard 3.
5 days casting Electocute and Hail and being stopped several times by any archers attack.
Playing with Elementalist without QuiskCast is very bad, but playing without SureSpell is impractical.

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yep, ele3 NEED wiz 3… or GL with casting any spell :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: still lock 3 can be better than shadow 2… we will see soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Warlock c3 should just be this:


Demonology, demon transformation. Like druid c3.


My New build :satisfaction:

Shadowmancer Skills:

Shadow C1 can be a great stapple class for survivability and some single target damage, but Shadow C2 is really lackluster.

Out of his 6 total skills, the only 3 good ones are already from C1, and they are fine at lvl 5.

no useful attributes yet either. Warlock seems to be causing "fear’ now with new attributes.

Now that levelling takes much less time, im starting to think about a wizard alt.

I want a dark wizard styled character, but without summons of any sort. And I like the idea behind shadowmancer. I want the build to be able to do some damage, but supporting is nice too.

What do you think about Wiz2-Link2-Thaum2-War1-Shad2? Not sure if Wiz2 is even needed.

Only PvE, not sure if ET-compatible. Can you comment on ET? I have little experience with wizards. Thanks.

Wizard c2 is not needed in this build, but if you want to go for Linker c2 there is no good option for rank 2. You can take Cryo c3 instead of Linker for supporting. Warlock c1 is bad since you don’t have the attribute for Mastema, I think Warlock c2 > Shadowmancer c1 would give way better dps. Or you could go for Thaum c3, but then you only have three damage skills…

It’s possible to do ET with almost anything, the problem will be find a party that accept you. If you try to build with dps and support in mind there will always going to be someone who can deal more damage than you and someone who can provide better support for the party, and sadly some people only want players with meta builds.

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You can totally skip the wiz 2 side (no skill with charge time there). Linker’s not that needed or good in group play ever sicne the hit limit got super nerfed back then. It’s more of a farming tool now.

Wiz Cryo 3 Thauma 2 - Thauma 3/Warlock1 - Shadowmancer, probably works better in terms of pure PvE build. You’ve got cryo 3 por group support via mob control and thaumaturge for super useful + damage buffs (no buf flimit anymore!). Then your own damage comes from Shadowmancer and Warlock 1 if you wish some extra (longish CD) skills. They’are definetely viable for current content (up to 40th Solmiky) and rather welcome at it, but can’t say much regarding any future pve group content.

Truth be told, one extra cryo tree ~ pass > pretty much anything else once you have a good healer + 2 good DPS + 1 chrono in pt already.

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Wiz 2: longer 'Sleep’
Pyro 1:enchant fire and fire wall buffs, and more filler skills
Cryo 1: can freeze enemies (almost single target)

I would go with pyro.
For the dark part, I prefer wl2 over shadow 2, because of mastema attribute.

Wouldn’t I want linker to do dmg with those singletarget Shadowmancer skills?

Playing solo, yes it can be useful. In party, the link will probably end before you can use anything.

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you better run to lv your alts bc after the great patch lv will be a torture again, gl :haha:

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It would be fun and fast for solo farm. But not a link/thaum. And for party play just fine but everyone will secretly wish you went full support.

And as far as hybrid bastardized supports you’ill still be consider a weaker version without lightning hands. The only time this build would beat out the carpet rubbers is with a mass of coordinated DPS/chronos cycling an unending supply of Pass.

But maybe someone will make my dream come true someday. And we’ill see a party with a trio of link/chrono/shadows some day.

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