Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer New CLass - the hype is real

dont forget that lock have 2 useless skills… i have a hope imc will do something with it ;/

Reckon we’ll get a class reset when the new circle comes out? Not sure if we will since we had a class reset event in may

Probably just one rank reset scroll per account/team just like when they implemented R8 last year unless we get another massive rebalance along with R9 implementation.

I m not sure if any of you have noticed but it seems that Shadowmancer can only use some skills in shadows not in light so it will be not usefull everywhere especially in TBL where light is everywhere. I hope this class won’t come with too many bugs.

I want to try, w1,cryo3,ele3,ench2. The lord of ice and lightning.

Cause Swell Body scales with SPR. With Full SPR you have infinite mana to spam everything like crazy. You don’t need Int to be effective with the Thaumaturge.

Check the formula of Swell Brain:
value = 60 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 10 + ([Skill Level]/3) × ([Character SPR] × 0.7)^0.9
if [Swell Brain: Enhance] not null
value = value × (1 + [Swell Brain: Enhance Level] × 0.01)
return RoundDown(value)

Font: AND I have a Thauma 3 :slight_smile:

I dont use thaum 3, only 2 , so for me is all about int.

Thauma 2 > Go Full Int
Thauma 3 > Go Full Spr


Draknus, you don’t need SPR to have infinite mana, just use mana potions. It’s much better to have INT for a Pyro3 Thaum3 Enchanter for exemple, just because it will increase your damages a lot. If you do a Thaum Sorcerer it’s another kind of build where SPR is certainly much better.

Ah dream come true, I just need to make a loli now


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The only time INT is “better” is when you haven’t broken through enemy mdef. There are 2 things to INT: direct damage (ex. 2 per INT) and a damage modifier. Ok, 2 m.atk per INT is very small and the damage mod is capped at 100%. Breaking through mdef means you are at (or really close to) 100% already where adding more INT only gives your the increase in direct damage (ex. 2 per INT).

Basically, if you have a low m.atk weapon, INT will do a lot, else INT is negligible. It is also “cheaper” to change a weapon later for more m.atk than it is to reset INT into something else.

i like how everyone in this thread missed the fact that warlock3 shadowclaw thing is multihit

cryo3sorc3shadowmancer2 might be great
or cryo3kino3shadowmancer2 for pvp

Actually if you have a great weapon + INT it’s much better than INT and a bad weapon… you know skills are based on a % of your Matk right ? What you say actually works for Patk, because it’s way better to invest in attributes and DEX for most of Patk builds. But for a Thaumaturge Pyro INT is by far what will bring the most damages, it’s not negligible like STR. 2 Matk per 1 INT means 800 Matk for 400 INT. 800 Matk you lose for SPR… even if you are right and it’s negligible, anyway I don’t know why you would go SPR lol. You can invest a little bit if you are so afraid of SP potion prices…

Thaum3 + Shadowmancer, INT or SPR ?

i main full INT thauma3warlock2, i never run out sp though, you will get enough spr from gears.
400INT = 800matk + 200matk(10int = 5matk)

full INT is good for offensive thauma for slightly higher matk (500-600 different, but given you can reach 10k matk at high end it negligible though) full SPR is good for full support.
notice that chappy card not scale on thauma buff, hence if you want shadowmancer as your core go for full INT better.

I think full SPr is still viable if you really want it. You gain some of the lost matk through swell brain. You also have the advantage of having higher debuff resistance.

it rather a minor tradeoff than viable.
but full con is best for me

#FullCONMasterRace /20charrrrssssss

To be honest, I can see some nice interactions with a Cryo3-Chrono3 build which will pump lots of damage in the build that is already very CC and utility based. I’ll definitely reconsider Sage depending on its C2 capabilities. And you won’t sacrifice a circle because Cryo3-Chrono3 ends at Rank 7.

That Shadow raising skill that explodes into an Ice Tree will ensure massive damage without having to rely on linker. The re positioning skill that probably make you invincible will also be a good escape.

Also, when you look at it, it seems like this class will have at least two spells with Overheat, so locking ennemies down for casting Shadowmancer spells will be nice and use the Shadow escape to temporise and get your CDs back.

All that without mentioning the possible Master class for Cryo. Depending on what that means, if it’s an extra rank or added passives or just simply more skill points, that could be a very solid build that won’t rely on others but will definitely help a team with its innate utility.

Very excited to say the least.

Give up
As long as they do not fix the Sage buff or nerf archers invisibility the PVP is unfeasible.
There is no way to protect themselves from an invisible enemy … it was the same before Rank 8 … Before they launched Sage (which was launched just to protect the wizards from an invisible enemy).

Think about it … The archer comes invisible, with 50% more damage, and attacks you without you having to defend yourself, because you are taken by surprise …
They bugged the Sage buff by 80% (60 seconds => 16 seconds and 16hits => 3 hits).
The invisibility of the archer should also have his nerve damage 80% when invisible and for 3 seconds and 3 hits after leaving the invisible …

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Are you joking ?
Archer even with stealth is crap, I gave up on my musketeer because all wiz are full con