Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer New CLass - the hype is real

Bye Warlock… Hello Shadowmancer :haha:


i was expecting more spirit mechanics for warlock, i hope that giant claw skill isnt everything because it looks really weak.

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Honestly super hyped. Shadow classes are my JAM!

The prospect of building one though… it doesnt seem to need Quickcast.
Maybe linker would be cool, the skills seem to only hit once…

Just a prototype build idea: Wiz2-Linker2-Ele3-Shadow2…

but wizz 3 has always been for the elementalist skills, if you are going ele 3 get wizz 3

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to be completely honest, shadowmancer may be a great pvp class

sadly the only way to improve shadow mancer skills damage its geting WL 1 for the atribute of invocation. ( 30% shadow damage),

this kills the meta elememe builds. :sad:

You guys are forgetting the Master Class, everything could change.

i wait for that to make a teory craft. but imo there wanna be some other builds who will shine afther this patch, like cryo 3 ele 2 rc and enchanter 2. improving the ligthning damage and iceblast./icewalls combos.

I would not take Warlock out of the equation yet, the Claw skill looks strong and because Elementalist already take quick cast the charge is not a problem.

the claw skill damage is too low compared to the skills in other classes, i think WL may be turned obsolete :frowning:

Wasnt that attribute only working for Additional Dark Damage? And you basically need to stay on top of the spiritis to get the bonus or so i heard.

I think WL C1 is not that bad as a filler class even w/o taking this attribute in consideration, if you have nothing else to get (may be my case), as WL C3 honestly feels disappointing so far. (need to see C3 attributes and if IMC will fix the other skill in the massive rebalance)

The only thing holding me back from making a Wizard is that I hate Elementalists in general.
and I’m not too found of anything that isn’t wiz c3.

but I need that Shadowmancer, like for real.

Go make a Wizard from hell. Wiz3-Pyro3-Warlock-Shadowmancer. Dun care bout synergies no more lol

shadowmancer showed about 4 skills? 2 non-multi hit aoe skills, 1 movement skill and a hexing-effigy attack combo?

i was expecting a portion of that class to have summoning since all of the external sources i’ve read about shadowmancer indicates half caster and half summoner…

Mastema do like 20k%, and the spirits make AoE skills even stronger, it’s hard to make that obsolete.

That’s cool too, I was thinking in making something with Chronomancer C3 for Shadowmancer so I can spam more shadow skills.

Not really the people saw the Purple and thought that was a summon class, but in the end was it was nothing, Bullet Marker was the same but with a that make things.

still it will be a class with lame c3 like sorcerer or pyro(pyro is completely lame but c3 is specially bad)

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I was thinking Sorcerer on that
Shadowmancer turning into shadows with familiars around flying and killing stuff.

The skill of the balls created one sphere for each monster, and after the skill that the mage became shadow it did a effect in the monsters I think that is pre-requisite for the last skill.

Or it will have attributes that make it amazing like Doppel and Falconer. Who knows? It hard to theorize things without any concrete evidence.

Going to be in the hidey shadow-mode and come up out of the ground like:


i didn’t know this, i was talking about something else…

initially i thought of something like wiz-pyro2-thau3-sorc-shad2 full spr…

and then enchanter is looking good with wiz-pyro2-thau3-sorc-ench2 full spr…

right now i’m only interested in the synergy between thaum3 and spr for wizard, so i’ll either go with sorc2 + something else or enchanter2… i still need full info on those classes, and maybe shadowmancer might bring something good to the table…