Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer New CLass - the hype is real

Why would thaum be good with spr build? Do u know his buffs are based on int?! XD more int better his buffs

swell arms and specially swell brain scales with spr…

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Seems like it’s both, I rather int then

full spr thaum3 buffs give more m.attack to other players considering thaum is primarily a support class… we pair this synergy with a summoner class and nothing is really wasted…

Still rather int , with pyro , same amount of matk with that buff and fits better than sorc 1 , pyro3thaum3ench2

i’m only interested in thaum3 + spr, so sorc 1 at least is needed… and i think the devil, salamion and cat buffs offer more than pyro3, this is also why i wanted shadowmancer to have summoning… full spr also gives huge amount of sp and the enchanter buff that gives 1 con per 20 spr gives this build more hp and block…

for shadowmancer i saw 5 skills actually

2 overheat, cone AOE 1 line
6 shadow balls that explode
turning into a shadow
1 single target attack 0:29
3 Overheat single target shadow “stabs”

the 4th and 5th skills are different, but do the same dmg. the 4th skill might have an attribute or a debuff added to it.

i saw a cone attack with an overheat
dark spirit balls aoe (probably has really long cooldown)
a shadow transformation that deals damage when u untransform
and some effigy like skill with 3 overheats

i just hope that rank 8 classes can compete with rank 6/7 classes, or do more.

that sage skill highlight was done poorly. but it showed the sage doing multiple lines of 100k .

honestly idk what they want to do with sage. in terms of dps it doesnt do much…maybe pvp dps while shadowmancer is pve dps.

enchanter got a dps skill…but i think they somehow need to make skill scrolls more viable. if there’s no new attribute for that no one will go enchanter.

As pointed out by some, the claw looks to be a single-hit burst skill which can stand to gain a lot from joint penalty.

For now, i envisage the following: (subject to CD of shadowmancer skills)


well; i lvling a similar build for rank8 new classes , but with wiz2, since sure spell is nice to have for future classes.
well to be true i’m lvling this build after imc said that she would level up all new classes to rank 8 in power; so i was thinking of lvling a class where i could take multiple rank 8 classes damage, to combo with PASS to have more damage.
i do agree that hexing like atk seems to combo really nice with linker; but i did not really like shadowmancer(maybe i’m the only one?) , so i may wait a little with this new build until futher rank 8 classes are released ^^.
if imc does not release the master circle for earlier ranks really fast, we may see a few more chrono3>rank8damage classes in the future as DPS build’s.

honestly a meta shadowmancer wiz needs a master class to fill in r7.

hopefully it will be for wiz which can give back the attribute for quickcast

you might want Wiz2>link2>chrono/thauma3>shadow2 kind of like the farming FF for the surespell.

there just doesnt seem to be a clear cut boss killer build for mages which would put them again to ET/farming.

Well, Warlock1>Shadow3 is still very legit.

Don’t forget Warlock have class attribute to add 10% dark damage to compensate for its dark element disadvantage.

Invocation is perfect combo with the Orb summoning.

But for me opinion, Cryo3>Chrono3>Shadow2 also good possible for PvP, the shadow+haste seems a good skill to hack into enemy territory with a stop and then frozen pillar.

Warlock3 will still legit in Wiz3Elem3Warlock3 for ET AoE damage

tosbase says 5% per attribute lvl which makes it 15% and doubled on caster which is 30%. is it outdated?

i would rather have a masterclass r7 than WL on wizard since u kind of waste 1-2 ranks on QC and Surespell which dont increase your dmg. but you do have a point.
What I mean is this, the class attribute,

the Invocation attribute is failed i think,
i did add 30% on elemental “Dark Property Attack” but not your dark skill damage.

maybe the shadow bombs works like the spirit but whatever. it give a % of damage to all shadow damage. i use it on ET and its usefull to kill bunch of monsters even has a filler

Shadowmancer looks like the lovechild of Sorc and Warlock.

I’m stoked for Enchanter. :smiley:

According to the teaser, Shadowmancer gameplay looks like GvG/TBL player, a gimmicky dpser.

In the video, (raise orbs > explode orbs > turn into shadow form > back to human form > shadow spike x3) Too many actions required, for those have connection delay have to concern about it. (as you seen too many casting animations that make the player vulnerable to damage, it might need cryo/psycho to overcome)

The shadow form certainly interesting, cryo3chrono3(or psycho3)shadow2 seems like a potential sneaky build, shadow form sneak into enemy area > stop > frost pillar > raise orbs > explode orbs > shadow spike, but too bad we have too many items to reduce dark damage (rhevisan necklace + bracelet)

Warlock is seems getting another Meteor-Liked skill, which require casting in the air, and could be good wiz3elem3warlock3, but I bet wiz3elem3chrono3 will be much more effective than warlock3 in ET, which you don’t much attribute to spend but able to utilize full elem skills in complete 1min cycle. As usual warlock doesn’t seems good even at C3, but we yet to see its new attribute.

Enchanter is the true successor of cyro3chrono3 full support build, it frozen ability and grant lightning dmg to physical class, and now it able to deal some lightning damage as well.

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I agree with u, I’ll change sage for enchanter in my chrono… and my warlock2 for warlock1 + shadow2 :satisfaction:

Now I just wonder how long till we get these…

The claw is maybe a “stance” where your AA is switched to a dark claw until the buff ends ? If it’s just a single target spell, oh god what IMC did during all this time ?