Tree of Savior Forum

Server Launch Delay Notice

Oh man, Hope there isn’t a back to back delay 4 hours later >_<;;

Took a day off from work today…

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Barely makes sense.
There is a limited number of people to start playing here.
If two want the same name one will not get the name he wants either way.

Don’t make the other (thousands?) wait just for your name, that’s kinda selfish.

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#This can’t be true. I don’t believe in every word you say. All lies

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they care about $$$$$$$$$

So… Now we have to stay awake anywhere from 2am to 6am just to get our family name because you didn’t test this earlier? What could possibly cause a 4 hour delay that wasn’t accounted for? I really am curious.


The server was delayed from day 22 to day 29.
Then… when it is almost up… 10 mins they tell us to wait more 4 hours?
I wonder if today was day 22. The opening would be delayed too ?
Man … thats SAD.

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Man, this always happens on launch days… <.< “Sorry we have to delay the launch” waits 24hrs before playing ._.

And the best part? We paid money for this.


ahahaha thats a funny one guys
its cool u can drop the act
for reals now


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recovery process? do you guys restore from backup lol? ) 4 hrs??? )))

While I am frustrated (I have a family name I am hoping to get), This stuff happens. Thank you for your work and staying/working more than you were expecting to have to work today/tonight. I for 1 appreciate your work and am super excited to play (regardless of this setback).

Lets bring a good and positive community into this game people.


Wrong. The people who have work or class in the morning who stayed up for this are.

This is how Julie mustfeel when you guys rage and QQ


I stayed up until now for the ■■■■ not open on time.thanks IMC refund my sleeping time.

Absolutely Lovely

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Sadly I stayed awake to play this game that promises a lot. Well I guess i’ll go to sleep and hope that tomorrow after work I can play. (And get a good family name).

Ah that’s rough news, i’ll be up a while anyway since I’m hyped off on coffee… just really, really glad I didn’t make those espressos yet. @_@