Tree of Savior Forum

Seems afk farm was resolved on kTos

Fair point, didn’t realize AFK farming was such a hot button issue that people felt so strongly about. The problem is IMC only has so many resources, and having them work out how to fix AFK farming seems very low priority compared to other things that actually WOULD increase population. IMO if a player makes it all the way to Bee farm, sees AFK farmers and says “Eff this I don’t want to play this game anymore”…I’m not sure this is really the game for them to begin with xD


In my opinion no one gets to Dina Bee to “oh, a lot of AFK players, I’m gonna quit”. The problem gets worse with knowing the game more (along with all problems) to see that “those AFK players back then messing up my quests are making 2, 3 or 4 times more silver than me for doing nothing all day”. And how some necromancers even brag on their faces: “Go, farm the item for me so I can buy with my AFK silver”.

Or when players are faced to well geared players and think “is this silver coming from AFK farming?” or even “why are things so expensive? How do people have this much amount of silver?”

Well I guess it isn’t as big of an issue I might make it seem like as an issue alone. But as you know there is a lot of other issues that have been around for long time as well. All of them should of course be sorted out but fixing one does help considerably already.

For example botting and RMT is a considerable issue still that causes inflation to the market, couple it with afk farming and it becomes worse. If other is sorted out it doesn’t fix completely but it certainly makes it a lot better.
Also if you consider the two of these I guess we can all agree afk farming is way easier to take care of than botting and RMT.

If other similar issues are fixed maybe having afk farming is not that bad and it would have less of an influence on the game.


Needless to say, good part of RMT silver comes from AFK farming itself.


I don’t think that it’s a common occurrence either, but it was the implication from Val’s response.

I am not advocating for or against AFK farming. I totally agree the economy is in a dumb state and life is much easier as a Necro that can sit around all day and collect silver. I’m just saying I wish IMC would focus on un-screwing what they have screwed so the game has a fighting chance to survive. Population numbers are horrific for a game that hasn’t been officially released for a full year…

Like I said before, I would rather have a stupid economy than no TOS at all :wink:


And I thought it was because of hueknights

I would look for a quote from the @LunarRabbit but there are many walls of text.


Please quote where I have ever said that? I also hardly doubt anyone else made such a bold statement.
Implying that the atmosphere is unwelcoming for said reason doesn’t mean the same thing, if by any chance you were referring on that.

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I guess this was meant to me, but @Val, sorry, I’m borrowing your words.

@VacaOverpower please quote where I have ever said that? I also hardly doubt anyone else made such a bold statement. Implying that the atmosphere is unwelcoming for said reason doesn’t mean the same thing, if by any chance you were referring on that.

If you have anything to discuss, send me any private messages and I’ll gladly discuss anything you want.

Now, about players quitting due to AFK farming, there are many players which did so in combination with other issues in the game.

I was referring to this, since I don’t see why else you would have quoted what I said.


This was at the end of the quote, so technically your quote is lacking and giving false implications that I would think a lot of people have quit solely because of afk farming, which is not the case.



that was actually funny, the first time i fell for your trolling.


Afk Necro here,

if they wanted to stop the afk’ing they should just make it illegal,
as you can see plenty of people here that would take the time to report
them. Anyone that refused to afk farm i completly understand but
’if you can’t beat em… ‘join em’

if i had to come up with a solution it would be that you don’t gain silver
after a certain level diffrence

i agree afk farming needs to go but botters are a bigger issue here in my opinion


Why don’t you make all maps drop zero silver and items if you are above that map’s level by 20 levels? Make it a penalty like you do experience. This will keep high levels from farming low level maps.

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Why are you guys arguing over something that doesn’t exist on iTOS?

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To be honest in my opinion Necromancers/AFK are a smaller issue only because they’re not illegal. But the impact on the game caused by bots and afk farming is about the same, they’re pretty much similar in most things.

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it doesnt exist anywhere~

but people like constructive discussion/possitive feedback/talking

theres drama to everything



You mean high lvl players have no right to farm in low lvl areas despite it being a good farming spot.
That would mean basically lvl330 players cant farm anyplace but those annoying r8 maps and probably i can take from your words that even dng290, 240 and 145 cannot be farmed by high lvl players despite of being them for farming purpose.
That’s such a stupid and bad idea IMO.

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In all honesty, if you make a necro now I think you can still use it for sometime cause implementation of this wont come soon.

There are plenty of examples of ktos patches that hasn’t been implemented for like hmmm 6-7 months or more.

Maybe someone have a list somewhere.

Before this thread : Stop all afk necros, it’s cancer, no fun

In this thread : Do not stop afk necros, it’s needed, it’s endgame, I need to catch up with other players

Some people complain about addon advantage because they don’t use them, and you treat them with stupid answers like “use addons then”.
Now, people complain about necros, but everyone’s saying it’s normal to have benefit without doing a thing while players without a necro and playing “legit” can’t do it.

I don’t even care to be honest. I have a necro but changed it for thaumaturge.
40 mins for 1 dun 145 gets me more silver than 1 day of afk with necro.

Just make grim reaper spawn every 10 mins or make an auto-afk bot for everyone (actually it’ll be worse but IMC does not know how to apply simple solutions so they can delay patches for 6 months) and it’ll settle the deal.

Why do we even bother arguing over the “minor” problem when there’s afk, macroing, better income warlocks running 24/7 without getting anything?
And it’s considered illegal, make afk farming “illegal” and it won’t change anything.


answer: < - -[my following post is half fake for no reason whatsoever xD]

because making silver is insane if you want to have enough power
to stay relevant to the game 's fun yourself. meaning making at least 1 single character your focus of attention, which is sorta a hopeless future admission to your game’s progress as a casual player.

and casual players are motivated for this reason much more
to consider using afk farming as a way to play the game and keep up with
those who have more time to play the game.

unless you know how to make 1 million silver in 4 hours or less, you basically can’t play this game content at a competitive pace, what do i mean by competitive ? well you know, be able to have fun with others who are playing the game at a faster speed than your own. that’s all.
there’s some casual players who have more time than others, then there’s hardcore players, that’s a different story i’m not touching on this afk farming subject xD

haha, i’m “half” kidding here about what i wrote on thsi post though xD!

i don’t justify nor will i ever justify necromancers killing the grinding spots for level 150-175. those are the worst levels in this game to overcome.
yes farming is hard and because the population decreased the silver making from shop players also became less relevant to making decent silver. and if you do saalus to sell shards, then you’ll never get to use your own shards for your own gears, Ever.
god, reaching level 290 is hard,

and i already heard that making silver becomes slightly less of a burden when you reach level 290.

seriously, i can’t call making more Alts reach level 290 for silver farming an efficient way to have fun and play just “the” center that could revolve on the problem of excesive [?]afk farming.

haha, i’m “half” kidding here about what i wrote on thsi post though xD!

after all, there are real Deals of people who do afk farming silver on the intent of exploiting as much silver from the game as possible thought the easiest route while being aware of this controversy.

not much i can contribute on the matter, i find the solution on this to be blurry ^ ^u and the reason people do their afk farming whether it’s right or wrong and the circumstances of afk farming harming grinding spots or others who want to farm.