Tree of Savior Forum

Seems afk farm was resolved on kTos

I know someone has already posted this on the ktos thread, but i think this is a huge step in order to improve the game and everyone needs to know it. Also in the post they say afk farming was already ilegal there.


Finally I don’t have to see all the scum who pretend to play


is this… for real ?

’fraid it’s too late , LUL

Too bad we won’t see this here so soon(™?).

They could also added a auto tag on top of the afker like they do in Redstone, when the char is standing there for a long time it simple appear a ZZzzzZZ on top of it lol.


I hope it comes fast i dont want to make a afk necro to keep up lol

LOL those reddit comments. I like the guy who argues that afk farming is fine, because he believes that IMC implemented these high rate spawn zones with the intend that necros have something to afk farm.



Some people like to bend their interpretation of reality while ignoring common sense in order to justify their doings.

Like those people who discover item dupe glitches in games and go “its possible in the game, so its ok to do so. If it wasn’t intended by the developers why would it be possible?”.


Watch the chaplain bot army get resurrected now. They don’t afk, they just run around the same bloody map with the same pathing.

The damage from the afk necro farmers is already dealt. Players won’t return from a simple nerf after months of abuse. And the necrofarmers will move onto hunting grounds whenever that comes to ITos so nothing has really been fixed…

Spawns are bad enough, and they apply a spawn nerf on a map with most reasonable spawn? Imagine that nerf on other maps where spawns are garbage…


My sincere hope is that the developers aren’t under the impression that the international community needs afk farming to remain untouched. @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max

[quote=“TeamChespin, post:8, topic:349696”]
The damage from the afk necro farmers is already dealt. Players won’t return from a simple nerf after months of abuse.
[/quote] While this is very true it is not a good enough reason to keep it around. Nerfing bee farm won’t really fix afk necros. They’ll just find the next best spot. It’s a step in the right direction though.

I have a necro3. Maybe its silly but, personally, when I do afk farm it feels more satisfying to know I’m helping crowd the place than actually making money without effort lol

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I was thinking the same thing along those lines except that people will just move somewhere else and do something else because the problem isn’t exactly AFK farming but the underlying reason why people do it.


bots will atleast get banned from time to time. AFk farmers, nope.

If they bring this measure to us, they also should declare afk farming is ilegal and deserve a ban



its a feature up till now.

new changes decided to nerf it.

Damaged is done, but imc asking u all to stop crying over spilled milk


By: dtpepironi420(Reddit First post)
Necromancers actually going afk to farm gold that don’t use macros or botting programs to recast skills or move to collect items are not against the TOS terms of service. There’s a reason their summons last forever and a gm has posted about this in the past (couldn’t find the post it was very old)
I also view this as an alternative to shop classes.
And also understand and find it an annoyance when trying to quest in areas where necromancer afk farm
Imo hope this never makes it out of KTOS.

Makes me laugh :joy: Bet this will be in this patch as a ninja patch.
Also other maps are getting the same treatment it seems.

I feel that AFK players should lose all their silver, by AFK i mean the ones farming.

Well, this was good while it lasted. I have some time to AFK my last millions of silver. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I’m sure if there is only one reason it wouldn’t make it to iTOS it would be to prevent the necros who got their char “ruined” from whining and quitting the game.

Since these guys are a kinda huge part of the players, it’ll have without a doubt a negative effect on the playerbase.
And on the other hand I highly doubt older players will come back because “oh I can do my level 160 quests now, nice”.


If 750 people left because of GvG imagine what happens when they get rid of AFK farming. It’s going to be like pulling the plug on life support. It’s a problem but they never implement the solution to stabilize the problem before applying their “fix” which is a band aid.


While I agree with people leaving game because GvG being a problem. I can’t say the same for AFK farming, such as people doing so with multiple accounts, others being only AFK and not really playing the game… it was a wrong thing back then, just as almost everyone agrees that TP in GvG was a problem but everyone became used to it.

What people wants in GvG is to have worthy rewards for the time spent for gearing and actually doing things. On the AFK side there’s no such “effort” nor “rewards”. By keeping AFK a thing it incentives more “non-playing players” to stay AFK while doing anything else (and playing other games) and the longer it lasts the more it is harmful to the game as more and more people gets used to it.

There are reasons people only AFK farm, both needs need to be solved, game needs to rework things here and there but definitely, AFK farming like this will never bring up any good for the game and only harmful results in the long run.


It’s not just a nerf to the bee farm. It prevents AFKing in any map.

The damage has already been done. People are sitting on ridiculous amounts of money. Unless they remove money from players that exploited them, players like myself will not be returning. I know, wishful thinking right? That’s why I uninstalled the game already.


I’d rather play tree of forums and watch this burning tree die.