Tree of Savior Forum

SEA Players VS LA/SA Players - IMC Treatment

No. This IP address is just a random address from Virginia, US.
IMC Games are using AWS (Amazon Web Services) Servers as explained here Game server location - check your ping. That’s the problem.
I’ll try again to ilustrate it for you because maybe even SEA would get better pings without these AWS servers.

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Sorry, but the topic is about the server. we will not misinterpret it.

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IMC we deserve equal treatment to others regions since LA regions is a huge part of players.
High ping discourage us to play once we can’t even talk to NPCS in a good way.
Please IMC consider this LA server, or make Orsha LA serve since we adopt this server.

LATAM has Amazon infrastructure services which means it offers the same techincal challenge from other regions. My two points here is:

  1. LATAM has a very large amount of players on Early Access (SteamSpy). This is going to escalate even more during F2P.

  2. LATAM community is going to be the only one thats going to lose their game progress when regional servers are launched (based on LUG and Steam being built in different architectures)

This is an action game, so ping matters. Now, why do we have to lose our contributions to the Steam Server by indirectly being forced to play at LUG server?


Its the same location from AWS. They use AWS back in ICBT2 too, the ip was Laima server.

Any LA players who played ICBT2 can honestly tell me your ping back in ICBT2 ? I never see anyone from LA complain about bad ping before.

Yeah, we need, we not want our server for only exclusivity, but for a have good gameplay because 300~400 ping is so complicated to play, with delay. We want to be Heard FOR YOU IMC, We are the most part of the game!

I don’t even care about playing with North American players or whatever, BTW, i preffer play with worldwide players. The point is, we cant even play with this fps/ping, its impossible… So, i don’t know how to fix it, maybe you guys don’t need host the server here, but please, fix it, my premium its going down and i cant warp/ level up, and sometimes i cant even log-in.
We are a huge comunity in the game, please, look for us

Our ping was the same as right now. But it was a beta game probably hosted in a unfinished server. Now it’s not beta anymore but the problem persists. Also it’s not about the location it’s about AWS server configurations and how well they do with tunneling and general latency from other regions outside NA.

A simple solution would be migrate Orsha to [LA].

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Well, as it was just a closed beta, we understood that a local server wasn’t necessary.
But now it’s different.

It’s easy if IMC refuses to give us any answer on this problem we should organize to request a refound from Steam of this early access DLC. Maybe losing 25% or more of the money their got will mean something because atm they are not really caring.

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Hope at least we get a transfer if IMC doesnt open a south america server, 300 ping is really not playable and there’s alot of Brasilian players that want to stay in steam, we have a pretty good playerbase here i dont know a reason to do not open the server, if IMC think it’s not a good idea just talk with LUG, make their server a latin one and give us transfer, would be a nice solution for everybody.

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Just try to see the fact that many People in south América would pay for a better service

We are not asking for much if the LA server is not possible just give us good ways to access the NA servers to give us 150ms average ping like League of Legends, World of Warcraft or every other damn game with servers hosted on North America. This 300ping+ crap is bullshit and is the same I got when I ping to Korea or Japan that are on the opposite side of the world.

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Trolls will come again to this post and IMC will close it instead of dealing with the real problem, like yesterday. :unamused:

They can do the transfer even if the server is not theirs, but they don’t want to. A high amount of work.

And the funny thing: LUG advertises for 5 of their games that playing with people from other countries is great => Yet create a separate client for ToS. GREAT!


LUG is just going really slow. When we asked they said their server is comming at 2016, what means it can be December… and we won’t have any way to transfer our progress so whats the point of playing atm and supporting IMC with buying TP/Early Access. Or they rush Level Up to release something NOW, or they make better servers for LA people or even offer us free transfer to level up servers later in this year.

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FPS isnt related to PING at all. FPS is based on your hardware (computer), and has nothing to do with PING.


precisamos de um servidor que o ping seja melhor pela steam, o player tem que decidir onde irá jogar, e não obrigar a jogar no servidor gerenciado pela LUG, atualmente jogo com ping superior a 250, todo os dias 8 hrs por dia, então peço por meio deste poste um servidor localizado na região sul americana para que o ping seja pelo menos inferior a 100, para que de para aproveitar o maximo que o jogo tem a desfrutar, obrigado IMC, otimo jogo.
e bom dia.

We will not back up, IMC OUR SERVER NOW!

Be fair with us, we are making you game better so make our experience better.

IMC needs to reply this topic in urgent way.

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