Tree of Savior Forum

✂ Lancer, Matador, Luchador & Future class Theory Discussions ✂
‘Jousting type’ of lancer - traditional one?


‘heavy armored’ type lancer - rpgfantasy one?

Lancer is mostlikely another spear based class as from the name itself. I dont really expect anything from it since the name Lancer is too generic to really come out with any theory for what the class really is aside from holding a spear. Or its similar to Cathaphact but focused on hit and run as in ‘Jousting’.

Luchador is based from Mexican Wrestlers. They will probably come with a mask wearing skill like plague doctor class. I imagine their playstyle would involve wrestling, pin down and grabs making them ideal 1on1 PvP swordsmen…in theory.

Matador is based on Spanish bull fighters, the aggravate bulls and evade their attack. It can be assumed the class would be either another another evasion tank like Fencer or a aggro specialist like Peltast or both. It could even be a hidden class like Chaplain for Peltast3.

Centurion - RIP - it will probably get reworked as a hidden class.

Murmillo - a type of gladiator. earlier ToS trailers has them jumping attack!

Retiarii - another type of gladiator that uses nets. will probably be a support swordsman.


thanks for putting them tgt but…
how to discuss classes in theory?

I want magic swordman! Specialize in elemental attack.
Im guess luchador will be like taekwondo boy in ro. No weapon. Specialize in stun lock people.

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@nekomiko for starters you get a sheet of tinfoil and place it in your head. then you say whatever popular or unpopular opinion of what you think the class is.

then we flag and tag @STAFF_John to send the idea to IMC office in Korea. then maybe we actually get to see the skill for the class.


I remember Steparu and a few people here telling IMC give Corsairs a pistol skill during kCBT2? to make them more piratety- AND THEY DID.

@9thNight im predicting a Hwarang class as their Taekwon equivalent.

Lancer : Another hidden class (or maybe normal class) for Swordsman but for lower rank, maybe rank 6. Why? Because of the ridiculously plain costume for a high ranking class and it doesn’t make sense to me if Lancer > Dragoon. But if IMC really plan to put this class at in higher rank, it would be rank 8.

Lancer would be a class that will charge ahead to their opponents with some CC potential or maybe jump skills like from Final Fantasy. This class won’t restrict any specific weapon so you can be a cavalry with sword or 2h sword or rapier as a weapon.

Luchador : A regular class for rank 8. This would be a class that excels in close range combat and inspired by Raw, WWE, Smackdown moves. This class will be optimized by single-target lockdown CC skills (treated as unranked status ailment) while dealing damage. Luchador should also have a “smackdown” skill that will deal tons of AoE damage to enemies that got affected by knockdown. Luchador may also have a skill where they can throw or smash their opponent around.

Remember this?

It’d be similar to Psycokino’s Telekinesis except this one is a melee skill and can’t be prevented by cheap Dispeller or Oracle’s Prophecy or maybe even PD can’t prevent it because it is an unranked status ailment (and it makes sense if it is. It is not like the Luchador slips when they hug their enemy and smash them around).

Matador : Another rapier user besides Fencer that should be placed at rank 8 together with Luchador. Matador might also get a new sub weapon (cape). Matador will have a skill that force 1 enemy or more (maybe 2 or 3 at max) to focus on Matador and duel them. If Peltasta’s Swashbuckling only works against monsters, then this one will work against players, which means a CC skill and possibly can’t be prevented (treated as unranked status ailment or maybe level 3 status ailment “Angry”).

Centurion : We already know how they work, but they might get some changes later on. I also predict this class will be either a rank 9 or 10 or even hidden class.

Murmillo : Also known as “The Fish-Men”, a class inspired by Roman gladiator. As you can see, Murmillo will be a impenetrable fortress that depends fully on shield to gives them an edge in defense. This will be a much upgraded version of Peltasta and Rodelero. This class will have skills with specific stance in order to attack while blocking enemies attack, or counter attacking their enemies with very high damage.

Yes, this class is a godsend for those who want to be a tanker, a MUCH BETTER tanker than Peltasta and Rodelero. This class will also have the possibility to block or nullify any form of damage. This class will focus on its 1 handed sword (gladius, spatha) and shield (tower shield). If Swordsman are crying about how OP Archer and Wizard damage is, the next time will be different when all their damage tickles or get nullified. This will be a rank 9 class.

Retiarii : Also known as “Net Fighters” or “Net-man”, a class inspired by Roman gladiator. In Roman history, Retiarii was often paired with Murmillo in the arena. They are agile, utilize spear and a net (possibly a new sub weapon), equipped with light armors. I can already see this class will focus on CC to capture their enemies with a net, drag them around, and stab them with spear.

Yep, another CC for Swordsman except this time it’ll be treated as unranked status ailment because this is no magic, this is you throwing out a net to capture your enemy AND you can drag your enemy around (logic). Corsair’s Iron Hook is the same, that is Corsair throwing out a rope to tie up their opponents. But by that logic, Squire’s capture should have the same treatment right? However, considering how insane the effect is for a rank 5 skill (you can capture more than 10 people at once for 10 seconds and giv 4-6 seconds slow + defense penalty as after effects LMFAO), looks like IMC made it so this Capture skill is treated as status ailments, for balancing purpose.

If Swordsman are crying about how OP Wizard’s CC is, the next time will be different when Retiarii can capture Wizard from afar before they can do anything. Paired with Murmillo, Retiarii will be a rank 9 class.

Conclusion :
At higher ranks (rank 8++), Swordsman will shine people. :sunglasses:


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I think Luchador will use 2H swords as a continuation after Doppel 3. :grinning: hue

I think Luchador will be a flexible class without any weapon restriction. This class will allow Corsair, Barbarian, Doppelsoldner, Highlander to compete at higher level content.

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That would be terrible lol.
Doppel is on c3 now i hope Rank 9 give them a cool DPS cls!

Lets hope so :sob:, really worried of my corsair’s future haha if not I’m just gonna smile while huehue on my char :laughing:

It is not that terrible IMO.

Judging from the background of the class itself, Luchador is a Mexican wrestler, which means it may involve a lot of knockdown/knockback/lockdown skills. This class might allow Doppelsoldner c3s to be viable in PvP.

The current PvP Swordsman is mostly about Cataphract combined with either Dragoon or Lancer. Corsair is the only class that saves non-Cata Swordsman to be useful in PvP. Murmillo and Shinobi are okay. By adding Luchador to the game, Swordsman builds will have more diversity in PvP.

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definitely need some suplex move for luchador else the class would suck.

why was this flagged? :o

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sounds hot. flags seem fun anywho, matador if its a r9 class i want some delicious CC like it stabs the enemy and runs into a direction and slams it into other mobs.
A “stand down” skill that either increases evasion or is an 3 over heat stomp that staggers things in a cone before you.
like i stomp my foot to be menacing OR i twirl my cape and be cute before stab stab stab dead

Luchador probably gonna be some Tanky recoil “barbaric” shizz where u deal more dmg at max hp to enemies if you bodie them, and the less HP you have the more STR you gain (or physical dmg)

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