Now IMC is a Korean game but ToS has so far does not have a Korean culture based class. So its already assumed that it will be the the Hwarang. Think Knights/Samurai but Koreans version.
Now I expect IMC not to make Hwarang to be not samurai clone as cultural pride. Thus Hwarangs I expect will be similar to ToS Monks but use their Legs.
Yep, I am speaking of TAEKWONDO.
But this means also crossing fate their rival Gravity. RO’s Taekwon class.
To make ToS different, make Hwarang skills require the player to JUMP before activating skills. Hence making them more unique to other swordsmen classes and diferent from RO taekwon class. This also allows more dynamic use for the jump function offensively.
On that jumping thing: It’s a nice idea but shouldn’t be needed. You could give some skills an attribute that adds a damage boost when used while jumping. idea by @Brobbulus
Also since its korean, the community can understand why Hwarangs can be OP. Most other mmos make their native culture characters ingame to be very powerful versus their contemporaries.