Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

You can alway build pyro C3 with alchemist, not mention pyro is getting buff.

If you reset your class just for some potions why don’t you make a new one to craft? It save money.

Even alchemist is a flawed class, it need more skills that support combat like other craft classes.

Well, it all goes around in a full circle right? If you want or feel that a class isn’t optimal, why don’t you make a new one? It saves plenty of time debating in forums and by the time IMC do give us an answer we would have the other character at high level already.:slight_smile:

Yes for now you do and that is why we want the reset.stop going in circles.

Having to pay for something doesn’t work as discouragement?

Wow, tell that to every MMO in history that tried P2P after WoW. The ones that went F2P are the only ones that barely survived.

FFXIV is doing pretty great.

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Yes this is what we all are doing right now. There are 2 sides taken here in the forums, both sides are adamant that their stand is right and not willing to compromise on the other side.

What needs to be done is to find the middle ground. To let the pro-reset players have their reset due to the “various reasons they stated” and yet satisfy the anti-reset crowd by not discounting their effort in their support/hard to level/choice characters.

So far the ideas put forth by the pro-reset crowd has met with strong opposition right? Why not step back take a look at the big picture, revise it to something that can please both sides and suggest to IMC?

Yes it doesn’t work as a discouragement. The impact of having a TP only reset is that it further segregates the community to those who can pay and others who can’t. Not everyone is a working adult or has disposable income. With a TP reset item, players who can afford it will use it more than those who can’t, which will lead to backlashes like “pay to win” etc.

To the little kid who spec wrongly and he sees that other players can get a respec but he can’t, how would he feel?

I’m not sure myself, I’m guessing it is a corsair thing.

It’s doing so great that most of the dedicated crafters left the game a few patches ago, because they couldn’t take the constant nerfing of that game content.

It took SE years to get a EU regional server location, and that for a game where all the UI interactions are serverside (as is the same with ToS),and also where 200ms+ practically made any form of combat unplayable.

I could write many words about FFXIV, but ‘‘doing great’’ wouldnt be amongst them however.

That is only because they relied on investors. The sole reason why FFXIV is still around, and even WoW, is because neither game had to rely on those.

Just give TP reset item 120 days cooldown per purchase, allow user to reset 1-2 classes/circle. This item could bring a lot of income to IMC.

Make class advancement quest offer a free class reset, you can only change one of your classes. This free class reset available for rank 6 and above.

Let be real, when the lvl cap raise to 600, no one is going to reroll if they do a single mistake. The only way to avoid mistakes is be a sheep and keep following those mainstream meta builds on forum, that is not how this game suppose to be.

Degree of Freedom :
Various combinations are possible with different jobs, skills and stats
Players do not need to follow the fixed routes

A lot of classes still need QoL changes and tweaks

  • I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for some of these.
  • Bokor has a ton of issues with the zombie speed & AI + pets blocking monster targetting right now. Damballa kind of sucks because you lose all your summons, Ogouveve is useless due to the AI being crap, and there’s no way to resummon zombies on bosses. Hex + Effigy builds are strong, but bad until R7 Pandemic. Bwa Kayiman builds are awesome at solo farming, but garbage for dungeons/bosses/PvP. Probably not very future proof either, since you need to build STR/DEX, making all your other skills mostly useless.
  • Falconer is ■■■■ other than C1 for Circling
  • Hunter is not really worth it right now. AI problems, and a lot of single target focused stuff. A2, Ranger and Sapper are both better choices. (Hunter 2 is good for PvP as someone pointed out)
  • Schwartzer has much lower damage on its skills than the other R6-7 classes. The extra mobility isn’t nearly as good as something like Cataphract either.
  • Necromancer is pretty meh compared to your other options at that rank.
  • Paladin offers very little that’s meaningful to a party other than Barrier for Earth Tower. Turn Undead and Conversion are both gimmicky bullshit on long CDs, and Restoration and Resistance aren’t powerful enough to really justify rolling Pally over something like Priest or Diev. They don’t really work as tanks either because they have no way to hold aggro, and they also only have 1 STR-based DPS skill for the first two circles, which means your cure will be garbage. That literally leaves you with Heal, buffed auto attacks and Smite from R1-R6.
  • Sadhu got nerfed really hard and is pretty meh for anything other than Possession spam right now
  • Krivis C1 is good as an early leveling class, but C2 and C3 are generally considered a waste of points, since Zaibas isn’t a true AoE, Daino 5 is more than enough, and Melstis is way way too situational.
  • Oracle is pretty situational right now. It’s got some useful stuff for PvP and certain floors of ET, but that’s about it.
  • Cataphract is great in PvP, but pretty meh in PvE compared to Barbarian > Doppel or Hoplite C3
  • Rodelero is supposed to be a CC-focused PvP class, but it just gets kited to hell and back because it has no gap closer, and its PvE damage is pretty bad
  • Pyromancer C2 and C3 scale very very poorly at the moment due to Fireballs being knocked around in parties, Firewall being bugged and both Fire Pillar and Hell Breath having extremely low damage for the long cooldowns
  • Shinobi is buggy as ■■■■ and fairly underwhelming on the whole for a hidden R7 class

Yep I really like what you quote. The classes are not fixed in such a way that they are perform well in every single aspect of the game. Different aspects like PVP, PVE, GVG, Worldboss, support, craft etc.

Catch-all builds are rare and yet can be discovered as players explore more into the mechanics of the game. This is what makes the ToS community so vibrant, with many different players specialising in different parts of the game.

True, many of the classes do need some tweaks to get them on par, but I feel it doesn’t really warrant a class reset just because a class feels lackluster. What if you reset then they buff the class? Reset again? Forever chasing that “greener pasture over on the other side?”

Personally for my main I spec into Paladin1, yep compared to other powerful choices like Druid1 I’m severely lacking in the damage department. But it doesn’t mean that Paladin1 doesn’t have pros in itself too.

Hi all, I’m Archer 2 Hunter 3 and on the sleepy day i happen to advance as a Schwarzer Reiter. Am i screwed?

yay or nay to job reset?

Ff14 having somthing like 700k players so its doing for nerfing the game never was hard.
Crafters started cry after crafting was made harder.

Hunter will be not realy wanted in partys. So think if you want it or not.

@lans1234567890 too bad bro for the bad class choice. Time to reroll or wait for class balance. Releasing a game breaking item is not the solution

NO stop casualing the game

casualing? So m9re builds or more suports and healer at end game is a bad thing?

How is an Item for Class reset gamebreaking -.-
I just don’t get your problems at all.

All you guys that are against it only say “you need to work hard” or “it makes class xy useless”
If it costs more than those 5 TP you get free or need several days for a second use noone will change back and forth however it just fits.

There are many people who “worked” hard for their characters and still did bad choises due to bad informations similiar as everyone said before early access that basically any class can profit from pure dex builds now everyone says something different as new informations were found.

And things like Swordsman beeing completely useless withouth palesta right now is a fact even though it sucks bad, so everyone who didn’t want to be defender actually

as long as not every class is “the same” in terms of beeing usefull there are bound to be a lot of people choosing the wrong way

and after 100+ hours noone wants to redo everything again.
I like the story and I would love to go on but my friends chara is completely useless and he restarts and I am not really strong either and can not go on alone as I do no damage and die very fast … so yeah 100+ hours wasted and cannot go on in story


And if you usrd tp on this charecter.but this people just want to show how hard fore they are.

Job Reset is horrible as it will only ruin the game.

In what way. If you have nothing good do add then please say nothing.
Show how it the way you say it is.