Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

Yep I concur. Inevitability there might be a class reset function built in down the road, perhaps even planned when level 600 and more content is being released, which probably will be a few years later.

Personally I don’t see it being warranted or realistic having a reset function implemented now as of the current state of the game.

Just let him be…again , here comes the hardcore players:

Loser irl, Kirito in the game. (Rather wannabe.)

All I see here is “I’m jealous that other players are better at games than me, so I’ll have to resort to making fun of their real lives, which I know literally nothing about”. You are exactly the type of person who says men with nice cars have small genitalia.

Some people will just be better at you in some things. That doesn’t make them losers. You need to stop being so insecure. It’s very transparent.

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Uhm, I posted my character here sometimes…I don’t think that I have anything to be jealous. I just don’t think that I should keep everything to myself cause it’s just a game.

Honestly, if you want to compare e-peen just go ahead… I have a lvl 230 shinobi, million silver, full roxona set, karacha dagger, rapid bangle and etc… I must be envious for what? And if you think that I lie, just look up to my posts, there is my character and you can check it yourself.

Now what? Omg! It seems that you are really a loser if you think that you have to achieve something in a game and this is the only thing which makes you feel superior to others!

Yeah, I would take that away from you, and? I don’t play this game to feel myself superior to others… I play it cause I enjoy it, so everyone has the right to do that. Why shouldn’t I let them?

You feel yourself like a strong bully if you can say: “Haha! You screwed up your level 100 character! It’s nothing to me, but you can’t start it over, haha, you screwed up! NOW START OVER AGAIN OR QUIT LOSER! I’M BETTER! LOOK AT ME! Your choices are important, cause a game is serious business! LOOK AT ME! I DID MY RESEARCH! I SPENT HOURS TO PLAN AHEAD!! YEAH BABY!”

Honestly…this is just a game, grow up. Why does it hurt you that they don’t have to quit or start over again?

You sure do like to assume that people are losers in real life for having a hardcore mindset. Are you projecting or what? I don’t see why a discussion about class resets had to involve anyone’s life. Their time sure, but you aren’t capable or worthy really to judge the merits of someone’s life based on their activities or mentality. I don’t see what’s wrong with people being proud about what they’ve achieved in a game. It matters to them, they worked for it and achieved it. The ones who try to diminish that are often jealous or insecure about their own life

Now I’m not saying you’re insecure but you certainly are trying to take someone down based on their quality of life which you have no real way of evaluating.

Basically what I am saying is, you look like you’re trying to escalate things and that you are projecting your own insecurities and unhappiness onto others. Please stop. This thread isn’t for you to soapbox or play psychologist.

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Uhm…so I’m insecure about myself cause I don’t care about being the best in a game? Hardcore players are godlike beings and have to be cherished cause they want to chase away the casual ones?

Ok…fine! YOU GOT ME!

Also, I stated: There is nothing proud to be happy about your achievements in a game, but you shouldn’t try to take it to serious level. Serious level is when you try to make this achievements unique, life goals.

In a game (in mmos mostly) the best part is when the community is happy and satisfied. Call me a bastard, but I rather play with 500k casual player than play with 100k hardcore kids…that would kill the game. For me, the best part is that there are guys whose are just like me and playing this for fun. I don’t want the hardcore bullshit and fight over “being the best” but make little groups and work together or go against each other on a noobway.

I agree that every community needs their hardcore playerbase, cause they are needed. What is not needed is that the game should be developed toward their favor. That would eventually kill the killerbase. That’s what I’m saying. Be hardcore, be happy about it, but do not chase others away and let them enjoy the game too.

If there will be a circle reset that’s it. They deserve it, so they can keep playing.

That’s good for you too , isn’t? That way you wont be above only 12k player but above 100k player. You can still play on the hardcore way, not reseting your toon and etc… but why does it hurt you if others can?

Just explain me…why does it hurt you? :smiley:

You missed the point completely. Just because you don’t care about your achievements and experience (and I’m fairly sure you do, as I’ve seen you use your own credentials to lecture people about your class, which you were still wrong about, so you obvious care when it is convenient for you), doesn’t mean you’re entitled to make assumptions about someone else’s quality of life because they do happen to care.

Simply put, you are ill-equip to judge anyone offline and by calling people losers and Kirino wannabes you’re simply making yourself look foolish (which I’m starting to see is not a big deal for you).

Not to mention, who is calling anyone who messed up their build a loser? You’re projecting so hard right now.

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If I was wrong, why are you so angry? Also, who said that I don’t care? I said that I have a well developed character here, yet I’m not angry if anybody would be able to catch up to me. Not to mention that circle reset wont mean anything…

Circle reset = they don’t have to start over and they wont be punished for something they shouldn’t be. Honestly, the game has 0 information about classes, skills and so on. If they screwed up and didn’t read after the game like we did, it’s not their fault. They wanted to play and have fun…and they have the right to do it.

If you argue with that, that will prove my point that you just want to feel superior toward somebody in a game.

I think you were the one who missed the point, like why I said these things about my toon.

…oh and btw. If you are offended by irl loser and Kirito wannabe statements, you should be offended by the “lazy casual noobs” ; “filthy casual scum” and so on things too. However I’m failing to see you defending those filthy “trash” players, cause guess what: These statements were used in this topic more than the “Irl loser” and the “Kirito wannabes”. So…basicly if you wouldn’t be just angry cause I hit the spot, you would defend both side, not just yours…

Angry? You’re misreading the situation completely.

A complete circle reset with no penalty of any kind is detrimental. You can simply swap to any build within your tree for the situation.

Again, it extremely hard to build a build which is unviable to each endgame. Now it’s very easy to make something which is not optimized for endgame but to be unusable? Get real. Are people discovering massive mistakes in their builds that late into the game? Takes me maybe rank 3 or rank 4 before I realize a build is not fun for me. Now if people are not having fun with their build because it is not optimized, guess what? Optimization rarely happens randomly. It requires some research.

You can have fun in Tree of Savior without a circle reset into the top combination in the current meta. If you care about being top in the meta then do research. Now I am not against class resets, but not when its an entire tree and you can simply pick your classes and move on without any sort of releveling or penalty. That’s complete trash.

And again, you continue to make assumptions. Am I supposed to police the thread? I can reply to what I want to and defend what I chose to. I get that you’re trying to appeal to my emotions so that your point looks stronger, but I’m not here to play that game with you. You know nothing about me, my quality of life, my schedule or what gets me riled up. You don’t get to tell me what to be offended about. You’re 30 years old. Be an adult and try and stay objective.

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I wouldnt let this guy troll you. He obviously says stuff like this to get a reaction and to start ■■■■.

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The thing is, I am very familiar with his strategy and it’s really not going to work on me. The moment he generalized hardcore players as losers and kirito wannabes was when he lost his chance to get me to take him seriously.

Guys chill. It isn’t constructive suggestion/feedback with all the name calling. If the other party started it, returning the same fire back will just make both the same.

Do keep real life matters/assumptions out of the discussion.

@Athem: If you notice, most if not all games start with little to no guides. Most of the guides online are community developed or FAQs written by players. Only through time and hardwork the community guides will be fully fleshed out and benefit everyone. This game is still new, and with new games information is scarce.

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Adding onto this, zero information is a massive exaggeration. There are tons of documented information. On the forums, reddit, tosbase and more. If one does no research, than I can see why they might say there is no information but there is actually quite a bit and a nice chunk of it is centralized.

i wonder what the next hot topic is gonna be after class reset gets implemented seeing as how the only downside is “oh no muh pride from leveling a hard to level class, where will i get my ego boosts from now?”


Yes, that along with the other downsides constantly listed.

When they don’t get implemented I wonder how many topics will still be around with ‘i was too stupid to look up any info, make me strongest now plz. game will die if you not give me reset’.

Nop,we are ask8ng for the same thing as befor.hell if you reset all the way to you first class then you will be just this but i dont see the point.but the reaet will make you lets say 5 class you reseted to lvl1.

What arevthis hard toblvl classes? Full suports,then you dont supposed to play them solo any way.



So many topics about this.

I’m reposting my CONs on the matter…

  • Lowers diversity of builds in contrast what is being said. Everyone would level with A, pvp with B and craft with C.
  • Promotes laziness on a grindy (lazy unfriendly) game. No, I’m not talking about casual/non-casual players/behavior.
  • Allows for Leveling-Service-PvP class build swaps.
  • Hard to level but great end game builds would not exist. Why is this good? Build Diversity, again.
  • P2W feature if placed in the cash shop.
  • Lowers play through obtained items in the game world. This is specially important in this game in particular, since there are items like for example head gear that can only be obtained once per character. This imo goes so deep into the game core that lowering the amount of characters created that much would affect even the market.

Personally I see only one reason to have a class reset. That is when an update includes more Ranks AND Classes. There, and ONLY there I would agree for a class reset to be given to everyone.

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Level up a character with a “desired build”. If it is good, then good.
If not, delete and create another one. It isn’t that hard to level anyways… Also, you can increase your family level and receive more exp.

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