Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

Yes, right!
Feedback and suggestions are there for a reason.

Tired of this baseless assumption. Most people want them, most people do not want them.
Sorry brah, it doesn’t matter if it is majority or minority, as long as it is profitable.

Yes, some of us are asking for a middle ground. Not a full reset.

Different circles = different classes. Its actually when you get to a new rank you can pick a new class, but this is just wording. Not sure why people keep calling them circles… i do the same though.

Your starting class is just that. Your starting class. From there you pick different classes. There are 52 classes total right now.


Yeah, my bad. I didn’t know what else to call them. I suppose it can be confusing.

lol class reset would be the last nail in the coffin for ToS. Want to go Wiz3Ele3? suddenly the grind to C6 isn’t as painful because CLASS RESET XDDD

How about not.

you know why wow is a game that have 5m-10m players? they did take lots of good things from different games. they didnt say “What exists in other games doesn’t mean it NEEDS to exist in wow”. worked for them didnt it?

people start reading for the love of god . reset will reset you to lvl 1 ONE!!
so you will level this super easy 2 lvl any way Wiz3Ele3 from 0. now how is this a problem?

NO RESET AT ALL, got it??? jeez. Do You Want another clas? Do it. Simple.

So if you were a Cyro->Linker2->Chrono2 (Rank 6) and you used the class reset, you would be a Wizard1 now? That’s what you’re asking for?

Because guess what? I’ve yet to see anyone in this thread that was for resets actually say they wanted to start from level 1 again.

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Class resets that would let you repick all previous classes would be unhealthy for the game. I could MAYBE see letting you repick your current circle. You picked pyromancer c3 and decided the gain you got isn’t as good as a linker would be in your build? Well as long as you haven’t finished leveling out of that circle I could see how the benefits and cons weigh against each other to possibly allow it.

But if you want to level as a dps and then decide you want to make money so you reroll as a pardoner? Then oh, its time for guild pvp, reroll as plague doctor. Nope. Bugger off.

All class resets does is allow exploitation of the sytem, discourage alts, making the game world feel empty, and further encourage and allow flavor of the month builds.

I understand why people want them. I really do, I played a reflect damage royal guard in RO. And when they nerfed the build it was hit so hard you couldn’t even play it anymore. All my gear and skill points and everything was designed for a specific build that I coulnd’t even play anymore. I had spent years, yes YEARS playing that character(I played as a super swordie while waiting for the crusader class to even come out many a year before royal guard was even an idea). And I was basically forced to sell all his gear and reroll because the company decided to swing the nerf bat.

I completely understand how it feels to see a class you play be changed outside of your control and you want to still see your investment to that character be worth something. But the negatives far outweigh the benefits of “but I dont wanna reroll”


As a game designed specifically to revolve around defeating groups of monsters. Being able to change your class will not be in the favor of the game lifespan as it would greatly diminish replay value.

I started out reading this, but then realized there were 350 replies and… yeah… so correct me if I’m wrong about what this argument is entailing here.

This is a game that requires planning out one’s build. At the same time, this is a game that seems to allow massive build flexibility while keeping most builds viable. If your idea of having fun in a game is having a strong meta/cookie cut build, then you should do more extensive research on what is good and what isn’t. If you simply want to have fun and play a class that seems like it has fun mechanics and spells, then do whatever and have a good time. It seems to me that a complete class reset would be excessive, (everyone would take something easy to level with then switch to templar so they could have a guild) but possibly within your own tree, a class reset could work.

I come from wakfu, which, if you haven’t heard of, is a turn based mmo rpg. I play a lot of chess and fire emblem etc. I’m very much used to planning out things, WAY ahead of when they happen. That obviously won’t be all players, however, basic research into this game would reveal that class change is unavailable. Knowing this, I took the time to go to the tree of savior skill simulator, and throw together a build that looked fun. My point is that casual players who look into a game slightly will be able to throw something together that they’ll enjoy, and hardcover players can work on an “optimal” build that takes a ton of planning. In the end, your debate is that of the people asking for an easy mode on dark souls 3. Sure, it wouldn’t hurt, but the game is hard for people who want to enjoy hard games, it doesn’t cater to the whims of “casuals”. Have you considered that adding in class changes would undermine the work of those who went the extra mile finding strong class combinations? Someone makes 2 or 3 different r7 classes just to find something good, Some guy who is r7 says “wow, I want that” spends 20 dollars or so, and suddenly, he’s just as good as the guy who’s devoted months to finding out how to excel in his tree. I’m basically rambling here, but I’m just laying all my cards on the table. Pick apart my argument if you can. I stand by the belief that class changes are a bad idea.


At the same time if so many successful games have it… isn’t that a big wink? :wink:

I say no to job reset

Yes I do know why they have so many players, but I seriously doubt that a class reset is one of those that make WoW successful. Seriously, different games the game play and model is different.

Yep, I do concur that constructive feedback and suggestions are good. It doesn’t mean that the feedback and suggestion will be taken in and implemented. Provide feedback in the feedback sub forums and let the developers read through it is the proper channel. If it is read and they said they will bring it up, it is case closed. Feedback heard.

Whether the developers will take the suggestion and implement it is entirely up to them. Creating numerous threads to keep reiterating on the issue only rubs off as excessive whining to others.

Do agree with this. All are baseless assumptions made by individuals as there are no real statistics to prove the majority leans to which side. However, there is a fine line in which IMC need to tread on, balancing between profitability, the game’s identity and customer retention.

If you all look at the subject objectively, as why ToS didn’t have a class reset in the first place when there are skill and stat reset potions. You would have arrived at the same conclusion.

It affects too many things.

On the minor side we have achievements, redoing a class quest will have implications on achievement points.

On the game longevity it totally undermines it. ToS doesn’t have an extensive equipment base that players will need to farm just to make a class successful. The same set of gear can be used in numerous different classes and builds. Imagine how a class reset implementation will affect game longevity. There isn’t any other thing that the game can use to keep the players busy.

What the game is selling to players

One of ToS main selling point is the amount of unique classes it has and the developers are trying their best to keep it that way. If class reset is in the game, there will not be 52+ (for now) classes anymore.

There will only be 4 classes with different builds since everyone can switch in-between the builds with resets. There is a difference between “Oh chronomancer is so cool” and “Oh a wizard build that is spec to time mage”.

So what entails in the future for ToS

It really depends on what IMC does to solve the longevity of the game. For now one of the ‘end game’ for ToS is to create a new character and experience a different class build. Many hints are dropped in the game that suggest this, like collections account based and team bonus exp%. This is why class reset functionality is not implemented in the first place.

So, in order for class reset to be a reality, IMC will have to implement more concepts for end game first. More item customisation is one of them, but till they find out what can be done to help in end game and to retain long term players (which most of the time happen to pay the most for TP items), I don’t really see having a class reset a reality for the game now.

Not really. There are many fans and players for baseball doesn’t mean that cricket will need to adopt the same rulings and fundamentals as the former. Each will cater to their own set of players and fans.

It isnt cricket and baseball but soccer first division and amateur league playing.

The baseline shouldn’t diverge too much

I agree. The baseline is there already, both are games that require us to spend time playing it.

Very deep indeed. There is no point in arguing over it though. It will come anyway.

I don’t like job reset…
It’s almost the same as:

  • You graduated in history
  • You don’t like history, then you “reset” to be graduated in IT (without studying)

Say no to job reset.

And below, a little joke for BRs:

Pelas 160 horas no meu archer
Pelas minhas escolhas zuadas de classe
Pelo meu tempo perdido montando build errada

Meu voto é NÃO!

Would it affect you at all if they sold exp cards in the cash shop? Also no. It’s still a horrible idea.

Because of good marketing mostly. Blizzard can release pretty much whatever they want and make millions.

This is exactly it. Right here. Someone else gets it.

Tons of successful games have massively pay-to-win items. So I’m going to go with no, don’t just do something because it’s popular these days.

The best part is that a few people were making this comparison, but in favor of resets. They were saying that no circle reset was like not being able to change degrees, completely ignoring the fact you’d have to start from basically scratch.


not true, you can’t have everything ready from day 1. This is no where near finished product. Also there is something called catering the western market. Hardcore stuff might work in south korea, but I rarely see it here.

devs might put the item with the level cap rise. You never know!